Media Nate Diaz goes off on social media influencer

Who the fuck is N3on, and why are people like this referred to as "influencers"? Who or what are they influencing? Most of these dorks are just internet basement dwellers who just happen to get more views than the average internet dork. Adam22 is a perfect example, just some talentless idiot who used to troll the b9 forum with rape stories.
I believe Dana has said this fucking goof got kicked out of an UFC event as well for talking shit, 296 i believe.
They all suck and need to disappear.
Basically its why Colby has fans. People who act like this guy and the people who support him. Unfortunatley there is no shortage of pussy ass unfunny edgelords lookin for a vicarious fix.
Like why would they need 50 dudes to chase after him. One would have sufficed. Send that albino ass dude after him
I already can't listen to Nate without my ears bleeding, I'm not gonna also listen to a lisping influencer troll. Can someone just give me the brief quotes
He’s going to be the next Helwani
Deal with it bros
I wonder which Sherdog account is his
That whole exchange looked sad -- but started OK with Nate paying respect to fighters he looked up to.

The Ariel-esque N3on shit-stirrer playing nice before turning asswipe.

Nate sounding tired, stoned, and retarded in his response.
