Marc Goddard's comments on reffing the Grant/Vera fight

People were shitting on him for being vocal in the fight. What the fuck is he supposed to do, use ESP? He's got a job to do.
Marc's one of the best around. People have been crying about the rules not being enforced and now when they are they cry saying the rules are being inforced too much.
Best ref in MMA right now
"I'm in control, not you!" during the fight was like whoa! Big ego? He must have realized the dude probably didn't understand English, especially UK accent English.
By far the best ref out there, next would be Rosenthal, though rosey has made some glaring mistakes in the past
Last night I watched Neil Hall stand up Pickett and Rivera for basically no reason whatsoever, Grant Waterman bark at Makwan Amirkhani to keep busy literally within 3 seconds of achieving mount, and Herb Dean put a father of three back in the cage after being knocked completely unconscious, and Marc Goddard is the one receiving criticism for enforcing the rules?!
Goddard actually refereed Aldo vs Mendes 2? I watched this fight many times and I don't think I've ever noticed a referee.
felt like this deserved a bump. goddard got (and is still getting) a lot of unnecessary shit
As a bjj ref with over 150 hours of Reffing expirence, I can relate to Goddards perspective and feelings. He is a great ref to me and I was impressed with his performance last night. As a ref you have to be in charge and enforce the rules; he cares about maintaining the integrity of the match and outcome, which means making sure the rules are followed and both fighters behave fairly.

Being a ref is an incredibly stressful and thankless job. Many of us just do it to give back or grow the sport, and take a lot of flack or abuse in the process.
Last night I watched Neil Hall stand up Pickett and Rivera for basically no reason whatsoever, Grant Waterman bark at Makwan Amirkhani to keep busy literally within 3 seconds of achieving mount, and Herb Dean put a father of three back in the cage after being knocked completely unconscious, and Marc Goddard is the one receiving criticism for enforcing the rules?!
Don't forget Leon Roberts, breaking up Nakamura's clinches and threatening to stand the fight up when plenty of action was going on. Pissed me off.
Marc's one of the best around. People have been crying about the rules not being enforced and now when they are they cry saying the rules are being inforced too much.
Biggest problem is people are crying about rules they barely comprehend, or don't comprehend at all. Which amplify's the already legitimate chatter going on about officiating and rules on top of it. Makes shit even worse.