Most Commonly Mispronounced Names in BJJ?

On a related note, I end up becoming Guedes anytime a brazilian gets hold of my name. I know it's a real name's not my name! >_<
There's a lot of good ones in hear I'd like to see someone tackle. Xande, Terere, Jacare, ect.... I hear Terere as Tay Ta Day, but I figure that's wrong.
Xande = Shan-jee
Terere = Te-reh-ray
Jacare = Ja-ka-ray

Non-portuguese speaker, but I've been around a few in my time. ^_^
So then is it pronounced " Kai-oh Te-Ha"? I guess does the R take the H sound even in the middle of the name?
Edit: there's a local brown belt with the last name Nguyen, and for the life of me, I can never remember how to pronounce that.

I knew a Vietnamese guy with that last name, he said to pronounce it "win". I don't know if he just capitulated to us westerners or not.
Nguyen I always just pronounced Un-when, with no real gap between the two syllables.

Not perfect, but that was my best attempt. @_@
If it's at the beginning of a name, R becomes H. In the middle of a name, double R becomes H. So Montayro. But Teh-ha.

Kind of?
terere gave me fits for a while till i understood the portugese pronunciation
tsSo only the double Rs become H sounds, got it. Thanks.

I'm about 95% certain that I've never heard anybody say Caio Teh-ha.. I'm looking hard for a copy of his dvd, since he introduces himself in it. I'll post it as soon as I can find it.
I also said Margarita for the longest time before I got corrected.
i thought caio was kai-you. cuz words that end with an o in portuguese get a u sound, right?
I think the other thing you have to take into account is the regional accents within Brazil, which just confuse things even more. >_<