Mickey Gall: Sage would be stuffed in a locker if he grew up in New Jersey

If Mickey Gall loses tonight he should give CM Punk the rematch everybody wants to see.

When Aldo fought McGregor he got caught with a lethal early punch and people said it was over too quick to judge who the real better man was. I feel Gall vs Punk was very similar and that Punk was a little naive and got taken down so early that we never really got a chance to see who the better fighter is.

Im backing super Sage tonight and hopefully Mickey won't keep ducking Punk if he loses.
I completely understand what Gall is trying to say. Sage is like the male version of a teen beauty pageant contestant, with the prepackaged answers and the obnoxious smile.
New Brunswick, NJ.

Home of Rutgers University.

They got some nappy headed hoes there. - Don Imus
Lol, grew up near there, moved away 25 years ago because of the ass clown armosphere. New Brunfuss as we called it back in the day was a real shothole. We'd go there to buy cookies and powder....lol
Because bullies fuck with guys built like Sage.
BS. his biceps can't fit in a locker
Gall. You would get slapped in the hood too. Jersey boys would get picked on by minority's. Hundred of Diaz bros and Kimbos in the hood. Better believe that.
Well Golly Gee Mr Gall, it sure dark in here. How long do I have to hide here? Mr. Gall? Hello?
Its so fucking stupid when fighters say "this guy wouldn't have made it in my hometown", they say it about every single state or country. And btw, Sage has been doing martial arts since a kid pretty sure he would be the one doing the bullying not the other way around.