Losing Weight, A Collective Primer



I've been reading this forum and it's appalling how many people are trying to cheat the system and find ways to lose weight without actually putting work in. Here is my current knowledge of all things diet, please feel to begin discussion, or correct me if I am wrong so that I may stop perpetuating dirty lies. If this is a stupid thread that has been beaten to death, please move it to the trash.

The only way to lose weight and maintain that loss is to use more calories than you take in. There are a lot of nuances about what to eat to get a well rounded diet, and there are more efficient ways about it, but the fact remains that there is no quick way to lose weight in a healthy manner. A pound of fat is around 3500 calories, this means if you cut out 500 calories a day for the next week, you will lose a pound of fat by the end of the week. In a year, this will be 50 pounds of fat. Cutting 500 calories a day is as simple as drinking water with your McDonald's combo instead of a large Coke, or skipping your daily Starbucks. It's not hard, it just requires discipline on your part. Lacking discipline is the reason you're a fatass in the first place.

I know some people who swear by Atkins... well, Atkins is dead, so much for that diet. One of many reasons Atkins seems to work is because you cut out carbs -- which in everyday American terms cookies, soft drinks, and all manners of foods loaded with sugar or corn syrup. If you kept the carbs in your diet, and just cut out the highly sugary parts of your diet, you too will see amazing returns on your part. These foods will spike your blood sugar wrecking havoc on your metabolism as well as sending all sorts of the wrong hormones through your body. It's also a double edged sword as these foods are metabolized rapidly and rip through your body very quickly, leaving you hungry again, leaving you craving more sugar... the cycle continues.

This is by far one of the best ways to lose body fat. To build muscle requires energy. If your food intake matches your energy consumption, where do you think the energy to build the muscle is going to come from? That's right, your STORED ENERGY (ie body fat). But that doesn't mean you can just eat shite and hope to get big. Try to fill up your diet with lots of fibers and things like tuna. What I personally do is wait until the local supermarket has solid white albacore on sale, then I just buy an asston. Tuna is probably one of the most convenient forms of good protein you can get, and its tasty on WHEAT (fiber is good too!) bread with a little bit of mayo

I know a lot of people that don't want to lift weights and gain muscle because they don't want to get bulky like body builders. This is probably one of the worst excuses I have ever heard. Body builders lift for years continuously to gain that type of body, weight training in your spare time to help lose body fat will not turn you into the Incredible Hulk. DO IT.

I understand I shouldn't really be mentioning this according to the other forum. But I want to set the record straight. The only way to get a six pack is to get your body fat to a low percentage. Let me ask you a question: how many guys do you know that have six packs but flabby arms? Everyone has great abdominal muscles, just like everyone has pectorals and triceps, you just have to get rid of the fat covering them so they can be seen. Great abs are hard to get because you have to get your body fat very low, if you want them that bad, then prepare to work your ass off for it.
paulchu said:
I understand I shouldn't really be mentioning this according to the other forum. But I want to set the record straight. The only way to get a six pack is to get your body fat to a low percentage. Let me ask you a question: how many guys do you know that have six packs but flabby arms? Everyone has great abdominal muscles, just like everyone has pectorals and triceps, you just have to get rid of the fat covering them so they can be seen. Great abs are hard to get because you have to get your body fat very low, if you want them that bad, then prepare to work your ass off for it.
How low?
Ambitious for a white belt...but I like.
pretty good. i skimmed over it, seemed to be in decent order.
Quote: Lacking discipline is the reason you're a fatass in the first place.


This is why I like this forum. No excuse for the fatasses.
hey im fat and im working my way to the 200(-) mark i weight 232, last week i was 240
We are all here to improve right no matter what level we are at.

But nonetheless, I cant help finding comments on fat people funny. :D
everything paulchu writes is true. and the thing is it's really not that hard to cut 500+ calories a day from your diet. s'just a case of drinking water or herbal tea instead of soda, or eating lots of veg instead of fries. we just eat so much crap in the west and that's why so many of us are overweight

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