modern woman influencer jailed - dubai Ws!!!

By the sounds of it the car rental agency was holding onto her personal property that was still left inside a rental car her friend had crashed. A customer (customer's friend in this case) crashing a car is shitty behaviour, but it's no excuse to steal their property. You give them back their property and you arrange payment for the damages separately. The employee calling the Islamic police on her for being angry instead of resolving the situation is a bitch move.
what are these ''freedoms'' you hold so dear ?
The freedom to yell at someone who’s being an asshole.

I want to know what it is about the UAE you like so much. Is it maybe that being gay is illegal?

I’m thinking that’s a yes.

I’ll take the continuing silence as an affirmation of that.

Yeah, this is what certain people want for the US - for it to be the Christian version of the UAE. Me? I want the freedom to have sex with whomever I want as long as they’re a consenting adult. Those aforementioned people will whine about Dr. Fauci “taking away mah freedoms!” because people were quarantined during a pandemic. What they mean is, “Freedom for me, not for thee.”
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its big reason, but not the only one
Yeah, pretty much what I thought. And I bet I’ll find plenty of war room posts by you complaining about democrats are taking away your 2nd amendment right, or Dr. Fauci taking away your freedom during the pandemic, etc.

Oh, and it is the only reason despite what you say. Do you know how I know that? Because you’re as bad at hiding that as you were at hiding the fact that you like the UAE because of their persecution of gay people. Everyone can see through it. Not just me.

So what happens when UAE says, “Christian westerners are becoming a real problem. Christianity is illegal”?
Is there no US embassy there? No way would i travel to a country that doesn't have a US embassy.
Yeah, pretty much what I thought. And I bet I’ll find plenty of war room posts by you complaining about democrats are taking away your 2nd amendment right, or Dr. Fauci taking away your freedom during the pandemic, etc.

Oh, and it is the only reason despite what you say. Do you know how I know that? Because you’re as bad at hiding that as you were at hiding the fact that you like the UAE because of their persecution of gay people. Everyone can see through it. Not just me.

So what happens when UAE says, “Christian westerners are becoming a real problem. Christianity is illegal”?
fella, i've not murican, and i've never posted in the war room, i'm not hiding its a big reason why i like it, but its not the only reason, as ive already said that, i enjoy it every time i'm there, what not to like?
Maybe we can trade an arms dealer to get her back.

Well, with that American soldier that just voluntarily ran across the North Korean border to escape the law, I'm expecting full NK sanction relief, and ceding part of South Korean territory, to get him back.

We just need a few more NBA players to start complaining, to get the ball rolling.

Let's do this!

Paul Whelan says hi.
Based Dubai is BASED. <Moves>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Dubai bless.

*** edit faces jail time *** I can't fix title <Lmaoo>But they have my vote. Throw the book at her.
lol. Her online shtick is " sassy Trucker".

Folks don't know you can't act like angry Karen's in other non western countries?
Lol at people ITT pretending that Dubai is some bastion of morality. Human trafficking, modern day slavery, human rights abuses, prostitution, corruption, the list goes on, is basically what it's built on. Hypocites of the highest order and a soulless city.

To disparage the west and it's supposed deterioration of morality and traditional values, then to defend Dubai is just laughable. Dubai the last place you want to go if you have morals and traditional value. Even without the lack of morality, it's just one of the most poorly designed cities in the world with nothing to do except for overpriced parties and shopping. A certain kind of people flock there and they are not people we should be envy.
fella, i've not murican, and i've never posted in the war room, i'm not hiding its a big reason why i like it, but its not the only reason, as ive already said that, i enjoy it every time i'm there, what not to like?
Disgustingly hot


No native culture / cuisine worth exploring
Kind of funny how so many people see "influencer female" and automatically decide she is in the wrong and hope nothing but the worst for her.

Kind of sad and dare I say concerning

With that being said she is in fact an idiot going there. Actually anyone is an idiot for going there other than to conduct business and immediately get out
I don't know what is up with the women above 25 and shitting on service industry workers, but it's sucks to witness. I just don't see men pulling that crap (as much).
Disgustingly hot


No native culture / cuisine worth exploring
No hotter than Vegas or Phoenix

When it comes to call countries out for slavery, murica needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.

when you come from somewhere that's centuries old and has had a shit ton of kings and queens, i really have zero interest in the native culture, i'm all cultured and historied out.
a year in prison for shouting is fucking stupid. fine the hell out of her, and kick her out of dubai. but it definitely seems the dubai government want attention and want to make an example of her. extremely excessive if you ask me.

to add, these harsh penalties will only deter tourists from wanting to visit. you're on vacation, you don't want to feel scared and threatened by the slightest of mistakes made.
She might not be at wrong here besides being a woman in the UAE. She is being charged with screaming aggressively in public. I think some of you guys are prejudice against her because she seems like a ghetto chick. You got to look at the situation. She got into a car accident and they impounded the car. Her ID, credit card and items were in the car. She went to the rental place to get it back and the agent wanted money for the possessions. She isn't the driver and not responsible for the accident. It seems messed up but bribes are very common overseas.

Her friend is a dumbass for driving in Dubai. The roadways are really wide and the people drive aggressively.