Social Meme Thread v.84: Retaking Constantinople

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When I was in the Army I used to say the fastest way for women to gain power in the military is to marry a general.

So that bumpersticker isn't a surprise.

Kinda reminds me how Democrat Presidents wives can never shut the fuck up, like they think the voters elected them to be president.

No bitch, your husband is the president. You weren't elected to dogcatcher. Shut up and look pretty while standing next to your husband and smile.

Say what you want about Trump, but Melania was the best 1st Lady ever.

Reminds me of the classic scene from A Few Good Men,

Me too. Seen him in concert and his spoken work tours multiple times.
I was only aware of him on the periphery when one of my younger sailors recommended him to me. He had a book of spoken word stuff and some poetry written by Rollins. One of the "poems" was about mutilating and molesting a woman's corpse - intellectually I can say it was merely an attempt to shock the sensibilities of the reader, but the visceral level of detail makes that analysis dishonest. It was more than shocking, it was vile and disturbing. I think now I'm surprised that after that I was able to grudgingly accept him based on more exposure to his other work - speeches, movies, interviews - but that first glimpse put me off him for a very long time.

There's some soy-filled pseudo-intellectual in the comments, who's arguing that black people who don't think they're oppressed or think there's no systemic racism in current USA must be "fronting for white supremacy"

So, minority not believing they're oppressed ---> something, something, something ---> minority thinks white people are the superior race, somehow
There's some soy-filled pseudo-intellectual in the comments, who's arguing that black people who don't think they're oppressed or think there's no systemic racism in current USA must be "fronting for white supremacy"

So, minority not believing they're oppressed ---> something, something, something ---> minority thinks white people are the superior race, somehow
Lol really I will no have to go look... It's just like the LA times calling Larry Elder the black candidate the new face of white supremacy lol and those videos of white protestors yelling in black cops face that they are racist.
text and meme stolen from the internet.
@Deorum , next thread should be about ancient unbreakable technology, like grandma's 60 year old fridge .


This does not even begin to cover the weirdness of cathode ray televisions.

They are literally particle accelerators that you point at your face.

And for eighty years, Americans’ favorite thing to do was turn them on and stare at them for hours.

If you overcharge them, they emit gamma radiation.

Servicing them is like disarming a bomb – their capacitors are enormous and are usually charged to hundreds or thousands of volts, and most of them have no bleed system that drains that charge, meaning that they can still be dangerous months or years after the last time they were powered up. A discharge can not only electrocute you, it can cause tools to melt or explode.

A black-and-white cathode ray TV driven by an unmodulated analog signal is theoretically capable of resolution that would require a microscope to perceive.
Yep sometimes, when supercharged, they would not even shut off with the remote or control buttons on the console.
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