Mount Rushmore. Who's next?


Jun 25, 2012
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So I'm watching TMZ ( fuck you ) and Rushmore was mentioned, and the question arose as to who was next, if ever to be immortalized in the side of a cliff. I'm no Rushmore expert, but it looks as if two, maybe three more Presidents could be chiseled in. So what do you say Sherdog, do they leave it as is forever or do they build on it, and who deserves the immortality of being carved into stone
Leave it as is. No one else deserves it.
Nobody. Presidential libraries have taken the place of monuments.
Slick Willy. The only real option...but it won't happen cause he caught the wash in the oval office.
FDR and the rest of washington's body. And then Eisenhower.
does it have to be a president really?
Only Jimmy Carter deserves it. In fact chop off Lincoln and Roosevelt to make room for all the teeth
leave it. presidents aint been about shit for awhile now.
does it have to be a president really?

You tell me. I'm a Canadian, but I would imagine any new "Inductee" would cause a shit fit, and a non-President would be considered blasphemy
Dana White, the greatest president we've ever known
the father of our country, George Jefferson