Need to cut the weight and develop a good routine:


Yellow Belt
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Over the past few months, I've been eating a lot of junk. I really didn't notice a difference at first, but all of a sudden it's caught up with me. I've got a lot more fat on me than I had before and I can't stand it. My training only burns so much, so I guess I need to finally adjust my diet to get nice and lean. I have no idea where to begin, though.

Anyone have any ideas on a good "fighter's diet". I know that our diets are much different from that of bodybuilders, etc. I'm trying to figure out how to balance my meals, how much protein I should be eating, etc.

Also, I used to lift weights but haven't in a very long time. I was always afraid it would slow me down. Should I incorporate some weight training? If so, how much?

I train in Muay Thai at least twice a week. I know I should be training more. How many days should I be getting my ass down there? I work fulltime and am in college, so I can't exactly go every day. I could, at best, get 3 days of training per week as far as the class schedule. Still, though, I could run/lift weights on my own time when I'm not in MT classes.

Just trying to figure out how to balance my nutrition/training and get into optimum shape.

what's up Jared? Anyways, to start with try to eat 6 small meals a day instead of three, drink lots of water all day. Just try to eat clean food and it will start to come off..figure out how many calories you need a day and take in slightly less than that. Also try and avoid eating late in the evening..especially carbs.