Elections Mass Deportation: What would it look like and the effect it would have?


Red Belt
Jan 15, 2007
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Trump's campaign as pretty much solely been on immigration and how he will be doing mass deportations if he becomes president. What I don't get is why no one is pressing him on how exactly this would happen and what it would look like. Off the top of my head I can think of two times where Trump or Vance were directly asked what it would look like and the logistics behind it, they danced around the question and didn't answer it.

I think the number Trump likes to claim is 20+ million illegal immigrants have come into the country recently. So how exactly would this work?
  • Where are they going to put all these people? Our prisons and jails don't have that kind of room. Are they going to be building concentration camps around the country?
  • Who is going to be rounding all these people up? Are local law enforcement going to be used, do they even have the man power to do that? If not, is the military going to be used?
  • Who gets to decide who gets arrested and put into a camp pending deportation? What happens to their children that are natural born US citizens?
  • Who pays for this kind of operation? The tax payers? Wouldn't the cost of something like this be massive, likely exceeding the tax burden these people supposedly cause the country?
  • And finally, what happens to the businesses relying to the labor these people are providing? Are all these construction companies and farmers that utilize immigrants the most going to grind to a halt?
I personally think Trump has no intention of actually going this, and it's purely to campaign on. If he wins I think they will do some small deportation initiative of people that were likely already in the system/prisons scheduled for deportation and proclaim it as a victory. Or any plans will get shot down in congress and he will proclaim that he is being held back.
Not sure what you mean by "nobody's pressed them on how this would happen". MSNBC or David Packman might not have covered it, but it has been answered multiple times. Job 1 is to stop the flow in the first place so you don't deport people just for them to come right back in, then you start deporting people who've committed crimes, then you remove the incentives to come here by removing taxpayer funded programs for them and make it more difficult to employ them. They haven't mentioned this part, but adding a tax on remittances would also chip away at the incentives to come here illegally, and if they still do, at least the country is taking in money from having them rather than it costing taxpayers.

Not sure what you mean by "nobody's pressed them on how this would happen". MSNBC or David Packman might not have covered it, but it has been answered multiple times. Job 1 is to stop the flow in the first place so you don't deport people just for them to come right back in, then you start deporting people who've committed crimes, then you remove the incentives to come here by removing taxpayer funded programs for them and make it more difficult to employ them. They haven't mentioned this part, but adding a tax on remittances would also chip away at the incentives to come here illegally, and if they still do, at least the country is taking in money from having them rather than it costing taxpayers.

Out of the solutions both your paragraph and Vance give, only one actually deports people already here. "Deport the ones that have committed crimes" is feasible because it assumes that police already have them in custody.

But removing employment opportunities and taxing remittances isn't deporting them. It's making life miserable for them in the hopes that they'll leave on their own.

The vast, vast, majority of the undocumented are not in police custody and are not committing crimes so you'd have to go and hunt them down. This would obviously be extremely costly and would run into all sorts of legal, civil liberties issues. Vance knows this so of course he glosses over it with "work your way down from there."
Not sure what you mean by "nobody's pressed them on how this would happen". MSNBC or David Packman might not have covered it, but it has been answered multiple times. Job 1 is to stop the flow in the first place so you don't deport people just for them to come right back in, then you start deporting people who've committed crimes, then you remove the incentives to come here by removing taxpayer funded programs for them and make it more difficult to employ them. They haven't mentioned this part, but adding a tax on remittances would also chip away at the incentives to come here illegally, and if they still do, at least the country is taking in money from having them rather than it costing taxpayers.

You should slow down a bit. Your Mail Order Bride could be included in that deportation, I don’t think prostitution is legal here.

Also undocumented migrants are disqualified from most social programs. So calm down.
Out of the solutions both your paragraph and Vance give, only one actually deports people already here. "Deport the ones that have committed crimes" is feasible because it assumes that police already have them in custody.

But removing employment opportunities and taxing remittances isn't deporting them. It's making life miserable for them in the hopes that they'll leave on their own.

The vast, vast, majority of the undocumented are not in police custody and are not committing crimes so you'd have to go and hunt them down. This would obviously be extremely costly and would run into all sorts of legal, civil liberties issues. Vance knows this so of course he glosses over it with "work your way down from there."
That's great, but it's not everybody or nobody. Deporting the criminals is obviously the first priority once the border is secured to avoid deporting them and they come right back, and Biden/Harris administration have specifically lowered the standards for criminal deportations. Currently there are 435,000 convicted criminals and an addition 227,000 with charges pending who aren't being deported.
Not sure what you mean by "nobody's pressed them on how this would happen". MSNBC or David Packman might not have covered it, but it has been answered multiple times. Job 1 is to stop the flow in the first place so you don't deport people just for them to come right back in, then you start deporting people who've committed crimes, then you remove the incentives to come here by removing taxpayer funded programs for them and make it more difficult to employ them. They haven't mentioned this part, but adding a tax on remittances would also chip away at the incentives to come here illegally, and if they still do, at least the country is taking in money from having them rather than it costing taxpayers.

So his answer is basically what I said I think will happen. They will deport some illegal immigrants that are already in custody/jail, make a big show of it, and act as if that was the 'mass deportation' that was talked up during the campaign. They aren't stupid, they know that most people in the country would not like what an actual mass deportation would look like.
Stop giving them food stamps and a free place to stay. Make sure they are criminally charged for breaking the law. Then make sure to prosecute anyone hiring them. After that the problem should sort itself out.
Stop giving them food stamps and a free place to stay. Make sure they are criminally charged for breaking the law. Then make sure to prosecute anyone hiring them. After that the problem should sort itself out.
Sounds racist.
So his answer is basically what I said I think will happen. They will deport some illegal immigrants that are already in custody/jail, make a big show of it, and act as if that was the 'mass deportation' that was talked up during the campaign. They aren't stupid, they know that most people in the country would not like what an actual mass deportation would look like.
Your complaint or suggestion is pretty unclear. You think unless they find and deport every one of them, they shouldn't deport anyone and vote for the open borders party?

It's fairly simple; you work backwards from the biggest problems for Americans by lowering the threshold for deportation and continue cranking until the issue is longer a big problem. Criminal interactions are the most harm and easiest to find, so there's a big pile right out of the gate, and then you require the "sanctuary" cities and states that don't ask or record immigration status during arrests to do so, and that number goes up significantly. Then it's cost to taxpayers and resources, so you remove that cost for us and incentive for them, then it's bidding down wages and extracting money from out economy to send penalty free to their home country's economy.
1. Anyone that has commited a crime, or is already in a hold center gets sent back. This money should come out of future aid promised to the countries of origin.
2. Gang Members identified get sent back.
3. Single males that have entered illegally in the last 3 years get sent back.
4. Children and families that qualify for asylum stay.
9. Everyone else gets put into the system for background checks and get them green cards so they can work immediately. Stop with the handouts.
Your complaint or suggestion is pretty unclear. You think unless they find and deport every one of them, they shouldn't deport anyone and vote for the open borders party?

It's fairly simple; you work backwards from the biggest problems for Americans by lowering the threshold for deportation and continue cranking until the issue is longer a big problem. Criminal interactions are the most harm and easiest to find, so there's a big pile right out of the gate, and then you require the "sanctuary" cities and states that don't ask or record immigration status during arrests to do so, and that number goes up significantly. Then it's cost to taxpayers and resources, so you remove that cost for us and incentive for them, then it's bidding down wages and extracting money from out economy to send penalty free to their home country's economy.
I am not talking about the border, immigration policy, etc, I am specifically talking about mass deportation. All of the stuff you are talking about is separate from mass deportations, which has been a major policy point for their campaign.
Like fuck if he worms his way back in again is he doing it. Next you'll be telling us Mexico is paying for a wall.
Dominican Republic apparently did it a few years back and it didn’t lead to a crash in the economy or mass murder of Haitians
Out of the solutions both your paragraph and Vance give, only one actually deports people already here. "Deport the ones that have committed crimes" is feasible because it assumes that police already have them in custody.

But removing employment opportunities and taxing remittances isn't deporting them. It's making life miserable for them in the hopes that they'll leave on their own.

The vast, vast, majority of the undocumented are not in police custody and are not committing crimes so you'd have to go and hunt them down. This would obviously be extremely costly and would run into all sorts of legal, civil liberties issues. Vance knows this so of course he glosses over it with "work your way down from there."

Can you imagine how much the Trump administration would lose on lawsuits for detaining legal citizens by mistake?

All of the GEDs they are hiring for a policeman will be the same people the Trump administration would put in charge of this shit.
Then make sure to prosecute anyone hiring them. After that the problem should sort itself out.

The people hiring them are Republicans, so this will never happen.

Republicans also want to endlessly campaign on it, which is why Trump did not fix the border during the two years he had the house and Senate lol.

It's not much different than what the Dems did with marijuana.
The people hiring them are Republicans, so this will never happen.

Republicans also want to endlessly campaign on it, which is why Trump did not fix the border during the two years he had the house and Senate lol.

It's not much different than what the Dems did with marijuana
The uni-party fucks us again.
Give them citizenship in Ukraine if they help kill North Koreans and Russans.
