NRA to Parkland Teens: You’re Only Relevant Because Your Classmates Died

No you're just being irrational. I'm going to assume triggered as well with that absurd post. Do everyone a favor and edit.
wut? im not even going after you man lol. Seems like you are taking it personal. You just didnt understand what I wrote.
My point was that being young doesn’t make them de facto wrong. I agree with their position that Vietnam was terrible and I think that many would agree. Also, I don't get real sense a lot of respect by Conservatives for movements on college campuses today.

Sure, although I don't know this is a right or wrong issue. Seems more like a matter of values. Of course specific arguments can still be correct or incorrect.

You don't believe the average high school kid has as much wisdom as (for example) the average 30 year old, do you?
lol. I guess you are. I was more talking about how they shouldn't use an argument that can be used against them too.

This particular group of kids are only relevant because of this one event.

The NRA will always be relevant even if there isn't a mass shooting.
This particular group of kids are only relevant because of this one event.

The NRA will always be relevant even if there isn't a mass shooting.

dam, you must really love the NRA. Good for ya.

Lets start over. I'm not attacking the NRA and yes they have been in business for a long time.

But that doesn't make them relevant unless its triggered by something they can take a stance on. So when they say, "Hey kids, you are only here because of the mass shootings", well that doesn't make much sense since, they wouldn't be there either if they weren't trying to counter the kids.

They should stay with a substantive arguments.
dam, you must really love the NRA. Good for ya.

Lets start over. I'm not attacking the NRA and yes they have been in business for a long time.

But that doesn't make them relevant unless its triggered by something they can take a stance on. So when they say, "Hey kids, you are only here because of the mass shootings", well that doesn't make much sense since, they wouldn't be there either if they weren't trying to counter the kids.

They should stay with a substantive arguments.

No I'm against lunatics that want a disarmed population.

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is an American nonprofit organization that advocates for gun rights.[5][6][7]

Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm-related bills since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against legislation since 1975.[8]

Founded to advance rifle marksmanship, the modern NRA continues to teach firearm safety and competency. The organization also publishes several magazines and sponsors competitive marksmanship events.[8] According to the NRA, membership surpassed 5 million in May 2013.[5] The organization is led by a board of 76 elected members who are nominated by committee or by petition from the membership.[9]

Observers and lawmakers see the NRA as one of the top three most influential lobbying groups in Washington, D.C.[10][11] The NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) is its lobbying arm, which manages its political action committee (PAC), the Political Victory Fund (PVF). Over its history the organization has influenced legislation, participated in or initiated lawsuits, and endorsed or opposed various candidates.

They're always relevant.

Can you do everyone a favor and edit that post of yours? It's a big empty space with nothing in it. I could understand if it was full of pictures. At least you have something to look at . This is article show all the donations and organization efforts that went into the creation of the march.

I don't question their authenticity, speaking from a place as victims. But all of the support that went into this didn't come from them. A bunch of high school kids from FL didn't do all the media, file the permit, get streets blocked off in DC, arrange for a stage, coordinate celebrity appearances and performances, etc. in 5 weeks. That shit comes from people who do this for a living, and those are the people that I'm talking about. Those are people with an agenda that want this message to be heard by millions, ensuring that politicians think of these faces when preparing legislation. There are people behind the curtains who see this as an opportunity to get what they want, and these kids and their tragedy are the mechanism to do that. Those are the people that I'm criticizing.
Yup, this.

I agree ,I think the kids at whole have good intentions, well except Hogg..that dude is straight opportunist.... but there getting played big time by outside agendas.
well, seems like you get their weekly newsletter, so yes they are relevant to you all the time.

The only reason I am hearing about them now, is because of their response to the kids.

You must not be an American. Neither am I but I'm sure most people know about the NRA in Canada.

I'm glad you now know that they are always relevant.

Can you do everyone a favor and edit that post of yours? It's a big empty space with nothing in it. I could understand if it was full of pictures. At least you have something to look at.

You must not be an American. Neither am I but I'm sure most people know about the NRA in Canada.

I'm glad you now know that they are always relevant.

Can you do everyone a favor and edit that post of yours? It's a big empty space with nothing in it. I could understand if it was full of pictures. At least you have something to look at .
Born and raised in Phoenix, AZ.

like I said, I have heard about the NRA and I know they have been in business for a while but they are only being listened too now because of the kids.

Relax, dont worry about that big space. Its symbolic of how far you are from understanding. lol
Born and raised in Phoenix, AZ.

like I said, I have heard about the NRA and I know they have been in business for a while but they are only being listened too now because of the kids.

People are always listening to them. They also have a lot of influence and lobbying power.

Relax, dont worry about that big space. Its symbolic of how far you are from understanding. lol

Just trying to help you out. You aren't doing yourself any favors with it being there considering that you've been proven wrong.
People are always listening to them. They also have a lot of influence and lobbying power.

Just trying to help you out. You aren't doing yourself any favors with it being there considering that you've been proven wrong.

ummm, you still dont understand. lol

I think only shills like you are listening to them all the time.
ummm, you still dont understand. lol

I think only shills like you are listening to them all the time.

Members: 5 million (self-reported, as of 2017)
Location: Fairfax, Virginia, U.S
CEO: Wayne LaPierre (1991–)
Revenue: 433.9 million USD (2016)

A Canadian NRA shill.

Members: 5 million (self-reported, as of 2017)
Location: Fairfax, Virginia, U.S
CEO: Wayne LaPierre (1991–)
Revenue: 433.9 million USD (2016)

A Canadian NRA shill.

yep, you proved my point. Shills like you are listening to them all the time.