modern woman influencer jailed - dubai Ws!!!

Freedom, they just escape one form of slavery to be consumed by another deluding themselves that their free.......
absolutely, when I took sociology at the local U, certain phrases just stuck in my mind. One was," people prefer security over freedom".
So that's why Sensei Seagal loves residing in Dubai. People won't be able to be rude to him.
maybe they are free, free of assholes like we have in the west.

Assholes in the West? I'm sure being a consenting human toilet for hire is considered freedom for some...... everyone has a price but don't believe for one minute that you're not replacing one form of slavery with another.
Did they take the reservation without knowing how to hold the reservation?

No, according to the article " "The police hold Allen’s passport, Stirling said."
“After the crash, Allen tried to retrieve personal items still inside of the car from the rental agency, sparking an altercation, Stirling said.”

“Disputes over rental car agency fees have seen other foreign tourists stuck in the city-state in the past as well.”
Brain rotted weirdos. They were trying to extort her for thousands of dollars. The rental car company was holding her passport.

Two quick points:

1. There is a blog out there called something like "jailed in Dubai". They stated that this is a well known scam within Dubai for rental car companies to hide fees from the customer until the end.

2. I cannot stress this enough. Do NOT give anyone the passport in your possession. It is NOT YOUR passport. The owner of the passport is the country that issued it to you. It states within the passport that you are merely the "custodian" of the passport. If anyone asks for it (outside of customs agents within the airport) tell them that you can't, because it's not yours. That is why you use a photo copy to give to places like this.
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Two quick points:

1. There is a blog out there called something like "jailed in Dubai". They stated that this is a well known scam within Dubai for rental car companies to hide fees from the customer until the end.

2. I cannot stress this enough. Do NOT give anyone the passport in your possession. It is NOT YOUR passport. The owner of the passport is the country that issued it to you. It states write on the passport that you are merely the "custodian" of the passport. If anyone asks for it (outside of customs agents within the airport) tell them that you can't, because it's not yours. That is why you use a photo copy to give to places like this.

They will accept a photocopy?
This is why I’m always careful traveling internationally. I would never go to Dubai though. Just one of those places I don’t trust.
That whole region I wouldn’t trust as an American. America has given other countries a pretty big reason to have a chip on its shoulder. And places like that don’t generally rely on American tourism.
like the eagles said, freedom was just some people talking. If you are a slave to the dollar and belongings there is no way in hell you're free no matter what you think. Yet, millions in my country call it "The American Dream" to have all the goodies in the american department store and yet they are still unhappy and need drugs, porn, booze and more, more, more of everything. The older I get the more I understand what Malcolm X meant, "The price of freedom is death".
Well, the American dream used to mean socioeconomic mobility. But that was actually only a reality in America for a couple of decades. And even then, only for some people.
maybe they are free, free of assholes like we have in the west.
You can’t really think that, can you? You don’t think that there are just assholes everywhere, no matter where you go?

Also, let’s say you’re right and Dubai and the UAE is all the most polite people you’ve ever seen, and nobody is an asshole.
Do you understand that the trade off is freedom? You aren’t free to do shit there. They can fucking throw you in jail for drinking at a certain time of day. They can throw you in jail for flipping someone off. And apparently for yelling at someone.
So, if you want to trade all your freedoms, the importance of which I’m constantly hearing about from fellow Americans, for the appearance of politeness, go right ahead.
You can’t really think that, can you? You don’t think that there are just assholes everywhere, no matter where you go?

Also, let’s say you’re right and Dubai and the UAE is all the most polite people you’ve ever seen, and nobody is an asshole.
Do you understand that the trade off is freedom? You aren’t free to do shit there. They can fucking throw you in jail for drinking at a certain time of day. They can throw you in jail for flipping someone off. And apparently for yelling at someone.
So, if you want to trade all your freedoms, the importance of which I’m constantly hearing about from fellow Americans, for the appearance of politeness, go right ahead.
''freedom'' is overrated, i've been to Dubai and UAE, i've also been to many places in North America, i'll go east again, but never west.
''freedom'' is overrated, i've been to Dubai and UAE, i've also been to many places in North America, i'll go east again, but never west.

Dubai is extremely safe. They don't tolerate ghetto behavior over there

Again, the trade off for safety, politeness, etc. is you give up your freedom. Everyone should understand that.