Losing man boobs


Yellow Belt
Sep 28, 2005
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What is the best and fastest way to lose man boobs? I used to do a lot of reps benching and tons of pushups but it didnt help. I want to look into some supplements for fat burning but I don't want any weird side effects. Also would changing my diet help? I wouldnt call myself a healthy eater, but I don't eat a lot. Any advice for this would really help.
first thing, get your diet down. Everything else comes after.
Hey man -- There is no such thing as spot reduction, that's why those high rep bench presses and pushups aren't working. You need to evaluate your diet. Eat lean - brown rice, green vege, chicken/steak, wheat pasta, fruit etc. - Figure out what your active metabolic rate is and eat 500 calories less than that amount (per day).

Cardio is essential as well. Running, biking, whatever. At least 4x per week. Keep doing the weights too. It's hard work and it will take some time.

And don't waste your money on supplements. They don't work effectively.

Check your diet to make sure you aren't inhibiting testosterone and promoting estrogen.
Alcohol promotes man-boobs big time by reducing testosterone levels.
Do you also have rosey cheeks? That sounds funny but I'm serious. Rosey cheeks are a sign of high estrogen levels also. There may be something in your diet throwing off your natural hormonal balance.
Did you roid?
To lose fat from anywhere on the body you have to have a good diet and do plenty of cardio. Cardio training can be done in a variety of ways, running, bike, rowing machine, cross trainer, just nto name a few. The cardio should last 30 minutes to 45 minutes minimum and be done several times per week. Once you are coping with that add in some interval training as part of your cardio training.

When you lose bodyfat due to training the fat is taken from all over the body, so remember there is no such thing as 'spot reduction' meaning that even if you do a hundred or a thousand push ups a day you may still not lose the fat on your chest. Therefore choosing a cardio exrecise that works as much of the body at once is helpful, I find a rowing machine is one of the best.

However if you have previously had a hormone imbalance (there can be a number of reasons for having an imbalance) than reducing the appearence of "man boobs" may require surgery.
matsumi said:
To lose fat from anywhere on the body you have to have a good diet and do plenty of cardio. Cardio training can be done in a variety of ways, running, bike, rowing machine, cross trainer, just nto name a few. The cardio should last 30 minutes to 45 minutes minimum and be done several times per week. Once you are coping with that add in some interval training as part of your cardio training.

When you lose bodyfat due to training the fat is taken from all over the body, so remember there is no such thing as 'spot reduction' meaning that even if you do a hundred or a thousand push ups a day you may still not lose the fat on your chest. Therefore choosing a cardio exrecise that works as much of the body at once is helpful, I find a rowing machine is one of the best.

However if you have previously had a hormone imbalance (there can be a number of reasons for having an imbalance) than reducing the appearence of "man boobs" may require surgery.

yep, i can relate to the hormone imbalance....tho i was young at the time and now i seem to have "levelled" out.
Hormones are off.
Check with your doc.
You're estrogen dominate perhaps?
you gotta get your diet down. and make sure youre doing cardio
yea the same with me i am 17 i got real bad man boobs but they are coming down a little bit, but yea its sad when your chest is bigger than your sisters but i am gonna check wit my doctor about hormone imbalance, alot of my friends said he might subscribe me some testorone pills
marine said:
yea the same with me i am 17 i got real bad man boobs but they are coming down a little bit, but yea its sad when your chest is bigger than your sisters but i am gonna check wit my doctor about hormone imbalance, alot of my friends said he might subscribe me some testorone pills

mate i feel for you man, kids used to bully me and sht...

ive still got them, but i worked the upper part of my chest a lot, got off the greasy food and exercised more...my weight dropped..and you cant tell...well..unless you're touching my chest! lol.

doc said i could have surgery, but i was still growing at the time and those scars would have been there forever.

but i have a shed load of testosterone....just ask jasmine st claire. LOL.
realrickdawg said:
Cardio is essential as well. Running, biking, whatever. At least 4x per week. Keep doing the weights too. It's hard work and it will take some time.

And don't waste your money on supplements. They don't work effectively.


Good advice from all.

Cardio, Healthy and lean diet, and forget the supplements. Supplements are for those who can't do it by themselves. Flamesuit on.
yea i am gonna go to the doctor and get it checked out, but i think its cause i have a big gut to, but like when some body hits me in my chest like my man boobs hurt, don't know why.
marine said:
when some body hits me in my chest like my man boobs hurt, don't know why.

That right there screams go see a doctor asap. Get yourself checked out and I hope everything turns out ok and you are soon free of your moobs.
Laminar said:
That right there screams go see a doctor asap. Get yourself checked out and I hope everything turns out ok and you are soon free of your moobs.

I agree. From what you said about them hurting makes me think hormone problem..no big deal tho.

feel free to PM me or email me.

your new friend, Bob
aight yea i will be going to the doctor soon and i will tell him every thing keep yall updated on whats going on cause i think its hormones to, cause like i am 17 and i have no facial hair i mean not even peach fuzz, no hair under my arm and crap, so i kind of think its hormone's.

but i will keep my cardio up still tho
Tell us what happened when you return from the doctor.
LCDforMe said:
Tell us what happened when you return from the doctor.

Ditto. Take care man. Chances are goood that it may be just hormones and a good training regiment is able to change your whole body to a much healthier state that may get rid of your moobs and whatever pain you have.