News Luis Pena Arrested For Third Time in Five Months

Have we heard there's more than one victim? What's the deal on Pena now? He's out of the UFC, correct?

There's gotta be some effort made to get this guy off the streets. He's a danger to others.
Bro, this dude's gotta stop. Like, get him the help he needs.
Lol you gotta give this guy respect for the savage he is

He is the epitome of someone who just doesn't give a fuck lol, crazy

Hope dude fixes something in his head or whatever. Must suck going through life ruining your own path left and right...
So terrible that he only got $6,000 bail…that’s only $600 to get out. Someone’s gonna get sued when he finally kills someone. Things are trending to what certain groups want with their whole “end cash bail” movement.