News Mysterious drones over New Jersey

It's fucking nuts how I'm only reading about this on Sherdog. You'd think this would be the first story on every major news platform, world-wide. But I can't find any mention of it on UK media. :eek:
They're in on it. It's a Geordie Shore + Jersey Shore drone collaboration. Those things can deliver self-tanning creme, steroids, fake eyelashes, etc. with record speed.
We are living in strange, maybe pivotal times. I thought ufo stuff was just nutty shit a few years ago but the more i look into it, I think something is going on. Don't know why now and that's what intrigues me. Maybe they are preparing to do something major. If they did, they'd put all of us back in our places. We're stupid so we'd fight and have to be shown how we ain't really shit, which would be easy for them. But I wonder overall, just what do they want?
It's really not all that far fetched. There's been thousands of reports all over the world and even going back a very long time. Are all these people fucking batshit crazy or stupid or does the old saying "where theres smoke theres fire" come into play here?
I saw them last week at a work function in NJ. They were being followed by a Helicopter and then they disappeared. My phone didn't capture anything but some tiny lights on the Chopper. None of the people I was with could capture them on film either, but some did get the Chopper clearer than me. My friend and coworker is a huge drone hobbyist. He is on youtube and even did a Stanley Cup game for the NHL. He was in Staten Island the next night and saw them again. He went up to film the car sized crafts. He has video of his drone going up, and immediately powering down and crashing back to the ground. He launched a second and the same thing happened. The ones I saw in NJ made no sound, he says the SI ones made no sound and were as big as a Toyota Corolla. He claims we do not make drones that large that make no sound and can affect other craft. He also claims their range makes no sense. Miles and miles of range.
Sounds like the signal got jammed.
It's really not all that far fetched. There's been thousands of reports all over the world and even going back a very long time. Are all these people fucking batshit crazy or stupid or does the old saying "where theres smoke theres fire" come into play here?
it absolutely isn't, no more than accounts of ghosts or many cryptids but.., the harcore scientists are absolutely correct when they say we have to have hard, hard evidence. That's true even if there isn't hard evidence for a lot of things in our universe. I agree with them because our own senses can be so easily fooled. I saw a vid of what I coulda swore was a ufo right at sea, turns out it was just a ship with the lights to the upper deck lit and nothing else. That is why we must question everything. Is it a balloon, a flock of birds, something on the lens, we have to ask questions.

Woah, what a blast from the past. The boys up in Jersey hanging out before UFC 56. You've got to be an old timer to get this joke.


Long live the MarlboroMan 😁

It's either US military drones or it is extra terrestrial. There's no way for 2 weeks hi tech drones have been doing it and we dont know who it is.

If it is Iran n we don't know it - than we are in much more trouble than I even dreamed n Iran is way crafter than I ever imagined ....being they been taking L after L from Israel I doubt it.

China might be another option. They are the only ones apart from the US who's tech might be in that range. But yeah, I agree it's either some three-letter agency so far off the books you can't even find them in the index, or someone needs to give Mel Gibson a call.

This actually reminds me of a couple of different UFO videos I saw a long time ago where the UFOs start projecting/simulating firework effects.

Wish I would have saved those.

Found one that I hadn’t seen before but it was something like this:
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speaking of hoax's what about that alien that supposedly crashed into someone's backyard in vegas? That was interesting and I could never really see much clear info on it. The young man seemed convinced he saw something but I dunno, his claiming he prayed to jeses and the alien left him alone made me skeptical. I don't think an alien is afraid of Jesus.
None of this is Aliens.
And if Aliens ever do exist, I hope they pull out the Bible and go "We came here in search of Jesus"