Muscle density?

i know what the TC is talking about actually, i'm fairly heavily muscled (upper and lower) and people always assume i'm like 20 pounds heavier than what i really weigh.
Its all about lean mass, being bigger usually gives you competitive advantage in contact sports.
People are often surprised how heavy i am but my legs are quite thick compared to my skinny upper body.
bone structure is not going to make a huge difference. thats a common myth probably created by overweight people "i'm not fat, my bones are heavy!". the mass % of the bones in the human body is about 10-15%. even if somebody had really massive bones, his bones would probably be like 20% heavier than the average bone structure.

I think it makes up like 3% only
You're right styles. For example, I weigh about 230 and have around 8-9 pounds of bone tissue (which is between 3-4%). There's not way frame or bone density makes that big of a difference.
Its all about where the muscle is located. When people think of someone as muscular, they usually think of the chest, delts, and arms. These are small muscles. I look lighter than I am. I have small arms(15 inches @ 195) and calves, small wrists and knees, and I don't have bodybuilder boobs. But my upper thighs, glutes, and back are ginormous in comparison. These are the muscles that contribute most to weight.
I agree that its about how they look muscular and which muscles are big. When I was a bench/curl monkey I stayed around 185 forever. When I started DLing and squatting and such I jumped up to 200 really quickly. It was all legs/core/back muscles and to the lay person I didn't look all that different after the jump.
First, muscle does not weigh more than fat, a lbs of each is still a lbs. Muscle is more dense. As for the differences, it could be a number of things like: bone density, organ weight, differences in limbs that will all attribute to one guy looking more dense than another.

sounds about right
You're right styles. For example, I weigh about 230 and have around 8-9 pounds of bone tissue (which is between 3-4%). There's not way frame or bone density makes that big of a difference.

Yeah, i meant that your bones would be 20% heavier. Lets say you're average and you have 9 pounds of bone tissue, so someone with really heavy bones would have 10,8 pounds of bones.
Some people are definitely denser than others. I used the same weight room with the football team of my college and those wide receivers looked much skinnier than me but were actually heavier and much much stronger. They had small wrists and ankles so they couldn't have been big-boned. With the shirts on, they didn't even look muscular. Some of them have legs half my size - long skinny bones and muscles but they could squat many times more.
What I hate is how I gained 20 pounds of muscle from core lifts and shit, and then my lower legs started to take a beating in my sprinting and sport play. I can't seem to get rid of shin splints at 215, but had no problems with them no matter what I did below 195...

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