mike fowler black belt

Good for him. The black belt is well deserved. Anyone know how long it took him to get it? I'm curious because his instructor, Lloyd Irvin, is the guy who claims you're able to get a black belt in 3 1/2 years on his grappling blueprint.
Mike Fowler is a great grappler. Didn't he only get his brown like last year? Well done.
He trained at an affiliate of Lloyd Irvin for like a year or so and then with Lloyd for about 4 years...or so I have heard.
time for him and jacobs to have a superfight at a tourny in that area
the man is talented.... yeah, he only had his brown for a year, but his accomplishments mainly third in the copa mundial is unbelievable....
he's gifted, hes like a larger jeff glover
he got his purplw what 2 years ago????i saw him at a tourny in HB when he got it so from purple to black in two years.
Mike is awesome. He went from brown to black in less than one year. He seems to live and breath competitions.
He does so many competitions I believe he definitely deserves it. His instructor, L. Irvin uses Fowler to promote his materials quite a bit. And he uses Fowler on the tapes he put out as well as on the cover of his conditioning book. Irvin doesn't even do any of the narration on his blueprint stuff himself. And he doesn't even present himself on his blueprint video tape. He uses Fowler. I've never seen such a thing where a guy is trying to sell something but won't even use his own voice or likeness on tapes. Kind of a joke IMO, and takes a lot of credibility away from Irvin. But Fowler does a good job on the tapes.
Mike got his black belt in 4 years and it was very well deserved.

Mike and I have competed against each other twice and we have each beaten each other once. I doubt that we will compete again since Mike is a growing boy and is usually fighting at middleweight these days (2 weight classes above me).
DavidJacobs --- Nobody was saying Mike was better than you, brother... You don't have to present the record for your case. It's all good. You guys are both tremendous.

Mike getting the black belt at 4 years is awesome. You think he's better than Jeff Glover?

I think Jeff should get his blackbelt. He's better than 99% of the guys out there in his or any other weight division, without any question.
johil d'o said:
DavidJacobs --- Nobody was saying Mike was better than you, brother... You don't have to present the record for your case. It's all good. You guys are both tremendous.

Mike getting the black belt at 4 years is awesome. You think he's better than Jeff Glover?

I think Jeff should get his blackbelt. He's better than 99% of the guys out there in his or any other weight division, without any question.

Sorry if it sounded like I was being defensive. I really didn't intend for it to sound that way. I was just responding to guardpasser and letting you guys know that we had competed against each other in the past and what the results were. Mike and I are buddies and I have total respect for his abilities and talent and am actually glad that he is a fatso and is up in the middle weights because that means that I don't have to fight him any more. :D

Mike and Jeff are both awesome and have very different styles. I don't really think I could say if one is better than the other. All I know for sure is that I'm a fan of both and love watching them compete.

Anyway, sorry again if my post came across the wrong way.
Dave, i saw the pictures of you guys in past grappling mags, i didnt realize he had put on some wieght. i am glad to see both of you get the black belts.
i guess you guys will have to dominate two different wieght divisions and show what the DC area can do.
I was just giving you a little bit of a hard time, David. Sorry to come off too seriously there.