NES vs SNES which is superior and why?


Purple Belt
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
A gaming experience is subjective, but i was curious to see where loyalty lies.

To me the NES had MORE good games with far better replay value in general....


the SNES JRPG library, man it just brought the gaming experience to a whole new level for me. More in depth character development spawned a new kind of gaming experience that can't be replaced.


What's your preference between the two?
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Really tough to pick for me. I’d say SNES by a smidget. Fond memories of playing Super Mario World, Street fighter II, Zelda a link to the past and Final fantasy III. But my love for video games started with the NES. Dragon Warrior; TMNT, Nobunagas ambition, Zelda I and II...

Ahhh I wasted so much of my youth on these system...
NES. All the games were written in Assembly with a horribly weak processor. They did magic with basically nothing.
SNES for the leap in graphics, colors, RPGs.
SNES because of Super Mario World and A Link to the Past.
A gaming experience is subjective, but i was curious to see where loyalty lies.

To me the NES had MORE good games with far better replay value in general....


the SNES JRPG library, man it just brought the gaming experience to a whole new level for me. More in depth character development spawned a new kind of gaming experience that can't be replaced.


What's your preference between the two?

SNES is the pinnacle of 2D gaming, and widely regarded as the best system of all-time. I love both systems, but the SNES wins this matchup fairly easily.

mario bros, zelda, metroid, castlevania, ninja gaiden, etc - the start of so many yuge franchises. and masterpieces like mike tyson's punch-out and kid icarus.

if you're still not convivced, ↑↑↓↓← →← →b a start
SNES. Most NES games have not aged well.

Super Mario World
A Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Super Mario Kart
Street Fighter II

I could probably live on those five games for the rest of my life.
I never had a snes so gotta go with nes.
NES but nostalgia plays a huge part of that. I had an NES growing up, and never had an SNES until the SNES classic came out in September. It’s a quality system but doesn’t have a certain “it” factor that NES does which I can only attribute to nostalgia.
Of those two, i can't decide, actually. Both are equally great.

Neither of them got shit on the Genesis though. Blast Processing!
SNES is the pinnacle of 2D gaming, and widely regarded as the best system of all-time. I love both systems, but the SNES wins this matchup fairly easily.
Yes sir. The SNES had so many games that still hold up today. Games like Mega Man 7 or Street Fighter Alpha 2 look beautiful still. You got classics like the Donkey Kong Country series and a Link to the Past, oddities like Earthbound and Legend of the Mystical Ninja, and so many more that are still fun and feel fully realized. With the NES, it feels like you're imagination has to do the bulk of the work in sight and sound and they had to make do with gameplay. But the games are limited only by the vision and work of the developers on the SNES.

I still play SNES games on this badboy.

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I prefer NES but SNES is the better game experience. NES had a lot of difficult games but it was all about the gameplay. With the SNES, it started shifting towards storylines and having to devote a lot of time to a game.

I still like knowing I can play a game of Contra and be done within an hour and had a great time. I can't do that with hardly any SNES game.
NES i think.

It won it's generations console war pretty decisively, with very few people talking about the master system or 7800 these days.

The fact people are still arguing SNES vs Megadrive indicates there was no clear winner of that generation.
I still go back and play snes titles.

I messed around with that NES classic when it came out but the games are incredibly dated so I can do without.
so many posts about nes more dated and basically suggesting the snes has better specs.


edit: haha, this is just like all those p4p threads where 1/3 of the posters are herp derping about how obviously stipe would beat up mighty mouse...
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I never liked the controls of the SNES. Everything felt float-y, and I didn't like how the hitboxes felt. There was something "off" for me about the way the inputs translated to the sprites' animations and how everything interacted. The graphics were objectively better but did not appeal to me for the most part. Sound was obviously a major step up but again, I wasn't feeling it. Everything sounded like a faraway echo. (the big exception to all of this was Mario Kart)

Wasn't until N64 that I felt the improvements were actually an improvement. NES was so nuts and bolts precise, and the good games were very responsive. I felt like that precision returned with Zelda, Goldeneye, and Mario. Could just be personal taste and I could be full of shit. But when I retro-game, I skip the SNES, though I play Genesis/NES/64.