Elections More Americans Identify as Republican than Democrat for the first time in 30 Years

I think the difference in being fiscally far left, as opposed to socially far left is eluding some

Bernie is still far left imo
I think the difference in being fiscally far left, as opposed to socially far left is eluding some

Bernie is still far left imo
I don't think the spectrum really captures the issue. And I don’t think TYT is sophisticated enough to really describe their differences in those terms (it's more gut reactions and cultural affinities, like rightists).

But it is true that a lot of American leftists have a delusion that other developed countries are way to our left, which is mostly a result of ignorance.
I think the difference in being fiscally far left, as opposed to socially far left is eluding some

Bernie is still far left imo
No, that's the best part. They cannot tolerate the same abuse of "far left" that they have become accustomed to going in the other direction because, ironically, it is actually them who have grown conditioned to a political compass so wildly distorted over the decades due to the media. The media loves to call anything that moves "far right". That's why it's so much fun to taunt them with it.

"Far right" and "far left" were reserved to describe actual, extremist groups when I was a kid. I mean literal terrorists. An example of a group on the right would be the KKK. An example of a group on the left would be ELF/ALF. Groups that lynched people, threatened or attacked the police, blew up buildings, chained themselves to trees.

Populate the chart I afforded with more sources. TYT's partisan bias is stronger to the left than it is for The Gateway Pundit, OAN, InfoWars/Alex Jones, PragerU, Epoch Times, ZeroHedge, Laura Ingraham, and the Rubin Report to the right, for example. It is simply beyond the pale-- intolerably outlandish-- to describe them as "centrist". They are about as far out to the left as anyone in mainstream politics is. So if personalities like Dave Rubin are "far right", then what's good for the goose, eh?

I just can't stand when people won't acknowledge basic truths. Bernie Sanders is not a centrist. TYT is not centrist.
Could you give me a couple of politicians and maybe some youtube channels that you'd consider far left?
Alrighty! So YouTube channels, off the top of my head.

Far left, AKA, *generally* anti corporate/Capitalism, social justice-y, etc, the whole nine. Apologies if there's some exceptions, I don't keep track of them fully, only so much time in a day and all that:

Second Thought
Novara Media (They've a website too)
Means TV (Lefty streaming)
Democracy At Work (Hosted by Professor Richard D Wolff, Marxian economist)
Bad Faith (Podcast)
Probably/Maybe: Foreign Man In a Foreign Land / Foreign Fridays - newer to me, seem to be more social commentary but the dude's politics are definitely left
India & Global Left
The Real News Network
First Thought
BreakThrough News

As an aside, though 'the left' is varied and there's much internal squabble, the general ethos in my view is questioning the legitimacy of authority/power structures.

Anyway. Lefty by US standards, general 'Bernie Sanders'/Scandinavian sorta left if you will and generally leftwing (You'll hear criticisms of Capitalism but not really/necessarily 'fuck the entire thing')

Secular Talk
The Majority Report (Recommend this, Secular Talk and Democracy Now! for left leaning / left curious. The Majority Report is a good program with some interesting interviews too, they also take calls)
Climate Town (Almost didn't put him down but he does great work and I don't see righties talking about/taking climate change cereally nor exposing corporations' misdeeds. He has a degree in climate science IIRC)
Not Just Bikes (Probably anyway, it's a dude who basically comments on infrastructure and the benefits of making it more friendly for everyone and a lot of righties here have contempt for eliminating car based infrastructure sooo... lol. Debatable though)
The Daily Show (Close on not putting this here but while mainstream and a comedy it's left of MSNBC, CNN, and they'll critique the Democrats and do some real stuff though I wouldn't call them 'far left' by any means)
Breaking Points (It's a righty/lefty show but lefty is half so I put it here)
More Perfect Union
Leeja Miller
Status Coup News
Robert Reich
Democracy Now!

Haymarket Books is also a lefty book place. If you're unfamiliar with the name Haymarket, search 'Haymarket Affair' or 'Haymarket Riot' to see their inspiration for the name.

Additionally, I highly recommend George Orwell's book Homage To Catalonia. It documents his time fighting with Anarchists against fascists. Everyone talks about 1984 but this is a FAR more interesting read IMO.

Politician wise the most obvious and notable examples off the top of my head would be Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn (English dude). There's a few more across the pond but I can't think of their names off the top of my head. In general The Green Party is considered far left in the US but they're not a very serious party and haven't done much. I don't pay much attention to individual politicians, relatively speaking.

I know I'm missing some but there ya go.

A common trend you may notice with lefty news/sources is that they often have no direct corporate backing. Believe it or not it's (seems to me anyway) easier to be a rightwing grifter because you can basically just make shit up lol, just have charisma.
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No, that's the best part. They cannot tolerate the same abuse of "far left" that they have become accustomed to going in the other direction because, ironically, it is actually them who have grown conditioned to a political compass so wildly distorted over the decades due to the media. The media loves to call anything that moves "far right". That's why it's so much fun to taunt them with it.

"Far right" and "far left" were reserved to describe actual, extremist groups when I was a kid. I mean literal terrorists. An example of a group on the right would be the KKK. An example of a group on the left would be ELF/ALF. Groups that lynched people, threatened or attacked the police, blew up buildings, chained themselves to trees.

Populate the chart I afforded with more sources. TYT's partisan bias is stronger to the left than it is for The Gateway Pundit, OAN, InfoWars/Alex Jones, PragerU, Epoch Times, ZeroHedge, Laura Ingraham, and the Rubin Report to the right, for example. It is simply beyond the pale-- intolerably outlandish-- to describe them as "centrist". They are about as far out to the left as anyone in mainstream politics is. So if personalities like Dave Rubin are "far right", then what's good for the goose, eh?

I just can't stand when people won't acknowledge basic truths. Bernie Sanders is not a centrist. TYT is not centrist.
Why do you have to be in the center to not be far left?
Progressive liberal weirdos keep pushing people right. The absurdity has reached the point where people want space from the bullshit.
No, that's the best part. They cannot tolerate the same abuse of "far left" that they have become accustomed to going in the other direction because, ironically, it is actually them who have grown conditioned to a political compass so wildly distorted over the decades due to the media. The media loves to call anything that moves "far right". That's why it's so much fun to taunt them with it.

"Far right" and "far left" were reserved to describe actual, extremist groups when I was a kid. I mean literal terrorists. An example of a group on the right would be the KKK. An example of a group on the left would be ELF/ALF. Groups that lynched people, threatened or attacked the police, blew up buildings, chained themselves to trees.

Populate the chart I afforded with more sources. TYT's partisan bias is stronger to the left than it is for The Gateway Pundit, OAN, InfoWars/Alex Jones, PragerU, Epoch Times, ZeroHedge, Laura Ingraham, and the Rubin Report to the right, for example. It is simply beyond the pale-- intolerably outlandish-- to describe them as "centrist". They are about as far out to the left as anyone in mainstream politics is. So if personalities like Dave Rubin are "far right", then what's good for the goose, eh?

I just can't stand when people won't acknowledge basic truths. Bernie Sanders is not a centrist. TYT is not centrist.
You’re wasting your breath if your talking to anyone who actually thinks TYT isn’t far left.
TYT's partisan bias is stronger to the left than it is for The Gateway Pundit, OAN, InfoWars/Alex Jones, PragerU, Epoch Times, ZeroHedge, Laura Ingraham, and the Rubin Report to the right, for example.

Not according the sources that you just linked lol

edit - by "just" i guess i mean a week ago lol. I didn't realize how old this thread was