McGregor is 10x more popular than Omalley

#PowerSlap McGregor he was having more #SocialMediaExplosion than UFC McGregor, according to latest market research.

Observe McGregor his most popular recent video on IG social media platform and viewcounts


Compare with video of #PowerSlap McGregor slapping brave homeless man



Here is video of a four mention homeless man he was ok and no longer homeless thanks awarded to Power Slap

McGregor UFC debut - 2013
Omalley UFC debut - 2017

McGregor followers - 47m
Omalley followers - 5m

I was shocked to see the difference.

Conor only had a 4 year head start over Omalley. However the social stats are stagerring, McGregor has almost 10x as many followers. Omalley, in 4 years time, will not have anywhere close to 50 million
Don't get me wrong. The shenanigans of the sport is fun but I watch it primarily for the thrill of mixed martial arts not the characters involved in it. If I wanted a glorified popularity contest, I'd watch the WWE.
O'Malley is not even the UFC Top 10 of popularity Pereira, Porier, Max, Conor, Islam, Rhonda, Brock, Khabib, Israel, Nate, GSP, Spider and Jones have all been way more popular he's not even close to that level.
Israel is kinda cheap though. He’s been blowing people up on their pagers to get followers I heard
McGregor UFC debut - 2013
Omalley UFC debut - 2017

McGregor followers - 47m
Omalley followers - 5m

I was shocked to see the difference.

Conor only had a 4 year head start over Omalley. However the social stats are stagerring, McGregor has almost 10x as many followers. Omalley, in 4 years time, will not have anywhere close to 50 million
At least O'Malley fights.
Honestly it's probably closer to a 100 times.

Random people know of Conor McGregor. Doesn't mean they're going to follow him online.

Social media is a terrible litmus test.
McGregor UFC debut - 2013
Omalley UFC debut - 2017

McGregor followers - 47m
Omalley followers - 5m

I was shocked to see the difference.

Conor only had a 4 year head start over Omalley. However the social stats are stagerring, McGregor has almost 10x as many followers. Omalley, in 4 years time, will not have anywhere close to 50 million

Only retards care about shit like this.. No offense
It shouldn't be shocking at all if you're aware of the events Conor has been a part of, Sean is a UFC project that is nowhere near Conor. Sean is the product of unprecedented UFC promotion and opportunity. And even still, that's the best thing the UFC can trot out now days.

30-40 years will pass, and we'll still be talking about Conor and what he meant to the sport. The numbers don't lie, Conor is the Mike Tyson of our sport. He'll easily be the biggest attraction if and when he decides to enter that cage again.

UFC is hiding the putrid PPV numbers, but eventually the truth will come out. There is nobody that can carry the Torch for guys like Masvidal, Izzy, and Jones commercially, let alone Conor.
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