Mid-air Collusion (Mueller Thread v. 19)

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Michael Cohen had his Klingon warrior moment.

Today was a good day to die.
The president is a citizen like any other and should be protected under the constitution the same. Extra scrutiny into their private lives seems like a violation of 4th

I voted for him if that's what you mean. I agree with a lot of things he stands for, and disagree on some things as well.

He's an incompetent boob with zero credibility, significantly less intelligence than required for the role, a known serial conman and has an obvious personality complex.

The fact you voted for him says a massive amount about you.

I'm not trying to sound mean... sometimes people are just on the wrong side of history. Germans who supported the nazis. Those people in that cult who killed themselves. Slave owners.

History is going to judge you as a gullible rube who supported a cult of personality.
Campaign finance violation for paying a whore to keep her mouth closed? What a joke. They can prove he wouldn't have paid her in other situations?
Karen McDougal was a "whore"? He had a relationship with her for a year dummy.
I’ll be quite honest, I’m poking you guys about “Muh russia”.

I, nor anyone else actually gives a shit about paying off sluts. When someone “flips” on Trump about Russia, by all means, let me know. Until then, us folks on the right will keep laughing at y’all getting your hopes crushed repeatedly.
Does that include laundering Russian money?
A rare gem from Shapiro that doesn't sound like it was written by a high schooler. I can digs it.

I’ve been following Ben on twitter and although a smug prick he seems pretty level headed when it comes to Trump being a scum bag
Personal attorney =/= inner circle, duder
EVERYBODY knows that. Only being physically inside Trump's body counts, so Mueller is gonna need to flip a tapeworm or somethin.
Legit fucking cackle at the image of Mueller interrogating life forms under a microscope.
Campaign finance violation for paying a whore to keep her mouth closed? What a joke. They can prove he wouldn't have paid her in other situations?

So at the discretion of what candidate do you think he was talking about..?
Karen McDougal was a "whore"? He had a relationship with her for a year dummy.

She had sex with a married man and received payment to be quiet about it. Yes. Shes a whore. Either way you ignored the substance of my post and got upset about slut shaming?
So at the discretion of what candidate do you think he was talking about..?

So trump told his lawyer to pay off a woman he had sex with from going public. What is the connection to the election or campaign funds?
At the end of the day, all this is is "Trump banged a hooker".
So trump told his lawyer to pay off a woman he had sex with from going public. What is the connection to the election or campaign funds?

You should have stayed in school. Just because you lack the understanding doesn’t make it any less a campaign finance violation
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