MMA fighter accidentally stabs sparring partner with ax in training

Not true. They were generally layered animal hide stretched over a wooden frame. Wood has a grain which makes then shitty defemse against bladed weapons - only training shields, and shields for the poor were solid wood.

YouTube, bitatch.


That's not true. Lots used leather, hide, etc but wood was by far the most common material.
That's not true. Lots used leather, hide, etc but wood was by far the most common material.
It was the most common, but it was never in a plate like in the video without some kind if border to hold it into shape. That was basically a plywood shield. A bunch of shit needed to happen to wood before you could use it as a shield, and the ones the lords and so on had were layered/matted underneath the wood.
It was the most common, but it was never in a plate like in the video without some kind if border to hold it into shape. That was basically a plywood shield. A bunch of shit needed to happen to wood before you could use it as a shield, and the ones the lords and so on had were layered/matted underneath the wood.

Uh-huh. And where did I say it was?
Well, it's a good way to practice head movement, I guess.

I bet that guy won't make the mistake of slipping when he was supposed to roll, ever again.
I thought fighters stopped doing this years ago after what happened to Wanderlei's training partner.