Elections Now biden is building the wall.

Incoming Reddit talking points:
“He’s just filling in gaps in the wall that hadn’t been built yet. Trumps wall is stupid, but it’d be even stupider not to finish it now that stupid Trump left him with such a mess.”
r/politics is in meltdown mode. Here's a gem I plucked:

"You seem to be misunderstanding the root cause of this. The trump admin erected the wall in the easiest areas, leaving the more inhospitable paths free to pass, all the Biden administration is doing is now adding walls to those less hospitable areas. Had the wall not been erected in the first place these "protections" wouldn't be needed as no one would by trying to pass these treacherous conditions in the first place."
I don't like Trump, but I always thought wayyyy too big of a deal was made over "the wall" in the first place...it's been years since the news coverage and general discussion of it but IIRC it felt like people though we had NO wall on the border, and Trump was building one and therefore must be criticized
Every day I realize more and more that Democrats have no actual values or opinions of their own. They just take conservative values and opinions and base their entire identity around the opposite of them.

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Bu bu but the border is unsecured! Libs want open borders! Derp!
