Ah, yes, we were all spellbound by the insightful genius of, "What an odd take."
She is surrounded by the MIST, almost suspended by it...SUDDENLY, A HORRIFIC FACE WITH PENETRATING EYES APPEARS TO HER... she gasps in fear... IT IS ORLOK, and for the first time, she faces him in THE FLESH. She is drawn to him – so drawn to his presence – aflame with desire... but she holds herself still.
I have felt you like a serpent crawling in my body.
It is not me. It is your nature.
No! I love Thomas...
I was but an innocent child –
And thought you I would not return? Thought you I would not? Your passion is bound to me. grabbing her hair... his fist tightens... drawing her close.
You cannot love.
I cannot. Yet, I cannot be sated without you.
His breath is lustful. So is hers. She disgusts herself by
how drawn she is to him. ORLOK grips her more tightly.
Remember how once we were? A moment. Remember?
ELLEN whispers to his hideous and alluring face.
I abhor you.
Pause. This sends Orlok into a rage.
You are false!...Dry your cheek. Upon the third night you will submit, or he you call your husband shall perish by my hand.
Maybe you should take your own advice, and sit at the kid's table until you can actually voice an argument of your own.