Nu'Keese vs. A Lawyer


Wide Right: ╚╦╝ ○
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score

04/06 - Classic Open Nationals at 120. Trying to reclaim my M1 Squat and Open Bench and Total Records
05/30 - Age Nationals, both raw and equipped, most likely at 105, easiest pathway to NAPF
August - NAPF, try to break the NAPF and Pan Am equipped records

01/23-24 - (MAYBE) Bench Nationals, if I am allowed to compete - ***Cannot compete due to Article 14*** :(
- ***120 Raw Winner Hit 185, I hit 205.5, Equipped Winner Hit 180, I would have opened with 195 in a loose shirt.***
05/18-19 - Powerlifting America Nationals, possibly both raw and equipped :):), sandbagged raw to not negatively impact the equipped day, 2 days later.
05/25-06/01 - Bench Worlds - ***There is a chance I would be considered for the team without competing at bench Nats, but not likely*** :(
08/10 - NAPF Championships, break NAPF 105 Equipped total M1 record, maybe some individual lifts also?, compete raw if possible and if weekly calendar permits

03/03 - USAPL Arnold Masters of Iron :D, won M1 Equipped
06/17 - USAPL Equipped Nationals at 110 Open and M1, 500 DOTS, Open Pro Card
- Qualified for 100kg 1 day (16 hours) too late and they would not make an exception 27 days away from competition, not worth my time to go to Dallas at 110 to have no M1 competition and finish 5th or 6th out of 11 in the Open
07/09 - USAPL North East Regionals at 125 Open and M1, have to coach too
Will do this meet if it complies with Article 14
09/17 - USAPL Raw Nationals at 110 M1

More interested in NAPF or Masters Worlds in 2024
11/11 - Powerlifting America Stars and Stripes, 105 Raw M1, 120 if Jeff participates :D

Improve overall health and body composition
Develop and maintain training consistency and intensity that will be sustainable for the remainder of PL journey
Jan 15th 2022: Set masters state records at 110:D

Updated - 04/30
Back injury during 1st week of March stopped progress on squat and deadlift, a few weeks later decided to switch to equipment for USAPL and PLA nationals, hopefully to post bigger total at each event.

June 12th: USAPL Raw Nationals M1 and Open Equipped division at 110 or 125. Use as a practice run for the following week at PLA Nationals. Nothing crazy. :D
Only did equipped because Raw and Equipped were on same day, also injured back on March 5th and May 7th and could not get in shape to hit a Raw 800 total, which was the minimum I was accepting for 110.
June 19th: PLA Equipped Nationals M1 and Open 120. A win should earn an invite to IPF Masters World's in October. Won Open placed 2nd in M1. Declined invite to North American Championships in August.
Accepted invite to Master's Equipped World Championships
Open TBD as of (07/12)
July 10th: USAPL NJ State Championships. As long as it doesn't disqualify me from IPF events for the rest of the year. Raw 125 if invited to world's, Raw 110 if not.
October: IPF Masters World Championships, post a big total.

November 6th: IPL DT North American Championships, set world record(s) for Masters 110 Class.

2021 - :D
Purchase combo rack :D
Reorganize Gym :D
- Clear out old items :D
- Hang Thai bag back up
- Hang double end bag
- Make platform to allow deadlifting to be done in same spot :D

March: Lift in rescheduled meet from December, 200 bench, 772.5+ total:D
S: 272.5+, B: 205+, D: 302.5+:D
Work on shoulders and left arm to try to minimize pain :D
USPA Drug Tested New Jersey State Championships, Set National 110 Sub Master Records with S - 283, B - 201+, D - 310.5+, T - 760.5+ (795+ is the goal). Qualify for Nationals, North Americans, both DT and UT. National records were broken a few weeks prior to this meet, 760.5 was hit, along with all state open records. o_O
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Welcome to the logs,

I see you already have a great base to work from, a 5 plate dead, a 4+ plate squat and a 3 plate bench.
2012 FDU Open - 3rd @ 94
-Weight: 93.83
-Snatch: 95, 100x, 102
-C&J: 125, 130, 135
-Total: 237
-Sinclair: 269.874

2012 NYC Open - 2nd @ 94
-Weight: 92.81
-Snatch: 103, 107, 110x
-C&J: 131, 137, 140x
-Total: 244
-Sinclair: 279.137

2012 Larry Mintz Memorial - 1st @ 94, 105, 105+
-Weight: 94.00
-Snatch: 108, 112, 115
-C&J: 138, 146, 150x
-Total: 261
-Sinclair: 296.977

2012 East Coast Gold Challenge - 4th or 5th @ 105
-Weight: 100.80
-Snatch: 105, 110x, 110
-C&J: 142, 147, 152x
-Total: 257
-Sinclair: 284.453

2014 USAPL NJ State Open PL Champs - 3rd @ 100
-Weight: 99.2
-Squat: 200, 207.5x, 210
-Bench: 135, 140, 145
-Dead: 225, 245, 255
-Total: 610
-Wilks: 372.47

2014 RPS Christmas Carnage: Raw Classic Open 220 - 1st place
-Weight: 220.4
-Squat: 465, 480, 495
-Bench: 330, 350, n/a
-Dead: 545, 590, n/a
-Total: 1435
-Wilks: 396.21

2015 USAPL NJ State Open PL Champs: 105 - 5th place
-Weight: 104.1
-Squat: 222.5, 240x, 240
-Bench: 155, 167.5, 172.5x
-Dead: 250, 272.5x, 272.5
-Total: 680
-Wilks: 407.59

2015 RPS Christmas Carnage: Raw Classic Open/Submaster 220 - 1st place
-Weight: 220.0
-Squat: 485, 520, 530
-Bench: 345, 375, 385x
-Dead: 575, 610, 620
-Total: 1525
-Wilks: 421.33

2016 USAPL Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regionals: 120 - 1st place
-Weight: 107.5 (Mid-Atlantic)
-Squat: 225, 242.5, 247.5x
-Bench: 162.5, 175, 180
-Dead: 255, 275, 280x
-Total: 697.5
-Wilks: 413.48

2017 USAPL NJ State Open PL Champs: 105 - 1st place
-Weight: 103.6
-Squat: 220, 235, 245
-Bench: 162.5, 172.5, 182.5x
-Dead: 245, 265, 272.5
-Total: 690
-Wilks: 414.28

2018 USAPL PA Vetran's Day Championships: 120 - 1st place
-Weight: 107.9
-Squat: 222.5, 237.5, 247.5
-Bench: 172.5, 182.5, 187.5
-Deadlift: 247.5, 265, 280
-Total: 715
-Wilks: 423.35
-Drug Tested

2019 USAPL NJ State Open PL Champs: 105 - 1st place
-Weight: 104.2
-Squat: 215, 230, 237.5
-Bench: 165, 177.5x, 177.5x
-Dead: 240, 262.5, 275
-Total: 677.5
-Wilks: 405.96

2019 USAPL PA Vetran's Day Championships
-Weight: 103.8
-Squat: 217.5, 232.5, 237.5x
-Bench: 167.5, 177.5, 182.5
-Deadlift: 245, 265, 277.5
-Total: 692.5
-Wilks: 415.5

2020 USAPL Avenger Athletics Meet
-Weight: 109.7
-Squat: 220, 240, 250 (2.5 CPR)
-Bench: 190, 200x, 200x (2.5 CPR)
-Deadlift: 255, 270, 282.5 (2.5 CPR)
-Total: 722.5 (7.5 CPR)
-Wilks/GL/Dots: 425.55/87.42⁣⁣/428.35 (all CPR)

12/12/20 - CT Snowflake Showdown
-Weight: 110.10
-Squat: 235, 255, 265 (15 Comp PR)
-Bench: 182.5, 192.5, 200x (2.5 Comp PR)
-Deadlift: 265, 285, 300 (17.5 Comp PR)
-Total: 757.5 (35 Comp PR)
-Wilks/GL/Dots: 445.64/91.5/448.49 (all Comp PR)
- Drug Tested

03/20/21 - 2021 Philadelphia Love Championship
-Weight: 113.75
-Squat: 247.5, 267.5, 275 (10 Comp PR)
-Bench: 185, 195, 200 (7.5 Comp PR, State Record)
-Deadlift: 267.5, 287.5, 305 (5 Comp PR)
-Total: 780 (22.5 Comp PR)
-Wilks/GL/Dots: 454.51/92.84/456.31 (all comp PRs)
- Drug Tested

10/31/21 - 2021 USPA Drug Tested New Jersey State Championships
-Weight: 108.5
-Squat: 242.5, 260, 273 (State Record)
-Bench: 182.5x, 192.5, 200x (State Record)
-Deadlift: 260, 280, 295, 307.5x (State Record)
-Total: 760.5 (State Record)
-Wilks/GL/Dots: 449.48/92.48/452.78
- Drug Tested

01/15/22 - 2022 USAPL CT Winter Classic

-Weight: 107.8
-Squat: 237.5, 257.5, 265 (M1 State Record)
-Bench: 182.5, 192.5, 195 (M1 State Record)
-Deadlift: 257.5, 280, 297.5 (M1 State Record)
-Total: 757.5 (M1 State Record)
-Wilks/GL/Dots: 448.64/92.39/452.12

06/12/22 - 2022 USAPL Mega Nationals
110 Men's Equipped Open/Masters 1

-Weight: 108.33
-Squat: 255, 270, 285
-Bench: 202.5, 212.5, 217.5x (M1 State Record)
-Deadlift: 250, 270, 280 (State Record)
-Total: 777.5 (M1 State Record, Push Pull M1/Open State Record)
-Wilks/GL/Dots: 459.75/78.37/463.18
Second Place - Open
First Place - M1

06/19/22 - 2022 Powerlifting America Equipped Nationals
120 Men's Equipped Open/Masters 1

-Weight: 109.8
-Squat: 257.5, 277.5, 287.5
-Bench: 197.5, 210, 215
-Deadlift: 257.5, 275, 282.5
-Total: 785
-Wilks/GL/Dots: 462.23/78.66/465.25
First Place - Open
2nd Place - M1
9/9, 27 white lights

2022 USAPL NJ State Championships
125 Men's Raw Open/Masters 1

-Weight: 111.5
-Squat: 230, 250, 262.5
-Bench: 172.5, 182.5, 187.5
-Deadlift: 255, 275, 280
-Total: 730 (M1 State Record Total & Push Pull)
-Wilks/GL/Dots: 427.86/87.68/430.18
Second Place - Open
First Place - M1
9/9, 27 white lights
First Place Team, Open Placements: 1st - 4, 2nd - 1

2022 IPF Masters World Championships
105 Men's M1 Equipped

-Weight: 104.28
-Squat: 270x, 270, 292.5 - Silver
-Bench: 212.5x, 212.5x, 212.5 - Silver
-Deadlift: 265, 287.5, 307.5x - Silver
-Total: 792.5 - Gold
-GL - 81.26, DOTS - 479.29, Wilks - 474.72
First Place Men's M1 105 Equipped
First Place Men's M1 Team

2023 Arnold Sports Festival - Masters of Iron Pro Series Final
Men's Equipped Master I

-Weight: 106.13
-Squat: 282.5x, 297.5, 302.5x, 5kg PR
-Bench: 217.5, 222.5, Pass, 7.5kg PR
-Deadlift: 265, 290, 302.5, 15kg PR (Eq)
-Total: 822.5, 30kg PR
GL - 83.66, DOTS - 493.928, Wilks - 489.673, Age DOTS - 495.41
First Place Men's Equipped Master I
Third Place Men's Equipped Overall

2023 Powerlifting America Stars and Stripes

-Weight: 109.7
-Squat: 245, 265, Pass
-Bench: 187.5, 197.5x, 197.5
-Deadlift: 262.5, 277.5, 290
-Total: 752.5
GL - 91.05, DOTS - 446.14, Wilks - 443.213, Age DOTS - 450.60
Best Masters Lifter

2024 Powerlifting America Super States

-Weight: 113.3
-Squat: 277.5, 297.5, 307.5
-Bench: 207.5, 217.5, 227.5
-Deadlift: 260, 280, 295
-Total: 830.0
GL - 82.077/82.898, DOTS - 486.257, Wilks - 484.238, Age DOTS - 491.12

2024 Powerlifting America Classic Nationals

-Weight: 113.4
-Squat: 200, 225, 245
-Bench: 177.5, 190, 200
-Deadlift: 245, 267.5, 292.5x
-Total: 712.5
GL - 84.93
3rd place with a sandbagged subtotal

2024 Powerlifting America Equipped Nationals

-Weight: 113.3
-Squat: 280, 300, 317.5, +10
-Bench: 212.5, 225, 240, +12.5
-Deadlift: 255, 275, 292.5
-Total: 850.0
GL - 84.05
1st Place, earned invite to 2024 IPF Masters Worlds

2024 North American Powerlifting Championships

-Class: M1 Equipped 105
-Weight: 104.6
-Squat: 275, 295x, 300x
-Bench: 222.5, 235, 240x, +22.5 @ 105
-Deadlift: 255, 285, 295, +7.5 @ 105
-Total: 805.0, +12.5 @ 105
1/1, so gold's across, also had best bench, deadlift, total and GL score of any Masters lifter.
GL - 82.42, DOTS - 486.24

2024 Powerlifting America TopShelf Takeover

-Weight: 105
-Squat: 227.5, 247.5, 255, 10kg PR @ 105
-Bench: 190, 202.5, 207.5x, 20kg PR @ 105
-Deadlift: 245, 267.5, 285, 3.8kg PR @ 105
-Total: 742.5, +50kg @ 105
GL/Age - 91.672/93.506, DOTS - 447.79/456.755
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1 RM - 275 - 03/20/21, 272.5 - 03/12/21, 267.5 - 03/05/21, 265 - 12/05/20, 262.5 - 04/25/20
2 RM - 257.5 - 03/01/21, 255 - 02/20/21, 247.5 - 11/23/20
3 RM - 250 - 02/27/21, 245 - 02/06/21, 235 - 11/13/20
4 RM - 245 - 10/28/23, 242.5 - 01/23/21, 230 - 11/13/20
5 RM - 237.5 - 09/15/23, 235 - 10/16/21, 230 - 08/23/21, 227.5 - 11/21/20
6 RM - 227.5 - 09/05/23, 225 - 08/14/21, 215 - 02/10/21, 212.5 - 03/21/20
7 RM - 215.5 - 10/04/21, 215 - 02/10/21, 210 - 05/23/20
8 RM - 222.5 - 10/11/21, 212.5 - 10/09/21, 207.5 - 01/20/21, 202.5 - 05/26/20
9 RM - 207.5 - 01/27/21, 197.5 - 05/19/20
10RM - 205 - 08/25/23, 197.5 - 01/12/21

Bench: [Neutral Grip]

1 RM - 210 - 10/18/24, 205.5 - 01/20/24, 205 - 03/12/21, 202.5 - 12/05/20, 200 - 04/25/20, 187.5 - 11/11/18, [432.5 - 11/11/24, 190 - 01/14/24]
2 RM - 197.5 - 10/24/24, 195 - 02/20/21 & 01/11/24 & 10/19/24, 192.5 - 07/17/20, [420 - 11/04/24, 185.5 - 01/20/24, 185 - 01/11/24, 177.5 - 02/06/21, 175 - 11/07/20]
3 RM - 192.5 - 12/30/23, 190 - 07/11/20, [410 - 04/15/24, 405 - 03/18/24, 182.5 - 10/16/21]
4 RM - 190 - 09/28/24, 185.5 - 01/22/24, 185 - 02/22/21, 185 - 01/23/21, 180 - 06/20/20, [180 - 01/14/24, 177.5 - 01/11/24, 162.5 - 02/09/21]
5 RM - 183 - 11/08/24, 182.5 - 02/13/21, 177.5 - 11/07/20, [177.5 - 01/06/24, 175 - 01/06/24, 170 - 12/30/23, 167 - 12/21/22, 162.5 - 10/09/21]
6 RM - 177.5 - 02/06/21, 175 - 11/23/20, [377.5 - 03/18/24, 375 - 02/05/24, 167.5 - 12/23/23, 352.5 - 12/13/22]
7 RM - 175 - 01/04/24 (not comp standard) 172.5 - 09/01/23, 170 - 02/06/21, 167.5 - 10/28/20 [157.5 - 10/02/21]
8 RM - 172.5 - 09/01/23. 170 - 02/06/21, 167.5 - 10/28/20, [162.5 - 01/04/24, 160 - 12/21/23, 295 - 01/27/18]
9 RM - 167.5 - 12/25/23, 165 - 05/23/20, [355 - 03/18/24, 160 - 01/01/24, 153 - 10/7/21]
10RM - 160 - 05/27/20, [155 - 12/25/23, 145 - 09/15/23,142.5 - 10/05/21]
11RM - [150 - 12/10/23, 142.5 - 10/05/21]
12RM - 150 - 06/01/20, [145 - 12/06/23, 135 - 09/13/23, 120 - 03/29/22]
13RM - 150.5 - 04/05/22, [137.5 - 12/11/23, 135 - 12/04/23]
14RM - 150 - 09/18/23, [120 - 04/05/22]
15RM - 145 - 05/18/20, [130 - 09/18/23]
16RM - [120 - 04/12/22]
18RM - 137.5 - 08/14/23, 135 - 01/11/21
20RM - 245
102.5 AMRAP - 29 - 01/06/21
105 AMRAP - 31 - 01/13/21

Deadlift: (Low Block), [High Block]

1 RM - 305 - 03/20/21, 300 - 12/05/20, 295 - 04/25/20
2 RM - 277.5 - 11/04/23, 275 - 11/27/20
3 RM - 262.5 - 10/14/23, 260 - 01/10/20
4 RM - 255 - 09/29/21, 242.5 - 01/06/20
5 RM - 245 - 02/08/21, 242.5 - 01/06/20
6 RM - 240 - 03/21/20
7 RM - 240 - 03/21/20
8 RM - 230 - 03/07/20
9 RM -
10RM - 205 - 05/19/20

SSB Squat: * = supportive gear

1 RM - 227.5 - 10/14/23
2 RM - 222.5 - 11/06/23
3 RM - 217.5 - 11/06/23, 215 - 10/14/23
4 RM - 207.5 - 10/14/23
5 RM - 202.5 - 04/13/24*, 192.5 - 11/06/23
6 RM - 195 - 02/03/24, 183.7 - 02/01/24, 182.5 - 10/24/23
7 RM - 172.5 - 01/27/24
8 RM - 177.5 - 01/29/24
9 RM -

10RM -

Close Grip Bench: Arms perpendicular to floor at lockout.

1 RM - 177.5 - 04/25/24
2 RM - 175 - 01/27/24
3 RM - 170 - 02/03/24
4 RM - 170 - 04/18/24, 167.5 - 03/21/24, 160 - 02/01/24
5 RM - 165 - 03/02/24
6 RM - 157.5 - 02/24/24, 152.5 - 01/25/24
7 RM - 157.5 - 03/28/24, 155 - 03/21/24
8 RM - 152.5 - 03.14/24, 150 - 03/02/24, 142.5 - 02/17/24
9 RM -

10RM - 145 - 02/24/24, 135 - 02/17/24

RAM Bench:

1 RM -
2 RM - 225 - 02/29/24
3 RM -
4 RM - 220 - 04/13/24
5 RM - 215 - 03/09/24, 212.5 - 02/21/24
6 RM - 207.5 - 4/13/24, 205 - 02/29/24, 195 - 02/15/24
7 RM -
8 RM - 197.5 - 02/21/24



1 RM - 307.5 - 05/04/24 (46SC, GS), 305 - 04/23/24 (46SC, THP), 302.5 - 46 Super Cent & THPs, 292.5 - 44 Centurion & THPs, 288.5 - 36HC/Inzer Sleeves, 287.5 - 36 HC/THPs
2 RM - 292.5 - 46 SC (06/15/24), 285 - 04/16/24 (46SC, TIT), 275 - 44 Centurion & THPs, 235 - Centurion, Wraps
3 RM - 297.5 (High), 285
4 RM - 275 - 46 SC (06/15/24), 260 - 46 Cent (03/26/24), 257.5 - 46 Cent (no straps) & Titanium
5 RM - 265 - 06/08/24 (46SC, Soft Titanium, Straps Down)
6 RM - 245 - 06/08/24 (46SC, Soft Titanium, Straps Down)

Bench: Shirt Type - F6, Super Katana, Super Katana Low Cut

1 RM - 222.5 - 03/14/24, 220 - 03/07/24 237.5 215
2 RM - 225 - 04/18/24, 217.5 - 03/14/24, 215 - 02/29/24
3 RM - 212.5 - 03/14/24, 210 - 03/07/24
4 RM -
5 RM -

Deadlift: 46 Velocity 37 Max

1 RM - 302.5 282.5, 280, 260
2 RM -
3 RM - 207.5
4 RM - 202.5
5 RM -
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Compete in November or December meet :D
745+ with a 200 bench in the 120 class :D/:mad:
Break 120 Raw Open State Bench Record :mad:
Set at least 5 new Rep PRs for each of the main lifts on the calibrated plates :D
Continue to improve body composition and joint health o_O

Goals for 2019


June 1st Meet at 105 :)
Squat: 250.0+ :mad:
Bench: 190+ :mad:
Deadlift: 282.5+ :mad:

Fall Meet
Squat: 255+ ==> 6/3: 250 @ 120 or 247.5+ @ 105 :mad:
Bench: 195 ==> 6/3: 190 @ 120 or 177.5+ @ 105 :D
Deadlift: 287.5+ ==> 6/3: 282.5 @120 or 277.5+ @ 105 :D

Build base in winter and improve body composition. :):mad:, much leaner now, but strength in squat and bench took a hit in June.

Goals for 2018
- All the good happened over the course of a few weeks. Good result considering the crap training for most of the year. Came out of the meet healthy as I entered, should be set up for good numbers next year.

Compete in NJ States and/or Mid-Atlantic Regionals :mad:
Enter a fall meet :D
Hit these numbers in a meet:
- Squat: 250+ :mad: 247.5
- Bench: 185+ :D 187.5
- Deadlift: 285+ :mad: 280
-Total: 715+ :D 715
-Wilks: 420+ :D 423.35

Incorporate boxing and weightlifting into workouts if pain free :mad:
Continue to improve pullups/chinups :D
Try to be less fat o_O

Goals for 2017 - Fail

Compete in at least 2 USAPL meets and a 3rd meet. :mad:
Improve existing USAPL bests from:
- Squat: 242.5 > 250-260 :mad: (increased to 245)
- Bench: 180 > 185-195 :mad: (405 in training)
- Deadlift: 275 > 285-295 :mad: (not even close)
-Total: 697.5 > 720-750 :mad:
-Wilks: 440.00 :mad:

Get home gym fully functional by the end of January
- Rack, bars, weight :D
- Flooring, sound decor :D
- Bags, timer, misc. :D

Goals for 2016

Rehab left shoulder YES
Improve body composition NO
Improve conditioning via running and bag/mitt work NO

Resume training in May
Gain back muscle lost from time of due to injury
Total 695+ at November USAPL Meet > 697.5
- Squat: 242.5+ > 242.5
- Bench: 172.5+ > 180
- Deadlift: 282.5+ > 275

Total 1550+ at RPS Christmas Carnage
- Squat: 575+, in wraps
- Bench: 375+
- Deadlift: 625+

-rehab left shoulder and get back mobility and stability
-rehab left ankle impingement
-if shoulder and ankle are in proper condition add WL movements back into training
-have body ready to take on proper WL programming for competition in the spring of 2017

Goals for 2015

Enter an April or May RPS meet at 220lbs
-add 50lbs+ to last total, 1435 -> 1485+
-win my division
Enter the August 2015 USAPL NJ State Championships at 93kg or 105kg
-add 80+ to last year's total, 610 to 690+
-place top 3 in weight class
Enter October 2015 USAPL Raw Nationals at 93kg or 105kg (must compete at 93kg in August to qualify for that weight class)
-post a total of 700+, or a 15kg+ increase from August meet

Weight Goals:
-Squat 545+
-Deadlift 630+
-Bench Press 385+

Weightlifting: Due to a cartilage and labrum tear in left shoulder, weightlifting is on hold until late October, or later.
-rehab left shoulder and get back mobility and stability
-rehab left ankle impingement/have corrective surgery in November
-if shoulder and ankle are in proper condition add WL movements back into training
-have body ready to take on proper WL programming for competition in the summer of 2016

Weight Goals: If able to train pain free in ankle and shoulder. Attempt to get near my 2012 numbers.

-Snatch 250+
-C&J 330+
-P. Snatch 235+
-P. Clean 315+

Goals for 2016


Rehab left shoulder YES
Improve body composition NO
Improve conditioning via running and bag/mitt work NO

Resume training in May
Gain back muscle lost from time of due to injury
Total 695+ at November USAPL Meet > 697.5
- Squat: 242.5+ > 242.5
- Bench: 172.5+ > 180
- Deadlift: 282.5+ > 275

Total 1550+ at RPS Christmas Carnage
- Squat: 575+, in wraps
- Bench: 375+
- Deadlift: 625+

-rehab left shoulder and get back mobility and stability
-rehab left ankle impingement
-if shoulder and ankle are in proper condition add WL movements back into training
-have body ready to take on proper WL programming for competition in the spring of 2017
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Super Total: (Wraps/Straps/or Touch and go)
Squat: 545, (555)
Deadlift: 620
Bench Press: 397, (397)
Clean & Jerk: 325, (N/A)
Snatch: 255, (250)
Total:2120, (2135)

Squat: (Knee Wraps) [Beltless]
1 RM - 545, (555), [485]
2 RM - 485, (495), [455]
3 RM - 480, (495), [435]
4 RM - 495, (495), [435]
5 RM - 475, (475), [455]
6 RM - 460
7 RM -
8 RM - 445,
9 RM - 405,
10RM - 415, [365]

Bench: (Competition Pause)
1 RM - 380, (397)
2 RM - 365, (335)
3 RM - 350, (335)
4 RM - 350,
5 RM - 335,
6 RM - 325,
7 RM - 315
8 RM - 305,
9 RM - 295,
10RM - 285
225 AMRAP -

1 RM - 620
2 RM - 605
3 RM - 545
4 RM - 525
5 RM - 520
6 RM - 495
7 RM -
8 RM - 475
9 RM -

Snatch: (Straps), [No Hook]
1 RM - 255, (250), [215]
2 RM - 220, (225), [190]
3 RM - 235, (230), [185]
5 singles - 225, (225)

1 RM - 330
2 RM - 315
3 RM - 300
5 singles - 290

Jerk: (BTN Jerk)
1 RM - 335
2 RM - 335
3 RM - 325
5 singles - 320

Clean and Jerk: (Power C&J)
1 RM - 325, (280)
2 RM - 310, (265)
3 RM - 270, (235)
5 singles - 310

Front Squat: (Knee Wraps)
1 RM - 405
2 RM - 375
3 RM - 365
4 RM - 335
5 RM - 325
8+ Rep set - 275 (8)
5 Singles - 365

Power Snatch: (Straps)
1 RM - 227, (230)
2 RM - 205, (195)
3 RM - 215, (220)
4 RM - 190, (180)
5 RM - 180, (155)

Power Clean:
1 RM - 295
2 RM - 285
3 RM - 275
4 RM - 275
5 RM - 265

Hang Snatch: (Power)
1 RM - 215, (185)
2 RM - 155, (185)
3 RM - 205, (175)
4 RM - (165)
5 RM - (165)

Hang Clean: (Power)
1 RM - 275, (265)
2 RM - 275, (255)
3 RM - 275, (245)
4 RM -
5 RM -

Strict Press: (Push Press), [BTN PP]
1 RM - 200, (205), [255]
2 RM - 195, (205), [255]
3 RM - 190, (205), [255]
4 RM - 185, (205), [255]
5 RM - 185, (155), [255]
8+ Rep set - 160(8)

Snatch Grip PP: (SG Press)
1 RM - 255, (135)
2 RM - 255, (135)
3 RM - 255, (135)
4 RM - 255, (135)
5 RM - 255, (135)
8+ Rep set - ()

Over Head Squat:
1 RM -
2 RM -
3 RM -
4 RM -
5 RM -
8+ Rep set - ()

Squat: (Knee Wraps) [Beltless]
1 RM - 545, (525), [485]
2 RM - 485, (495), [455]
3 RM - 480, (495), [435]
4 RM - 455, (495), [435]
5 RM - 455, (475), [435]
6 RM -
7 RM -
8 RM -
9 RM - 405,
10RM - [365]

Bench: (Competition Pause)

1 RM - 380, (380)
2 RM - 345, (315)
3 RM - 345,
4 RM - 335,
5 RM - 335,
6 RM -
7 RM - 315
8 RM - 295
9 RM -
10RM - 285
225 AMRAP -


1 RM - 590
2 RM - 600
3 RM - 545
4 RM - 525
5 RM - 520
8 RM - 475

Snatch: (Straps), [No Hook]

1 RM - 255, (250), [215]
2 RM - 220, (225), [190]
3 RM - 235, (230), [185]
5 singles - 225, (225)


1 RM - 330
2 RM - 315
3 RM - 300
5 singles - 290

Jerk: (BTN Jerk)

1 RM - 335
2 RM - 335
3 RM - 325
5 singles - 320

Clean and Jerk: (Power C&J)

1 RM - 325, (280)
2 RM - 310, (265)
3 RM - 270, (235)
5 singles - 310

Front Squat: (Knee Wraps)

1 RM - 405
2 RM - 375
3 RM - 365
4 RM - 335
5 RM - 325
8+ Rep set - 275 (8)
5 Singles - 365

Power Snatch: (Straps)

1 RM - 227, (230)
2 RM - 205, (195)
3 RM - 215, (220)
4 RM - 190, (180)
5 RM - 180, (155)

Power Clean:

1 RM - 295
2 RM - 285
3 RM - 275
4 RM - 275
5 RM - 265

Hang Snatch: (Power)

1 RM - 215, (185)
2 RM - 155, (185)
3 RM - 205, (175)
4 RM - (165)
5 RM - (165)

Hang Clean: (Power)

1 RM - 275, (265)
2 RM - 275, (255)
3 RM - 275, (245)
4 RM -
5 RM -

Strict Press: (Push Press), [BTN PP]

1 RM - 200, (205), [255]
2 RM - 195, (205), [255]
3 RM - 190, (205), [255]
4 RM - 185, (205), [255]
5 RM - 185, (155), [255]
8+ Rep set - 160(8)

Snatch Grip PP: (SG Press)

1 RM - 255, (135)
2 RM - 255, (135)
3 RM - 255, (135)
4 RM - 255, (135)
5 RM - 255, (135)
8+ Rep set - ()

Over Head Squat:

1 RM -
2 RM -
3 RM -
4 RM -
5 RM -
8+ Rep set - ()

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Abandoned the cleans as far as the program is concerned, replaced with rows.

Clean: Wrist was a little sore, medium taping and wristbands. Worked to a medium double, felt like I was catching it a little wide in stance, will video next Friday.


Squat: Nice and easy, knees were very sore used knee sleeves for all sets. ATG depth on all sets reps.


Bench Press: Paused reps for all sets, felt good.

211x5 for 5 sets

Rows: Kept torso almost parallel to the ground, did not power through any reps (I normally do Pendlay like rows).

171x5 for 5 sets

45 minutes or so of basketball, wore knee sleeves, felt good. Had to jet after that.
Power Clean: Tape, wristbands and knee sleeves. Went to a heavy double max.

260x1, did not try for the double, form was absolute garbage.

Bench Press: Easy, less discomfort in my shoulder, worked on pinching blades together and back arch. Complete pauses through 242lbs., semi-paused with 257.


Squat: Easier than last Monday, getting rid of the rust. All were ATG with some held stretches at the bottom for 2 reps per set. Knee sleeves.

321x5 for 5 sets

Row: Easy, boring.


Hour of basketball, got a good sweat going there.
2012 FDU Open - 3rd @ 94
-Weight: 93.83
-Snatch: 95, 100x, 102
-C&J: 125, 130, 135
-Total: 237
-Sinclair: 269.874

2012 NYC Open - 2nd @ 94
-Weight: 92.81
-Snatch: 103, 107, 110x
-C&J: 131, 137, 140x
-Total: 244
-Sinclair: 279.137

2012 Larry Mintz Memorial - 1st @ 94, 105, 105+
-Weight: 94.00
-Snatch: 108, 112, 115
-C&J: 138, 146, 150x
-Total: 261
-Sinclair: 296.977

2012 East Coast Gold Challenge - 4th or 5th @ 105
-Weight: 100.80
-Snatch: 105, 110x, 110
-C&J: 142, 147, 152x
-Total: 257
-Sinclair: 284.453

2014 USAPL NJ State Open PL Champs - 3rd @ 100
-Weight: 99.2
-Squat: 200, 207.5x, 210
-Bench: 135, 140, 145
-Dead: 225, 245, 255
-Total: 610
-Wilks: 372.47

2014 RPS Christmas Carnage: Raw Classic Open 220 - 1st place
-Weight: 220.4
-Squat: 465, 480, 495
-Bench: 330, 350, n/a
-Dead: 545, 590, n/a
-Total: 1435
-Wilks: 396.21

2015 USAPL NJ State Open PL Champs: 105 - 5th place
-Weight: 104.1
-Squat: 222.5, 240x, 240
-Bench: 155, 167.5, 172.5x
-Dead: 250, 272.5x, 272.5
-Total: 680
-Wilks: 407.59

2015 RPS Christmas Carnage: Raw Classic Open/Submaster 220 - 1st place
-Weight: 220.0
-Squat: 485, 520, 530
-Bench: 345, 375, 385x
-Dead: 575, 610, 620
-Total: 1525
-Wilks: 421.33

2016 USAPL Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regionals: 120 - 1st place
-Weight: 107.5 (Mid-Atlantic)
-Squat: 225, 242.5, 247.5x
-Bench: 162.5, 175, 180
-Dead: 255, 275, 280
-Total: 697.5
-Wilks: 413.48
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Basketball for an hour or so. Bike for ten minutes. Speed bag alternating with heavy bag for 6, 2 minute, rounds, feels like 6+ years were flushed down the tube...time to step it up.
Nice log. I'll have to check in here more often.
Deadlift: Easy, could have warmed up a little better. Used a narrow stance and felt stronger, will keep going with that footwork.

354x3 for 8 sets

Push Press: No problem, used wrist bands and knee sleeves.

208x5 for 5 sets

Front Squat: The last set was challenging, sleeves and wrist bands.


Hour of basketball.

Lat pulldown, goodmorning, weighted situp (35lbs.) 3x8
Clean: Easy, getting under down quicker, sleeves/wristbands. Felt like I could have gotten a 245-255 double, but am going to be patient.


Squat: The fourth set was difficult, bounced back with an easy 5th felt like I could have done 12-15, sleeves were a must knees are shot.


Bench: Rough week at work catching up, felt fatigued on the first two sets, got a nice rush going for the last 3. Sets 3-5 were paused on all reps, with a nice explosion coming up on most. Unstrapped wristbands, right wrist is coming along.

238x5 for 5 sets

Row: Easy, marked my max down by about 20-25%, don't want to focus on these or get worn out by them, at the same time don't want to neglect. Good form no sleeves hook grip on all reps.

191x5 for 5 sets

Decline Situp (executed with dumbell at the chin): Easy, will pace myself getting back to these. I will be doing these after every workout with my own progression that has worked for me in the past. Day 1: 2x8 with x weight. Day 2:3x8 with x weight. Day 3: 2x8 with x+5. Day 4: 3x8 with x+5. Day 5: 2x8 with x+10 and so on...will add in more core strength as needed.

3x8 with 35lbs. (Day 2)
I forgot to bring sneakers today so I had the luxury of lifting in my wrestling shoes.

Bench Press: Wrists felt good, hit all weights without the comfort of a spotter. Lite tape on both wrists, wrist bands for final set.

286x5 (had an extra half pound on the left side like an idiot so really 286.5)

Squat: Felt pretty good. The final rep was a challenge, used a cheap belt for the 4th set only. Knee sleeves the whole way. Knees felt great today. ATG for all reps.

356x5 for 5 sets

Row: Easy, very controlled. Hook grip all the way varied grip for the hell of it.


Power Clean: Time was potentially an issue today so these were done at the end. Worked to a moderate single, dropped 20% for three more singles.

200x1 for 3 sets
Deadlift: Taking a narrow stance from now on, I feel much stronger this way. Easy all the way around, to the point where I was goofing off on the lighter sets. Knee sleeves the whole way.

382x3 for 6 sets

Push Press: No jerk under the bar, a true push press with the exception of the 4th rep on the 4th set. Left wrist is acting up now, should have taped it, will tape from here on out. Tape on the right hand, wrist bands, and knee sleeves the whole way.

231x5 for 5 sets

Front Squat: This is the first exercise where I failed on a set, not a big deal. Had a very sharp pain in the back of my bad (left) shoulder for the 3rd, 4th and 5th sets. This pain caused me to call it quits after the 4th rep on the last set. The good thing is I woke up today and have next to no shoulder pain at all, first time in years. Used a belt on sets 4 and 5, lower back was fatigued, knee sleeves and wrist bands the whole way.


2x8 Lat Pulldown
2x8 Good Morning
3x8 40lb. Decline Situp

40 minutes or so of basketball, felt great had some extra wind and bounce.
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Squat: Not too bad. Knee sleeves on all sets.


Bench Press: Felt tired and run down, right bicep had a little pain in it, which moved to my shoulder on the first work set. Toned it down a bit and did 5, 4, 3... Tape and wrist bands.


Row: Skipped this, no need to get injured, want to pace myself through the summer.

Shot 100 freethrows.
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What is your free throw percentage? I used to be really into shooting free throws, although I suck at basketball beyond that.
What is your free throw percentage? I used to be really into shooting free throws, although I suck at basketball beyond that.

68/100, not a good day lifting or shooting, but it felt good just to stay loose and take it easy.
Today was another drag lifting day. The good news is I will start rolling and sparring sooner than expected, bad news is I will have to dump the lifting sheme I am currently using. I will have go with a shorter 4 times a week schedule so I can get out of the gym in a shorter period of time.

Power Clean: One of my shit cats pissed on my lifting bag so I had to wash everything, left the wristbands in the washing machine. Used only tape, felt OK. No knee sleeves.

255x1 - terrible form
205x 3 sets - concentrated on catching with the right footwoork in a true power position (not just a tall clean), felt great.

Bench Press: Felt weak again just like Friday. Just tape.


Row: This was nice and easy, very controlled movement and posture. Hook grip for all reps.


Time was up for me. This was the last day for this program, I eliminated squats for the day so I would be fresh for deadlift and front squat on Tuesday.