Need to start deadlifting


Black Belt
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
First of all, I've never deadlifted before. I weigh about 195 and I'm in pretty good shape.

What amount of weight should I start with?

What are some things I need to consider in regards to form and/or safety?
Chest up, drive through the floor with your heels, keep the bar close to your body, lockout by squeezing your glutes.
The best instruction you can get aside from a good coach is the book "Starting Strength" by Rippetoe. Posting videos here or on Strengthmill's Rippetoe Q&A will point out flaws in your form. Start with 135 lbs, do sets of 5 and work your way up slowly until your form breaks down.
I weigh about 200 and I'm in pretty good shape.

I deadlift 585. Based on my calculations (585*195/200), you should try 570.
sounds good asshole. Thanks for the responses though from the rest of you.
Chase wears a suit under his clothes, he's a fucking cheater. So knock about 30-40 pounds off that.
Place weights on bar until you can no longer lift it.
Start with low weight like 135 or something like that and learn to perfect your form. Even if you think you've lifted the most weight you can, perfecting your form will help you lift even more. Like others have said, read those t-nation articles as they have helped me tremendously and the faq as well. good luck.
Why not just throw some weight on the bar. Too heavy? Take some off. Too easy? Put some on.

I know it's a new concept, but you'll do just fine.
Why not just throw some weight on the bar. Too heavy? Take some off. Too easy? Put some on.

I know it's a new concept, but you'll do just fine.

You're cranky this evening. I like it.*

*not a come on
135 and go from there

dont sacrifice form for weight
lmao at chase

try two plates dude see how that feels, if its light move up

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