International Migrants 3.5x more likely to be arrested for sexual offences in the UK than British citizens

In that vid you posted Starmer does sound like some bleeding heart cuck with all the poor muslims stuff but that‘s substance over form. He‘s merely saying don‘t be islamophobic.

Criticizing the behavior of muslims who refuse to integrate and bring their anti-women views to their new country is not Islamophobic

Just because they treat their women at home like property at home while raping or killing them on a whim, doesn't mean isn't acceptable in Western Countries

And several EU countries have seen massive rises in sexual assault solely due the huge number of migrants they've accepted from 3rd world Muslim countries.

And it seems these EU countries are censoring the locals from complaining because that would put their policies under the microscope.

It's shocking to me that you can be arrested in the UK for criticizing the government or even Muslims.

You can't fix this problem without making it a race issue therefore it's a lost cause

Africans from Christian countries are on the same level of problematic

If only they took in migrants only from East Asia like China, Korea or Japan and Southeast Asia like the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia
Maybe the west should stop meddling in these shit hole countries if they don't want refugees.
Care to comment on this?

Article is paywalled for me. So i can only go off the information someone posted here.

Initial complaint dealt with grooming gangs. Data provided here only deals with sexual assaults. Percentages presented dont make sense. ~140,000 Albanians live in the UK. This would mean ~30,000 Albanians in the UK have been charged with sexual assault in 2021. When the UK averages ~6,000 sexual assault cases per year.
You can't fix this problem without making it a race issue therefore it's a lost cause

Africans from Christian countries are on the same level of problematic

If only they took in migrants only from East Asia like China, Korea or Japan and Southeast Asia like the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia
That still doesn't need to be made into a race issue. It's just a cultural issue man....

The fact that you think it has to be discussed in terms of race kind of reveals something about the way you've thought about it. You haven't thought very deeply.
That still doesn't need to be made into a race issue. It's just a cultural issue man....

The fact that you think it has to be discussed in terms of race kind of reveals something about the way you've thought about it. You haven't thought very deeply.

Black males in London are 6% of the population but commit 60% of the homicides regardless of their religion or how many generations they've been in the country even after showering them with welfare and spending a ton of money into their education and housing

East Asians on the other hand commit less crime than even the native british whites
But I heard immigrants always commit less crime!
It's a funny line that some people tried to bring across the pond but while it is probably true for America, even then the devil lies in the details. Our crime averages are brought up because of Black American's, who are way over represented in serious crimes like murder and robbery. You get the impression though that a town full of illegal aliens from Latin America would be safer than a town that is lily-white like Europe is/was.
Criticizing the behavior of muslims who refuse to integrate and bring their anti-women views to their new country is not Islamophobic

Just because they treat their women at home like property at home while raping or killing them on a whim, doesn't mean isn't acceptable in Western Countries

And several EU countries have seen massive rises in sexual assault solely due the huge number of migrants they've accepted from 3rd world Muslim countries.

And it seems these EU countries are censoring the locals from complaining because that would put their policies under the microscope.

It's shocking to me that you can be arrested in the UK for criticizing the government or even Muslims.

I refuse to believe that the cuckery is as bad as what you are showing here
After months of campaigning, Reform has finally made the British establishment release (some) crime figures and it certainly contradicts the official narrative.

Can't wait to read the excuses people will inevitably come up with
These are the numbers they couldn't cover up. The real number must be unfathomable if you factor in cover ups and crimes that never made it to authorities.

you can consent before the age of consent now ? or is the age of consent in the UK now 13 ?
No idea who the fuck Sulaman Ahmed is but he should know a 13 year old can't consent because she is fucking 13. It's called statutory rape you piece of shit.
No idea who the fuck Sulaman Ahmed is but he should know a 13 year old can't consent because she is fucking 13. It's called statutory rape you piece of shit.
they can't cover up the crimes anymore, you can't blame the real culprits because its racist so they deflect to blaming the victim