marius pudzianowskis routine?

sambo fighter

Green Belt
Oct 28, 2002
Reaction score
A couple of years ago someone on this forum posted marius pudzianowskis routine. As I recall there was a lot of high rep shit. Anyway I tried to do a search for it and i couldnt find it. If anyone can find that and post it I would be thankful. said:

I think my mission in life is to rid the world of this ridiculous workout notion. Somehow this highly developed organism that we call the human body is not a remarkable piece of machinery that functions flawlessly as a unit, it's just random ass "parts" put together

Mariusz Pudzianowski's Sample Training Cycle

As one of only a handful of Strongmen, Mariusz trains twice a day, five days a week. Below you'll find a sample workout routine as well as the loads used for various exercises.
Warning! This is a very demanding schedule even for Mariusz's closest friends and fellow Polish strongmen. Dear reader, if your aspiration is to become a strongman, remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Train with utmost intensity, but know your limits. (...)

Python's Training
Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Back Squat
Warm-up: 8 sets, pyramiding from 60 to 160kg
Work sets: pyramiding from 160 to 280kg, reps going from 6 down to 2
Mariusz performs his squats olympic-style, he uses knee wraps and a belt.

Leg Curl (for hamstrings)
6 sets of 20 reps

Leg Extension (for quads)
6 sets of 20 reps

Pull Up
6 sets of 15 reps

Chin Up
6 sets of 10 reps

Behind-the-neck Pulldowns
4 sets of 15 reps

Barbell Rows
4 sets of 15 reps

Abs: 6 sets of 30 reps
exercises used (haging leg raise, bends, various)

Afternoon Event Training (19.00) with Strongman Equipment

Sandbag Carry (130kg on back)
3 times 170 meters

Conan's Wheel - 290kg
3 times 2.5 revolutions

Tire Flip
3 sets of 10 flips

Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Front Squats
work up to 250

Calf Work
6 sets of 15 reps

Standing Military Press
Warm-up sets - 7 sets of 60 to 100kg
Work sets - 6 sets pyramiding up from 110, 120, 130, 140kg for 5-4 reps

Warm-up sets - 6 with 200kg
Work sets - work up to 300kg

Good Mornings
8 sets with 100kg

Afternoon Session (19.00)
Bushman's Walk
300 kg 3 x 15 meters

Presses with Machine Used in Competition
3 sets of 10 reps with 120kg

Parallel Crucifix
Hold 40kg weights for 30 seconds

Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Bench Press
Warm-up sets - work up to 180kg in 8 sets
Work sets - work up from 150kg to 220kg, going from 8 down to 2 reps

Barbell Extensions: work up to 80kg

Standing French Press

Afternoon (19.00)
Same as Monday plus powerstairs and so called parallel stairs

These are just excerpts of Mariusz's training program. Each of his training sessions is precluded by 15-min of skipping rope (of course, he used to be a boxer). He finishes every workout with abdominal work. On top of all this, there is twice-a-week karate practice and recovery work which includes swimming. (...). You can also find Mariusz doing his medium-distance runs.

"Sport dla wszystkich. Kulturystyka i fitness"
Insert big horse steroid needle up that arse, then rep out on the legpress.
I don't think he's on steroids. Mariusz is naturally strong, he could bench 160kg when 16 yo, when 18 205kg
I believe he was in trouble for roids in the past, and if that's the case he's probably still using them.
thecreator said:
I don't think he's on steroids. Mariusz is naturally strong, he could bench 160kg when 16 yo, when 18 205kg

If you somehow could prove that he is clean I would be willing to be a sexslave for Jabba the Hut for a week. I have never seen a more clear cut case of a user.
thecreator said:
I don't think he's on steroids. Mariusz is naturally strong, he could bench 160kg when 16 yo, when 18 205kg

Of course he's naturally strong. He wouldn't be WSM 3 times over if he wasn't. But that doesn't mean he doesn't use steroids.
No matter who the strongest is, people will always accuse him of cheating.
on that level, you often find that you need to "cheat" to succeed. I mean is it really cheating if everyone is doing it and the authorities are turning a blind eye?
I dont believe Marius, but I do believe Magnus Samuelson.
Good fucking Lord, don't do that.
thecreator said:
I don't think he's on steroids. Mariusz is naturally strong, he could bench 160kg when 16 yo, when 18 205kg
hahahaha, yeh neither is Coleman. Im pretty sure those guys are on roids+GH+insulin+everything else all year round, i don't think they actually come off.
If Mariusz is'nt on steroids then I am very, very scared. That guy must be a walking pharmacy or a genetic freak of epic proportions.

Still a guy his size doing sets of 15 for pullups is frankly amazing.
thecreator said:
I don't think he's on steroids. Mariusz is naturally strong, he could bench 160kg when 16 yo, when 18 205kg

He tested positive for roids in 2004 or 2003.
no, he tested positive for crank.