Oblivian's Adaptations


Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2006
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This is an updated first post. My initial post was very long-winded. To summarize, I started lifting seriously again about a year and a half ago from today (12/6/08). I was an alcoholic and quit drinking around the same time. My health was bad at the time (145-150 lbs from not being able to eat). When I started, my routine sucked but the S+P forum helped. Instead of starting a new log, it's interesting to track my progress from the old posts. Here are the stats:

Age: 29 (25 when I started the log)

Weight: 175 lbs (150 lbs - 155 lbs when I started the log), 180 lbs as of 2/5/09. back down to 177 lbs (5/23/09); 174 lbs (10/18/09); 172 lbs (10/31/09); 190 lbs (1/28/10), 177 lbs (3/4/10), 181 lbs (7/20/10), 183 lbs (8/5/10), 185 lbs (9/27/10), 190 lbs (11/1/10),195 lbs (11/1/11)

Height: 5'9"

Now for my 1RM. The top in bold will be my max. The others under corresponding with date will be my old 1RM when I increased. Again, I think it's interesting to track the progress.

510 lbs (12/30/10)
505 lbs (11/13/10)
500 lbs (10/16/10)
495 lbs (10/2/10)
490 lbs (9/18/10)
485 lbs (9/4/10)
480 lbs (8/21/10)
475 lbs (3/15/09)
462.5 lbs (2/14/09)
455 lbs (1/19/09)
440 lbs (12/7/08)
425 lbs (11/8/08)
405 lbs (9/18/08)
300 lbs (5/18/08 - entire weight set)

475 lbs (12/15/11)
470 lbs (12/8/11)
465 lbs (12/1/11)
460 lbs (11/27/11)
455 lbs (11/25/11)
450 lbs (11/23/11)
445 lbs (11/9/11)
435 lbs (12/18/10)
430 lbs (12/8/10)
425 lbs (11/25/10)
420 lbs (11/4/10)
415 lbs (10/19/10)
410 lbs (9/18/10)
405 lbs (9/7/10)
395 lbs (8/5/10)
385 lbs (7/20/10)
365 lbs (1/15/10)
355 lbs (12/9/09)
345 lbs (11/23/09)
335 lbs (11/1/09)
325 lbs (6/10/09)
315 lbs (3/22/09)
295 lbs (2/16/09)

277.5 lbs (9/27/10)
275 lbs (9/5/10)
270 lbs (8/5/10)
260 lbs (7/20/10)
255 lbs (11/25/09)
250 lbs (10/24/09)
247.5 lbs (10/10/09)
245 lbs (2/28/09)
240 lbs (1/25/09)
235 lbs (6/16/08)
230 lbs (Not sure of date)
225 lbs (5/17/08)
210 lbs (4/7/08)

Front Squat:
385 lbs (12/27/11)
380 lbs (12/20/11)
375 lbs (11/30/11)
370 lbs (11/28/11)
365 lbs (11/25/11)
360 lbs (11/21/11)
355 lbs (12/31/10)
350 lbs (12/22/10)
345 lbs (12/11/10)
340 lbs (12/4/10)
335 lbs (11/20/10)
330 lbs (10/30/10)
315 lbs (10/10/10)
310 lbs (9/27/10)
305 lbs (9/5/10)
300 lbs (11/23/09)
295 lbs (10/24/09)
290 lbs (10/10/09)
285 lbs (7/18/09)
275 lbs (3/27/09)
255 lbs (12/5/08)
235 lbs (11/8/08)
215 lbs (5/18/08)
195 lbs (4/07/08)

Power Cleans
250 lbs (10/23/10)
245 lbs (8/7/10)
240 lbs (7/20/10)
235 lbs (11/8/08)
225 lbs (9/20/08)
215 lbs (5/18/08)
205 lbs (4/07/08)

Hang Clean
205 lbs (3/27/09)
195 lbs (2/14/09)

215 lbs (11/13/11 - +20 lbs above BW)
210 lbs (11/20/10 - +20 lbs above BW)
205 lbs (10/19/10 - +17 lbs above BW)
200 lbs (10/9/10 - +12 lbs above BW)
195 lbs (9/4/10 - +10 lbs above BW)
190 lbs (8/5/10 - +7 lbs above BW)
187.5 lbs (10/24/09 - +14.5 lbs above BW)
185 lbs (3/15/09 - +3 lbs above BW)
180 lbs (1/23/09 - +5 lbs above BW)
175 lbs (12/7/08 - same as bodyweight)
165 lbs (11/8/08)
160 lbs (6/17/08)
150 lbs (5/17/08)

Push Press
290 lbs (12/26/11)
285 lbs (12/18/11)
280 lbs (11/19/11)
275 lbs (12/22/10)
270 lbs (11/4/10)
265 lbs (10/16/10)
262.5 lbs (10/2/10)
260 lbs (8/21/10)
255 lbs (8/7/10)
250 lbs (7/20/10)
242.5 lbs (10/31/09)
240 lbs (10/18/09)
235 lbs (8/23/09)
230 lbs (6/2/09)
225 lbs (3/24/09)
215 lbs (1/19/09)

Overhead Squat
225 lbs (12/15/10)
215 lbs (11/13/10)
210 lbs (9/5/10)
205 lbs (10/25/09)
200 lbs (9/14/09)
195 lbs (8/4/09)
185 lbs (6/7/09)
175 lbs (5/23/09)
165 lbs (5/10/09)
155 lbs (3/22/09)
135 lbs (2/28/09)

Pullups (Max at bodyweight):
20 (4/11/10)
18 (10/31/09) *On a Thickbar*
17 (6/10/09) *On a Thickbar*
16 (9/18/08)
14 (8/11/08)
13 (6/16/08)
11 (5/17/08)

Chinups (Max at bodyweight):
23 (4/27/10)
20 (9/20/08)
16 (6/17/08)
14 (5/18/08)

For conditioning reference, my
50 burpee time = 2 minutes 9 seconds (3/17/09)
100 burpee time = 5:28 (4/25/10)
5k time = 19:02 (4/12/10)
Mile Run: 6:15 (4/27/10)
LSD Runs: 7 miles (8-9 min mile pace)

GOALS: Simply to increase all lifts and conditioning times. This is always the long term goal, although short term goals vary.
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Just like the first post, this is edited as well. It was about diet. I try to eat decent, but I could eat better. I definitely get in my greens and protein.
I would guess if you can do overhead press (push day), you can do overhead squats too (pull day).
The overhead press is seated. Is that technically a military press?
Yesterday (Monday 3/24/08) was supposed to be my day off. I did skip my burpees on Sunday so I did 5 x 10 during about 20 minutes of stretching. I also do a lot of "active rest" on my days off. I don't really ever sit around the house until an hour or so before bed. I jumped rope for probably 15 minutes spread out and hit tennis balls to my dog for a long time.
I also tried to see where my max on number of pullups was. I normally do sets of 5 really quick and easy, so I figured I could probably get 10. I failed on number 10. I have a little ways to go to get to my goal of 15. One disadvantage I have is not being able to do weighted pullups. The bar I do pullups on is a doorway bar that I do not trust to hold my weight + extra weight.
Anyways, today is 3 x 3 push day and Bas Rutten workout. I'm going to try to meet or beat my 3 RM this first week of the log.
Today was Push day. I felt really good actually. Had a real stressful day at work and took a nap afterwards. Here's the numbers:

Bench: 3 sets of 210 x 3 (that was a personal record for me. I've never been able to do 3 sets
of that. The last rep of the last set wasn't that sketchy either)

Front Squats: 3 sets of 170 x 3 (again, this is really good for me)

Seated Overhead Press: 1st set 140 x 3 (that was a personal record as well, the last rep was rough though)
2 sets of 130 x 3

Skullcrushers: 3 sets of 100 x 3

I am going to end the day with Bas Rutten's all around fighting 5 rounds of 2 minutes. I only got to stretch once today with lifting for about 15 minutes. Normally I'd stretch with the Bas Rutten but I had time constraints. I also did 4 sets of 100 crunches and 4 sets of 25 decline leg raises.

Tomorrow is the heavy bag. I will probably incorporate the ab wheel in as well and jump some rope.
I had to take today off because of my knee popping/clicking out of place. I have had this problem from over 10 years of skateboarding. Not so ironically, it popped today after work while messing around skateboarding. I was able to get to jump some rope before hand.
I'll probably increase my workload on Friday to make up for it, however, I didn't use Monday as a full day off anyways. I get a little OCD about my schedule. I'm trying to be more laid back.
Today was pull day and it didn't go well. My knee felt better but I was a little hesitant.

Hang Cleans: I tried 3 sets at 170. I got the first set and felt good doing it. I failed on the last rep on the second set but felt it was just the "catch" portion. The last set I was going to drop weight but said fuck it. I only got one rep. My wrists don't seem to want to turn. This lift feels so much different than power cleans to me. I never used to hang clean and always power cleaned. Now with my current set up, hang cleans is the only real option.

Front Squats: Again, 3 sets of 170 x 3. I will be able to do a lot more on this soon I believe. I wanted to up the weight but the issue with my knee yesterday sketched me out. I am finally getting used to this. I still am at about 70% at best of the weight I use on back squats with front squats.

Upright Rows: 3 sets of 130 x 3

Dumbell Curls: 3 sets of 50 x 3

My idea was to try to do everything I did this week (3 x 3) on both my push workouts and pull workouts next week as my 3 x 5. Then the week after I was going to up the weight by 10 lbs. I think I only have a chance at doing this on Bench, Front Squat, maybe Seated Overhead Press, and maybe Upright Rows.

I still have to do my Bas Rutten workout 5 rounds of the muay thai workout with 3 lbs weighted wraps. I don't do the weighted wraps that often but I break them out every once in a while.
I'm writing out what I'm going to do tonight while I'm at work. I'm thinking 5 rounds of 4 minute tabatas laid out as the following:

Rounds 1, 3, and 5 (heavy bag)
1st 20 seconds: Jabs
2nd 20 seconds: Low Kicks (both legs)
3rd 20 seconds: Right Straights
4th 20 seconds: Mid Kicks (both Legs)
5th 20 seconds: Hooks (both hands)
6th 20 seconds: High Kicks (both legs)
7th 20 seconds: jab + straight combos
8th 20 seconds: punchout

Rounds 2 and 4:
1st 20 seconds: Pull up
2nd 20 seconds: Body Weight Squats
3rd 20 seconds: Ab Wheel
4th 20 seconds: Burpees
5th 20 seconds: Chins
6th 20 seconds: Body Weight Squats
7th 20 seconds: Ab Wheel
8th 20 seconds: Burpees

I normally take a minute break in between each. Normally, tabatas like this kick my ass and have me on the borderline of puking.
Are you not deadlifting on pull day just because you don't have enough weight right now? And I would nix the upright rows and, since you're already doing cleans, maybe sub in some pullups/chins or bent over rows. Or not, it's up to you.
Are you not deadlifting on pull day just because you don't have enough weight right now? And I would nix the upright rows and, since you're already doing cleans, maybe sub in some pullups/chins or bent over rows. Or not, it's up to you.

My routine would be (and will be) a lot different if my situation was different. I moved in the last year and left the gym I belonged to. I will not join a gym ever again due to the idiots and bullshit contracts.
Anyways, all I have right now is "standard" weights up to 215 lbs. I am not doing deadlifts and power cleans because the bar sits much lower than with olympic plates. I also don't have a power rack at the moment. I am saving to buy both of these with cash, but I am also aggressively paying off debt (credit card and student loans) at the moment. Therefore, it will be about 2 months until I buy 2 olympic weight sets and a power rack (I'll be dropping about at least a grand).
I may sub in the bent over rows for upright rows. I always felt akward doing those. I may look up form on youtube and try them out again. I do pull ups/chins on non-lifting days because they are higher rep. I have a doorway bar that I don't trust for more than bodyweight so adding weight isn't an option.

Anyhow, tonight I only did two rounds of the tabatas. It was really nice out (rare for Indiana) so I wasted a bunch of time outside with my dog. Tomorrow I'll try doing those bent over rows and see how they go.
The bent over rows were a great idea. Here is my day so far:

Jump rope, Morning Stretch (about 30 minutes)

5 three minute rounds on heavy bag. Last 10 seconds I get a warning so I did punch outs.

"Assistance day" lifting (this is a really light day of lifting)
Bent Over Rows 2 x 10 at 100 lbs (this was really light, worked mainly on form)
Close Grip Bench 2 x 10 at 170 lbs
Tricep Kickbacks 2 x 10 with 20 lbs dumbell
Reverse Curls 2 x 10 with 55 lbs

I also did 4 x 100 on crunches and 4 x 25 declined leg raises. I also jump rope throughout the day. I like to "stay warm" thoughout the entire day.

I'm heading out to eat tonight and hope to get some burpees in tonight. Maybe some ab wheel and pull ups as well.
So I posted another thread asking about deadlifting with standard weights. The consensus is that it is ok to do so from that low. I was going to add deadlifts to my pull day, but the max weight I have is 210 lbs. so I will have to be doing more than 5 or 3 reps. I've decided to make Sunday my deadlift day. I will be doing 3 sets of as many possible reps with that weight.
I am also really concentrating on form.

Today's Deadlift:
210 lbs 3 sets of 8

In an hour or so, I will be doing my heavy bag technique workout. That lasts about 45 minutes. I will also be helping my girlfriend hit the heavy bag. I do pullups and ab wheel in between her rounds. 6 x 5 reps on pullups switching between hammer grip, regular grip, and chins. 6 sets of 10 ab wheel rollouts.

Right before dinner, I do an upper body circuit of 4 sets as follows (I switch up the order of lifts each set):
Upright Row (50 lbs. x 8)
Tricep Extension (50 lbs. x 8)
Military Press (50 lbs. x 8)
Curls (50 lbs. x 8)
Pushups (25 reps)
Dips (25 reps)

In between sets I do crunches and decline leg raises. 4 sets x 100 crunches and 4 sets x 25 decline leg raises.

I normally try to run this day but it was raining. As I've said before, I get a lot in on Sunday. Tomorrow is my day off.
Push Day
I tried doing the weight I did last week as 3 x 3 as 3 x 5 this week.

Bench: 210 lbs. 2 x 5 200 lbs (2 second pauses) 1 x 5
Front Squat: 170 lbs 3 x 5
Military Press: 130 lbs 1 x 5 and 1 x 3 (failed on 4th rep), 120 lbs 1 x 5
Tricep Extensions: 100 lbs 2 x 5, 90 lbs 1 x 5

100 crunches x 4
25 leg raises x 4

I jumped a little rope and stretched for about 30 minutes total tonight.

I still have the Bas Rutten boxing 5 rounds at 3 minutes to do tonight.
Pull Day:

Hang Clean 3 x 5 @ 160 lbs *after the 5th rep I go straight into Front Squat set*

Front Squat 3 x 5 @ 160 lbs *I prefer this complex since I go for heavier weight on Front Squat on Push Day*

Bent Over Row 3 x 5 @ 130 lbs

Curls 3 x 5 @ 100 lbs

I still have a heavy bag technique workout to do. 6 rounds at about 5 minutes.
In between rounds, I do pullups and ab wheel rollouts. 6 sets of 5 on pullups, 6 sets of 10 ab wheel rollouts.

On another note, after only taking fish oil, whey protein, a generic multivitamin,and occasionally creatine, I have finally ordered a greens and a better multivitamin. I used to feel that I couldn't justify spending so much on supplements, but I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm currently taking creatine but I will run out this weekend. I am going to probably not take it for a few months. I'll report how the greens and new multi work out for me.
Morning: Lots of stretching (20 minutes or so)
5 rounds of 3 minutes on the heavy bag

Before Lunch: "Assistance Lifts Day" (Light weight no rest - 100 crunches or 25 decline leg raise between every lift for a total of 400 crunches and 100 decline leg raises)

Close Grip Bench 2 x 10 160 lbs.

Upright Rows 2 x 10 100 lbs

Reverse Curls 2 x 10 50 lbs

Tricep Kickbacks 2 x 10 each arm 20 lbs dumbell

Tonight: Tabatas

one 4 minute round alternating between pull ups and ab wheel rollouts

one 4 minute round alternating between body weight squats and dips

one 4 minute round burpees only

Tomorrow I am getting an olympic weight set. They have one on sale for $150 at Dunham's Sports. My schedule will drastically be altered now to include more deadlifts and power cleans.
I got an olympic weight set now! I figured I'd do a 1 RM out on what I could. I still can't do back squats until I get a power rack though.

Bench 225 lbs (I failed on 235 lbs, I should have tried 230 but didn't)

Power Cleans 205 lbs

Front Squat 195 lbs

Deadlift 275 lbs (I was pretty spent on this. I ran two miles in the morning, put together a basketball hoop, then maxed on the other three. I felt I did this easily then tried to put on 300 lbs. There was no way I could pull it so I said fuck it.)

My new Push/Pull split will be as follows:

Front Squats
Seated OHP
Tricep Extensions

Power Cleans
Bent Over Rows
I didn't post my log yesterday. Normally it is a day off, but I did 3 sets of 5 pullups and 3 sets of 10 ab wheel rollouts. I also jumped rope for about 15 minutes.

Here is what I did today:

Push Day:

Bench: 210 lbs x 3
215 lbs x 3 x 2 sets

Front Squat: 185 lbs x 3 x 3 sets

Seated Overhead Press: 130 x 3 x 3 sets

Tricep Extension: 100 x 3 x 3 sets

100 crunches x 4 sets
25 decline leg raises x 4 sets

I normally do some variation of the Bas Rutten workout but I had to do some rearranging of the room. Switching from a standard bar to an olympic bar is a world of difference. I keep feeling like I'm going to hit the couch or the end of the bench when I clean or squat. I also need to purchase a new bench. The bench I have is definitely not made for an olympic bar.
Last night was heavy bag day. I started with about 20 minutes of stretching and 10 minutes of jump rope. I worked on technique for 6 rounds at 5 minutes. In between rounds I did the following for a total of six sets.
5 pullups
10 ab wheel rollouts
Pull Day:
Deadlift: 255 lbs x 3 x 3
Power Cleans: 195 lbs x 3 x 3
Bent Over Rows: 135 lbs x 3 x 3
Dumbell Curls (Each Arm): 50 lbs x 3 x 3

4 sets of 100 crunches
4 sets of 25 decline leg raises

Later in the evening:
one 4 minute tabata mixed with the following:
body weight squats
ab wheel rollout

Stretched for about 20 minutes with 5 sets of 10 burpees thrown in to cap out the night.