Movie Face-off: Robocop or The Terminator

Movie Face-off: Robocop or The Terminator

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Did Terminator have hookers and blow? No? Then we know which movie was better.
Fuch y'all hatres. ROBOCOP NUMERO UNO. Terminator dies every film. I mean, so does Robert O. Cop, sure, but at least LEAST has the cojones to make his comeback in the same movie. Dead or alive you're coming with me! (Incidentally: Why would he take anyone dead? Hold the body on trial? Thanks for bringing him ... dead, Cop. I guess?)
Terminator is the better film and has aged better, but Robocop is more fun, really depends on my mood which I prefer at the moment.
Did Terminator have hookers and blow? No? Then we know which movie was better.

Well, I wouldn't call her a hooker exactly, but Ginger certainly had that sexy 80s trashy thing going...

I love me some Robocop, but come on TS: Prime, Motivated, Healthy Arnold with The Look in his eyes by whatever he fucking wants.:cool:
Biehn never gets enough credit for Terminator imo. His portrayal of Reese was understated and complex, he did an awesome job in that movie. He's a big part of why it works so well, he sells you on how bleak the future is and how terrifying the terminator is.

One of my favourite lines is Kyle's answer to Sarah when she asks what women are like in his time,

"Good fighters."

This is a guy who's life has been burned down to food, sleep and war. He is almost as single-minded as the Terminator itself.
Robocop > The Terminator

Terminator 2 > Everything else

Better gore, badass main weapon, tons of awesome quotes and great characters.
"Can you fly, Bobby" scored you major points, but then you fucked up bad with "Come with me if you want to live", which is from the 2nd Terminator movie, not the first one.

And don't try to give me none o' that 'I was comparing the franchises overall' shit, because no you fucking weren't.


"Come with me if you want to live" is actually in both of the first two Terminators.

Michael Biehn says it in the first one to Sarah after he shotguns Arnold through the window at Tech Noir.

And then they used it or variations of it in the crappy sequels too...

But I agree that he couldn't have picked a better Robocop quote than "Can you fly Bobby..."

Well, maybe this...

I always liked this one.

I like both pretty much equally, though if I absolutely had to choose just one, it would be Terminator by the smallest of margins. Terminator was a more visually striking film, and the chase at the end is intense, virtuoso action film-making. Robocop was fun, often funny, and had a social message behind its cheesy 80's exterior. Both movies had great theme-songs and memorable one-liners. The scene where the enforcement droid still shoots the guy after he puts down the weapon in the board-room is flat out hilarious.

That brings me to a question. Why the hell isn't Robocop's poll quote: "Dead or alive, you're coming with me."?