Elections Mike Liddell on Jimmy Kimmel full interview

Funny how the left calls reasonable honest people like Tim Poole a grifter. Hey here we are with jimmy, the biggest one of them all, by far
When you speak out against the botnet NPC army that is what happens... it happens to Bill Mahr, or Rogan who has more liberal than anything else..
When you speak out against the botnet NPC army that is what happens... it happens to Bill Mahr, or Rogan who has more liberal than anything else..
It’s funny how they have nothing. And all the “intellectuals” that they ah e are total crap now. Bunch of leftist fanatics
I've never heard of the Pillow guy untill

As for jimmy, the clip above shows that late night talk shows are no longer relevant. There are enough interviews, skits, and political commentary on youtube that I don't need to eat h anything broadcast at 11:30
Lindell is clearly a nutter but seems genuine and always comes off as a nice guy. He's my favorite magtard by far.
Why the hell are late night talk shows so full of one sided political views now?

I don't remember any of that shit back in the days of Letterman and Leno.
Why the hell are late night talk shows so full of one sided political views now?

I don't remember any of that shit back in the days of Letterman and Leno.

Seriously, the new presumption that you can just spew Leftist talking points on any given platform and people should give it credence without any setup or nuance, like you're just talking from the "default" view of reality somehow, is insane...
Mike Lindell is some kind of an agent or asset. The whole crackhead to pillow mogul narrative is contrived.

Conservatives would be smart to not rally behind, defend, and support this guy. It will eventually blow up in your face...by design.
lol that you watch Kimmel and Lindell talk and the one you think is a political asset is crackhead loon Lindell.
I can’t stand to watch Jimmy Kimmel for more than a minute. What was said in the interview?
Why the hell are late night talk shows so full of one sided political views now?

I don't remember any of that shit back in the days of Letterman and Leno.

I feel like they gave the guy an honest chance to talk and share his views. Also, late night shows have always been more liberal than conservative. You need only look at the comedians, musicians, and actors they have had since the beginning.
lol that you watch Kimmel and Lindell talk and the one you think is a political asset is crackhead loon Lindell.

I would say they both are assets. It's called controlled opposition.
I will never watch this even under the threat of torture but the pillow guy is probably one of like 3 mainstream magatards in existence that isn't in it strictly to grift the dumbest drones in human history. He really believes his own bullshit, which at least makes him more like a sherdog poster than a guy like Cernovich or Ben Shapiro
Dude has used the n-word and done blackface in the past...untouchable.

Yea and had a pro sexual assault show "the man show" .. It just shows you the double standards
Why the hell are late night talk shows so full of one sided political views now?

I don't remember any of that shit back in the days of Letterman and Leno.

Because Dotard was such a lying, divisive, racist retard that there was no way to be neutral.
This guy keeps getting endorsements

Kimmel’s main problem is he need a major ass whooping, too many mouthy shits have never been properly checked. Evolution has really failed you guys, the weakest most useless parts of society have the loudest voices.