Social MAGA GOP representative has mask off moment on X

Reason for what? What words is it you're trying to put in my mouth? Be really specific
That you don’t think they should be there and that they cannot be assimilated ……. Do you think immigrants (Haitians or otherwise) are a net plus or net negative ?
That you don’t think they should be there and that they cannot be assimilated ……. Do you think immigrants (Haitians or otherwise) are a net plus or net negative ?
I've never had a big issue with legal immigration. I don't care where people come from. I don't believe our current strategy is really helping anyone and issues like this are obviously going to happen. Its by design.
I've never had a big issue with legal immigration. I don't care where people come from. I don't believe our current strategy is really helping anyone and issues like this are obviously going to happen. Its by design.
But they (the Haitians) came here legally
I don't live in the community. I can't say for sure whats going on there. People have a right to speak out about crime and gangs but again, I don't know whats going on there. Media says one thing, the people seem to be saying another.

who is "the people" that you are speaking of ?
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Remind me what happened when immigrants started showing up in liberal havens? Oh, right, they flat out bused them out and put on their maga hats.

I bet you thought that was a witty response, chode-face. But are you gonna address the point about it not being a bigoted to refer to an entire monolith of people like that. The animosity that you have towards Kamala for simply just being a different skin color or a woman is creepy to say the least.
I see you can dig through posting history. Show me where I said my disdain for Kamala is because of her skin color. No, mocking her for riding the "black and historic" train doesn't cut it because it's true. I'll wait.

I dunno why @Sinister is engaging you in good faith like you'd change your mind on anything that could make a fellow trump supporter look hateful.

I mean, I get it. Theres a few posters around here who have made it their WR identities to constantly point out my racism towards my Mom because they felt booty-hurt about a comment I made. So I can understand feeling some kind of way about egregious use of that. However, adopting the viewpoint that most declarations of racism are largely egregious and mistaken can be just as counter-productive to solving the issue. If I was a Haitian, there would be literally nothing in this dude's post suggesting he DIDN'T mean also me...except perhaps if I confronted him to his face to say I'm not any of the absurd bullsh*t tropes he listed. Usually when you do that to a racist they deflect by putting up their hands and saying "Well of course I don't mean YOU, you're one of the good ones."
I'm not familiar with things you've said about your Mom, so I won't comment on that. I don't know if I would say most declarations of racism are egregious, but there really has been an absurd amount of that happening in recent years. Especially with the amount of race hoaxes on the rise. This hurts the credibility of actual racist incidents and that's what pisses me off. All the attention victims of race hoaxes get, with media and exposure and GoFundMe donations, only to find out it was all made up is serious bullshit. That could have gone to someone who actually needed it and actually had a reason.

I don't know where the line is, to tell you the truth. I feel like, growing up in the 90's and 2000's, most everybody was on the same page with it. There will always be racist people, but as generations went on, more and more people were against it. For some odd reason, this progress needed to be rolled back in the last decade. I just don't get it. I'll tell you what though, upon re-reading the tweet, I can totally understand why you'd find it racist. Regardless of how explicit we believe he was, that is definitely a tweet that a racist person would send out. I'm more than happy to concede I should have seen that.

so why are you trying to give him the benefit of some doubt, instead of interpreting it the obvious way. "these haitians" are almost certainly not the "worst" of the haitians.

and i asked if you would think it was bigoted if you replaced haitians with africans. read the quote again and tell me what you think.....

here, i edited it for you to assess:

"Lol. These Africans are wild. Eating pets, vudu, nastiest continent in the world, cults, slapstick gangsters… but damned if they don’t feel all sophisticated now, filing charges against our President and VP. All these thugs better get their mind right and their asses out of our country before January 20th."
Please see my response to Sinister. I don't want to appear to defend any part of this tweet. This guy is a shithead and he certainly could be racist as fuck saying things like that.
Seems pretty damn immature for a congressman to tweet. The censure was definitely deserved and he should watch his idiot mouth in the future. But what do you mean by "mask off moment?"

You don't know what the term "mask off" means?
I see you can dig through posting history. Show me where I said my disdain for Kamala is because of her skin color. No, mocking her for riding the "black and historic" train doesn't cut it because it's true. I'll wait.


I'm not familiar with things you've said about your Mom, so I won't comment on that. I don't know if I would say most declarations of racism are egregious, but there really has been an absurd amount of that happening in recent years. Especially with the amount of race hoaxes on the rise. This hurts the credibility of actual racist incidents and that's what pisses me off. All the attention victims of race hoaxes get, with media and exposure and GoFundMe donations, only to find out it was all made up is serious bullshit. That could have gone to someone who actually needed it and actually had a reason.

I don't know where the line is, to tell you the truth. I feel like, growing up in the 90's and 2000's, most everybody was on the same page with it. There will always be racist people, but as generations went on, more and more people were against it. For some odd reason, this progress needed to be rolled back in the last decade. I just don't get it. I'll tell you what though, upon re-reading the tweet, I can totally understand why you'd find it racist. Regardless of how explicit we believe he was, that is definitely a tweet that a racist person would send out. I'm more than happy to concede I should have seen that.

Please see my response to Sinister. I don't want to appear to defend any part of this tweet. This guy is a shithead and he certainly could be racist as fuck saying things like that.

Good post on our notions.
Conduct unbecoming of an elected official…

….but no lies detected
But 99% of them are.. so you are living in a dream world.

At least this dude is a POS openly.. well, not really because he is a pussy who deleted the tweet.
I feel like I'm wasting my time here when the guy with the head of state talking to a dead dog thinks other people are the ones in the dream world.

but I'll give it a try...

There's a direct correlation between the quality of a countries democratic system and the standard of living of its citizens that straight up disproves what you are saying.

Full democracies by and large provide better standards of living than flawed democracies.

Flawed democracies by and large provide better standards of living than hybrid regimes.

Hybrid regimes by and large provide better living standards than authoritarian regimes.

Do I really need to elaborate on the why of this?
I've been on here disagreeing with several major GOP talking points like abortion and gay marriage, for example. @Jack V Savage can't comprehend anyone not leaning completely into one ideology or the other. He is so entrenched in his radical side of the political spectrum, that anybody who does not believe ONE core tenet of his side is somehow an uneducated partisan. This has unraveled several times on here, especially when he stumbles to defend himself after getting caught lying.

The Gee Oh Pee has pretty much ceded and thrown in the towel on SSM.