Social Meme Thread v.95: Attack of the Dank Memes

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I think their meme-war posts are funny.

Speaking of thread banning, for people who's posts here are 95% basic-bitch regular YLYL funnies I would move their posts to YLYL, the same way it works in vice versa if someone just keeps posting political memes in that thread.

It would highlight the point if more people start doing it, they get away because other people are posting on-topic like Icheerthebull. fr tho that hustle been working for years so why not do it, gonna try it myself lol.


In relation to the meme war shit we had a vote. I can’t recall the options one of the GOAT sherdog mods Irishthug gave us but I know I voted for something like “a bit of chat” and “all Chat allowed” won so it is what it is. As long as we don’t end up with three pages of nothing but arguing and talk we are obliged by the democratic will of the people to let it slide. Or we call for another vote. As long as non political memes don’t become too regular and are within a post containing political memes I think we can let it slide. We certainly should imo lean on the side of caution when it comes to calling for restrictions on what can and can’t be posted here. I think the mods and all the regular meme distributors do a very good job of policing this threat as it is. Thats my two soviet era rubles anyway.

Lol… these are the ones who want equal pay? For what?


This lady has almost single-handedly turned the nation’s darlings into having most of the their former fanbase actively cheering them losing



I legit posted this and it was deleted until I complained that was deleted. But now here it is again. Fancy how the wheeel of time repeats itself. @irish_thug can attest. But my main question is how does humanity attest to such anvils of faith. Let the hammer hit hard and may we all bless

trump is my anvil, bless
In relation to the meme war shit we had a vote. I can’t recall the options one of the GOAT sherdog mods Irishthug gave us but I know I voted for something like “a bit of chat” and “all Chat allowed” won so it is what it is. As long as we don’t end up with three pages of nothing but arguing and talk we are obliged by the democratic will of the people to let it slide. Or we call for another vote. As long as non political memes don’t become too regular and are within a post containing political memes I think we can let it slide. We certainly should imo lean on the side of caution when it comes to calling for restrictions on what can and can’t be posted here. I think the mods and all the regular meme distributors do a very good job of policing this threat as it is. Thats my two soviet era rubles anyway.

I'll just add that when people post shit fb tier memes the best thing to do is ignore them



In relation to the meme war shit we had a vote. I can’t recall the options one of the GOAT sherdog mods Irishthug gave us but I know I voted for something like “a bit of chat” and “all Chat allowed” won so it is what it is. As long as we don’t end up with three pages of nothing but arguing and talk we are obliged by the democratic will of the people to let it slide. Or we call for another vote. As long as non political memes don’t become too regular and are within a post containing political memes I think we can let it slide. We certainly should imo lean on the side of caution when it comes to calling for restrictions on what can and can’t be posted here. I think the mods and all the regular meme distributors do a very good job of policing this threat as it is. Thats my two soviet era rubles anyway.

The one shining example of democracy.

So it is written, so it shall be.

Excellent memory by the way
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