Nitric Oxide



What are some good nitric oxide boosters? I hear NO2 is great, ive also heard Nitrix is good. I'm gettin off no-xplode soon, and i need to find another NO product. Thanks.
Viagra. It inhibits the re-uptake of nitric oxide, hence leaving your "member" very full of circulating blood.

Seriously though, I"ve always wondered, would this be even better than all the supplements? It seems like it should work like a charm.
I've had some pretty good results with NO2.
ive had good results with Nitrix and ive been on it week n half
Some small noticable gains from 9 days of taking it...I can tell its starting to do what it claims. My arms have bulked a small bit and have actually leaned out a little bit which i wasnt expecting.
Freestyler said:
Some small noticable gains from 9 days of taking it...I can tell its starting to do what it claims. My arms have bulked a small bit and have actually leaned out a little bit which i wasnt expecting.

So purely cosmetic?
After a week n half...pretty much. I def. can lift longer and just like they claim, you get some nice pumps.
yea, i was thinkin abour nitrix. i dont feel like spendin 60 dollrs on a bottle of NO2.
My workout partner and myself have been working out together for years and as far as chest goes, he's NEVER been stronger than me. He started taking noxplode. After a month on it, he completely out lifted me in chest workouts. So i got curious (and pissed) so i've been taking it for about 3 weeks. He's on an off cycle. I went from, as an example, not being able to bench 225 on my last set 2 times to being able to do it 8 times in a matter of 2 weeks only doing chest once a week. I have noticed mentally that i've gone from giving up on last reps to doing everything in my power to finish it WITH negatives. I really do get stronger mentally and endurance wise as my workout goes on. Placebo effect? Maybe, maybe not but even if it is, It's still worth the money for me. If this is what it takes for me to mentally tough out my workouts than so be it.
My workout partner and myself have been working out together for years and as far as chest goes, he's NEVER been stronger than me. He started taking noxplode. After a month on it, he completely out lifted me in chest workouts. So i got curious (and pissed) so i've been taking it for about 3 weeks. He's on an off cycle. I went from, as an example, not being able to bench 225 on my last set 2 times to being able to do it 8 times in a matter of 2 weeks only doing chest once a week. I have noticed mentally that i've gone from giving up on last reps to doing everything in my power to finish it WITH negatives. I really do get stronger mentally and endurance wise as my workout goes on. Placebo effect? Maybe, maybe not but even if it is, It's still worth the money for me. If this is what it takes for me to mentally tough out my workouts than so be it.
No shit, i actually feel the same way. I was doing 325 on squat 3 times and now i do a 6x3 set with 325. Love it. Def. gives me the extra boost no matter what it is.
I think you have to be on a high carb diet for it to work and stacking it wit CEE is nice.
Towsonwrestling said:
I think you have to be on a high carb diet for it to work and stacking it wit CEE is nice.

hmm, never heard that before. comment form mick or kabuki?
OK guys...I have a confesion to make. I bought the 16 dollar bottle of NOS at Wal-Mart to try. I have previously used NO2 and Syntax Nitrous. I have to admit it has made a huge difference in the way I look, but not too much in the way I lift. My arms have totally swollen out, and my chest looks ripped as shit. I'm wondering whether they put steroids in it or not. I know this is not a placebo because I was very skeptical of the shit and I just bought it for shits and giggles.

That being said, keep a couple of things in mind:

1. I stack it with CEE, Taurine, and ZMA
2. I know how to lift properly
3. My diet is completey on point. I mean no brownies, nothing. Right now I am eating 100 clean, which I doubt many of you (no matter what you say) are doing.

I would normally try to talk people out out of using NO2, especially the GNC brand because it is so expensive. The shit I used worked as well and it was 50 bucks cheaper. But I must admit I haven't noticed any huge strength gains, thought they have been steady.
Towsonwrestling said:
I think you have to be on a high carb diet for it to work and stacking it wit CEE is nice.

Towsonwrestling said:
hmm, never heard that before. comment form mick or kabuki?

I don't know, for sure, but one of the supposed benefits of AKG supplementation (actually, I think the study that reported this used OKG) is raised insulin levels. If your insulin is raised, it means your body will be processing more macronutrients like carbohydrates and protein, especially carbs, so at least in principle, yeah, this sounds right.
Most of the studies I've read on AKG or AAKG used megadoses of 30g per day or more.

I'm with Boon on this supp, I believe in it because I added it to my regime, changed nothing else, and I started noticing rip.
Boondocksaint said:
OK guys...I have a confesion to make. I bought the 16 dollar bottle of NOS at Wal-Mart to try. I have previously used NO2 and Syntax Nitrous. I have to admit it has made a huge difference in the way I look, but not too much in the way I lift. My arms have totally swollen out, and my chest looks ripped as shit. I'm wondering whether they put steroids in it or not. I know this is not a placebo because I was very skeptical of the shit and I just bought it for shits and giggles.

That being said, keep a couple of things in mind:

1. I stack it with CEE, Taurine, and ZMA
2. I know how to lift properly
3. My diet is completey on point. I mean no brownies, nothing. Right now I am eating 100 clean, which I doubt many of you (no matter what you say) are doing.

I would normally try to talk people out out of using NO2, especially the GNC brand because it is so expensive. The shit I used worked as well and it was 50 bucks cheaper. But I must admit I haven't noticed any huge strength gains, thought they have been steady.

so the 16 dollar dottle was good? im not gonna spend $80 dollars on a bottle of NO2 at gnc.
Stack Controlled Labs Green Bulge (CEE) with Controlled Labs White Blood (NO) and you will be very surprised. Seriously stay away from BSN products. Overpriced and Controlled Labs may be one of the top companies for supplements out in relation to how great they work.
Tkdmmafighter said:
so the 16 dollar dottle was good? im not gonna spend $80 dollars on a bottle of NO2 at gnc.

I think what it boils down to is that it is the same stuff. All that "patented time release formula" stuff NO2 claims is hogwash.