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She was harassed by a crack head!
Me and my Roxie Sox were out on our morning stroll, we live down the street from the high school and she likes to go out when all the kids are getting dropped off in the neighborhood, she enjoys the hustle and bustle of the morning commute and saying hi to all the kids as we pass them
So we're just mobbing along on our usual route and we get to the train station parking lot which is where we turn and head for home, so we bend that left as usual and we see a big ole fat tweaker lady way on the other end of the same block walking towards us
She's pulling one of those canvas wagon gimmicks that I see a lotta people pulling their kids or their pets in now days and she's hootin' and hollerin' and carrying on about something or the other
We keep walking towards her and she's putting on a whole show, waving her arms in the air and stomping about, as we get a bit closer but still half a block away she starts screaming and I can hear bits and pieces of what she's yelling, "GET THAT DOG!!....grumble grumble... "I GOT MY KIDS HERE!!"... intelligible..."VICIOUS BEAST!!"... other nonsense
I realize she's yelling at me so I start chuckling because my Roxie Sox is busy smelling flowers and has no idea this woman even exists as shes way over there far away still screaming for us to "CLEAR THE PATH!!"
I keep walking towards her, curious to see how this plays out, when finally she turns around and back tracks about 20 feet and takes the lower path on the same sidewalk, now we're still walking towards each other but we're separated by a fence and some benches and a patch of shrubs and flowers and what not, its impossible for us to get within 15 feet of each other without fighting our way through a whole lotta barricades and a 5 foot drop
You've all seen pictures of ole Pete, you know my fat ass aint making no 5 foot jumps
We're now in the same general area of each other and she's still at it and my Roxie Sox notices her commotion and gets a bit nervous, Roxie was abused and neglected before I rescued her so she's still a bit skittish when she feels tension from people, Roxie looks up at me for reassurance and I give her a moment of comforting guidance as we continue along
I tried to look into the lady's covered wagon to see if she really had kids with her but at that moment a different tweaker rolled up to me on a bike and he stops to dap me up and ask how I'm doing, I've seen this guy before and he always stops and initiates conversation like we know each other but I have no freaking idea who this guy is but I assume he's someone I knew in my old life so I always say hello and ask how he is but then quickly keep moving
Now we're past the lady and crossing the street onto a new block but I can hear her still because she decided to turn around and follow us, from a safe distance, still yelling at the top of her lungs about "UNTIL ITS TOO LATE!!" and "TICKING TIME BOMBS!!" and "INNOCENT PEOPLE!!" she even did the "TICK! TICK! BOOM!!"
At this point, Im really laughing cause it reminded me of a lotta you drama queens on here with all your terror filled Google dog expertise
Finally, I stop hearing her so I figure she's satisfied that she saved the day and went back on her route, whew, crisis averted!
As we continue along, we see a car pulled over in front of us and a lady gets out of the driver seat and rushes across to the passenger side, I shorten up on my Roxie's leash to pull her next to me as we pass
Its a mom and she pulls her young kid out of the passenger seat and he is projectile vomiting gallons and buckets of nasty blackish green liquid all over the place, I dont know what he ate but it looked like the recipe came outta the Necronomicon cause it was a fricking fountain of the unholy spraying out everywhere
That scared the bajeezus outta my poor Roxie Sox and she started trying to run home to get the heck away from that young demon spawn, all the rest of the way home she was pulling forward hecka hard while also looking back nervously to make sure we werent being followed by little Chuckie there
Then we made it home and she enjoyed her nice morning snack of duck jerky and now she's romping about the house with her toys
Just a nice morning walk through the ghetto
Me and my Roxie Sox were out on our morning stroll, we live down the street from the high school and she likes to go out when all the kids are getting dropped off in the neighborhood, she enjoys the hustle and bustle of the morning commute and saying hi to all the kids as we pass them
So we're just mobbing along on our usual route and we get to the train station parking lot which is where we turn and head for home, so we bend that left as usual and we see a big ole fat tweaker lady way on the other end of the same block walking towards us
She's pulling one of those canvas wagon gimmicks that I see a lotta people pulling their kids or their pets in now days and she's hootin' and hollerin' and carrying on about something or the other
We keep walking towards her and she's putting on a whole show, waving her arms in the air and stomping about, as we get a bit closer but still half a block away she starts screaming and I can hear bits and pieces of what she's yelling, "GET THAT DOG!!....grumble grumble... "I GOT MY KIDS HERE!!"... intelligible..."VICIOUS BEAST!!"... other nonsense
I realize she's yelling at me so I start chuckling because my Roxie Sox is busy smelling flowers and has no idea this woman even exists as shes way over there far away still screaming for us to "CLEAR THE PATH!!"
I keep walking towards her, curious to see how this plays out, when finally she turns around and back tracks about 20 feet and takes the lower path on the same sidewalk, now we're still walking towards each other but we're separated by a fence and some benches and a patch of shrubs and flowers and what not, its impossible for us to get within 15 feet of each other without fighting our way through a whole lotta barricades and a 5 foot drop
You've all seen pictures of ole Pete, you know my fat ass aint making no 5 foot jumps
We're now in the same general area of each other and she's still at it and my Roxie Sox notices her commotion and gets a bit nervous, Roxie was abused and neglected before I rescued her so she's still a bit skittish when she feels tension from people, Roxie looks up at me for reassurance and I give her a moment of comforting guidance as we continue along
I tried to look into the lady's covered wagon to see if she really had kids with her but at that moment a different tweaker rolled up to me on a bike and he stops to dap me up and ask how I'm doing, I've seen this guy before and he always stops and initiates conversation like we know each other but I have no freaking idea who this guy is but I assume he's someone I knew in my old life so I always say hello and ask how he is but then quickly keep moving
Now we're past the lady and crossing the street onto a new block but I can hear her still because she decided to turn around and follow us, from a safe distance, still yelling at the top of her lungs about "UNTIL ITS TOO LATE!!" and "TICKING TIME BOMBS!!" and "INNOCENT PEOPLE!!" she even did the "TICK! TICK! BOOM!!"
At this point, Im really laughing cause it reminded me of a lotta you drama queens on here with all your terror filled Google dog expertise
Finally, I stop hearing her so I figure she's satisfied that she saved the day and went back on her route, whew, crisis averted!
As we continue along, we see a car pulled over in front of us and a lady gets out of the driver seat and rushes across to the passenger side, I shorten up on my Roxie's leash to pull her next to me as we pass
Its a mom and she pulls her young kid out of the passenger seat and he is projectile vomiting gallons and buckets of nasty blackish green liquid all over the place, I dont know what he ate but it looked like the recipe came outta the Necronomicon cause it was a fricking fountain of the unholy spraying out everywhere
That scared the bajeezus outta my poor Roxie Sox and she started trying to run home to get the heck away from that young demon spawn, all the rest of the way home she was pulling forward hecka hard while also looking back nervously to make sure we werent being followed by little Chuckie there
Then we made it home and she enjoyed her nice morning snack of duck jerky and now she's romping about the house with her toys
Just a nice morning walk through the ghetto