Mexican Boxing Equipment

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Ok some more observations: Campeon is thick and hard to bend the wrists, but with Boxeo you can bend the wrist with no problems if you want to clinch.
Extremely old SEYER on ebay.



For those of you who got Zepols, do you think that 14oz would be enough protection for your sparring partners? I'm looking for a more compact glove but also want to protect my sparring partners. I'm about 140lbs.

Thanks in advance.
For those of you who got Zepols, do you think that 14oz would be enough protection for your sparring partners? I'm looking for a more compact glove but also want to protect my sparring partners. I'm about 140lbs.

Thanks in advance.

Wow...we live really closeby and you're like reading my mind haha...except i'm more interested in 10oz zepols and protection to train with...maybe will use knuckleguard inserts as Denno recommended to me to make up if its not protective...i just don't know...the brand is so mysterious and foreign to me still...i hear great things... a review i saw the guy said zepol was crap basically with single stitching and such...see now idk wtf to believe
Wow...we live really closeby and you're like reading my mind haha...except i'm more interested in 10oz zepols and protection to train with...maybe will use knuckleguard inserts as Denno recommended to me to make up if its not protective...i just don't know...the brand is so mysterious and foreign to me still...i hear great things... a review i saw the guy said zepol was crap basically with single stitching and such...see now idk wtf to believe

I hear you about mixed reviews, destroyer4147 a couple pages back said the Zepol's are very dense and he wears them for sparring because his training partners wear cheap gloves

...You might wonder why I'd use a somewhat dense-foam glove for sparring, and my response is that it isn't any worse than the Sporting Goods Everlast Gloves that my sparring partners always hit me with...

But then a bunch of other people say that they are soft and great for sparring.

With regards to your video though, I think Juan said that those are cheaper Zepols made by the owner's son.
Wow...we live really closeby and you're like reading my mind haha...except i'm more interested in 10oz zepols and protection to train with...maybe will use knuckleguard inserts as Denno recommended to me to make up if its not protective...i just don't know...the brand is so mysterious and foreign to me still...i hear great things... a review i saw the guy said zepol was crap basically with single stitching and such...see now idk wtf to believe

Hey that are not the original Zepol
That Zepol in the video are made by the Zepol son
Please Look at the pics I p
Ok thanks...I think if i'm going to try a mexican glove it may be jc pacheco (if they got their act together) or zepol which i'm leaning towards...if i knew how long a zepol would last and the protection in 10oz i wouldn't even have thought twice by now >.> however the idea of winning knuckle guards if the protection isn't perfect is a good thought still...we'll stay in contact tech, and yeah chambers if you find anything out keep me posted, i'm not too far away from you haha
The zepols are not hard at all. Springy padding but still protective. I need to go back to my grandfathers gym and visit destroyer. He trains there. I want to check out his zepols because mine are soft and bouncy.
The zepols are not hard at all. Springy padding but still protective. I need to go back to my grandfathers gym and visit destroyer. He trains there. I want to check out his zepols because mine are soft and bouncy.

What size are yours? Let us know if you get more info for sure as usual man :)

Also by hard padding is this a compliment? Because from what i've gathered is soft padding means you feel your knuckles too much and this is bad no? So if zepol isnt hard doesnt that mean its not good? I'm not familiar with this terminology.
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The zepols are not hard at all. Springy padding but still protective. I need to go back to my grandfathers gym and visit destroyer. He trains there. I want to check out his zepols because mine are soft and bouncy.

Thanks Clamp, whenever you get the chance it would be much appreciated :)

What size are yours? Let us know if you get more info for sure as usual man :)

Also by hard padding is this a compliment? Because from what i've gathered is soft padding means you feel your knuckles too much and this is bad no? So if zepol isnt hard doesnt that mean its not good? I'm not familiar with this terminology.

I believe he means soft in a sense that means it is good for sparring and protective for both your knuckles and your sparring partner. Clamp, let me know if I'm mistaken.
Oh ok so you would want hard for the bag and soft for sparring so basically for bag work and such a light oz zepol like 10 would be bad because its soft...? Interesting...
Oh ok so you would want hard for the bag and soft for sparring so basically for bag work and such a light oz zepol like 10 would be bad because its soft...? Interesting...

It's a matter of preference.

On both ends of the spectrum (too soft or too dense) you will have the result of something hard making contact with your sparring partner. It will either be your knuckles when it is too soft, or the dense padding when it is too hard.

Personally I prefer sparring gloves to be softer, not so soft that my knuckles will break through but just soft enough so I can throw harder without feeling bad.

For bag and mitt work, I prefer more dense padding.
Oh ok so you would want hard for the bag and soft for sparring so basically for bag work and such a light oz zepol like 10 would be bad because its soft...? Interesting...

personal preference.

I Enjoy softer gloves like winning for the bag and denser gloves like Reyes for sparring. imf feels weird on the bag and mitts for me.
I Enjoy softer gloves like winning for the bag and denser gloves like Reyes for sparring. imf feels weird on the bag and mitts for me.

Agreed. Though there is a lot of different IMF beside Ringside, some softer (bayfill) I quite like on a bag.
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