My Dog Thinks Hes Mike Tyson (Bloody Pics Inside)

Pliny Pete

Puts Butts In Seats
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Fred and Daisy were roughhousing on Saturday when it got a little heated and they started throwing hands for reals
I saw a little piece of meat go flying up in the air but I thought it was a piece of food or something
I could tell Daisy was hurt cause she did her angry yelp/jaw snap/head shake that she always does when Fred gets a good one in on her
I saw a couple spots of blood on her neck and as Im inspecting her blood starts pouring all over the floor and I notice her ear isnt as large as it used to be
Ended up with blood all over my floor, walls, dogs and me







Theyve since kissed and made up

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Fred is a meanie
lol Freds the nice one, a big ole teddy bear
Daisy is the angry shit starter thats always trying to bully him but every once in awhile he gets tired of it and has to check a hoe
as those game pits?
What did you do with the piece of ear?
Jesus pete I would be freakin out of one of mine did the other like that. Thank god i got beagles.
Just think if that ear was a toddlers neck.

Pitbulls are so dangerous, as these lics shoq. You should probably put that dog that did the attscking out of its sociopathic misery, before he eat a baby
Just think if that ear was a toddlers neck.

Pitbulls are so dangerous, as these lics shoq. You should probably put that dog that did the attscking out of its sociopathic misery, before he eat a baby

I wouldnt trust that dog after this, imagine that mutt on the loose.
Just think if that ear was a toddlers neck.

Pitbulls are so dangerous, as these lics shoq. You should probably put that dog that did the attscking out of its sociopathic misery, before he eat a baby
and youre the reason why pits get a negative rap......
Dinnae let the wee dugs fight!