Social Madonna is a real piece of work.

That's a good point. I've been to countless concerts, and never witnessed an act calling out an individual for not being into it. Closest I saw was "Beck" on the "Midnight Vultures" tour, who was actually genuinely concerned that the crowd wasn't into the songs and presentation, because we were all just kind of grooving to it and watching the spectacle, but not making a lot of noise. He stopped the show for a minute and asked the crowd if they were digging it, and everyone cheered, and he moved on.

To point at a single person seemingly not celebrating your "artistic genius", takes one hell of an insecure person to even consider doing it. I can almost guarantee she spends all day on social media getting triggered by comments about her, and looked at this person as "one of them". She should just be happy that the gate is sold out for her old ass.
Where the heck was this? I just figured Oscar's because the thread got made tonite.

Can't will Smith ktfo her frumpy ass or something?
I get criticism at Madonna but why should she stop doing concerts? She likes it and enough people pay for tickets. Let her enjoy that.

She is not harming anyone and even as she looks strange heck it's her life why should anyone be outraged about that.
I don’t know anyone who even cares if she lives or dies, let alone care about something she said to a wheelchair fan in her crowd.
Weird thread.
What a dumb bitch. A virtue signalling one at that
I'm sure she's arrogant/egotistical/whatever, but I don't think she realized he was disabled when she first looked at him. As soon as she realized her error she left him alone.

People fuck up sometimes. It's best to just move on.
Meh irrelevant has been.
Meh, she’s only 16 years younger than Biden. Dementia is normal at those kinds of ages.

In a few years she'll know the first seven or eight words to each of her songs and then just finish with, " know, the thing."
Lol at this disgusting beast

Bigger lol at Guy Ritchie marrying her

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