New to lifting



I never lifted in my life and I started Muay Thai and BJJ a while ago.I really need to improve my strength so I have started going to the gym and lifting weight focusing on my shoulders and legs for now.I have been using the machines so far should I stay on them for a while or should I just start using freeweights.I dunno if this has been asked before feel free to flame away if it as
Read the stickies, especially Carnal's.
Trust me, I gained 20 pounds in 2 months.
Where is carnals stickie? i cant seem to find it, and also to answer your question, i'd just go for the free weights, but go easy, use the approproaite weight, etc... some people here have great advice.
I think carnal's treatise is more important than anything on my site, however, I'd like to note that perhaps my first contribution to my site to rival strength training 101 is now on there. Read carnal's treatise, then check out what I learned so you can keep from making the same dumbass mistakes I did.