losing fat and muscle

I really appreciate the advice im sitting at around 10-12% right now hoping to get down to 8% then i should be fine I just got scared cause I stoped cutting and I have been busting my ass I didn't know if I should lower my calories or if I should have added i cut back on my carbs to just brocolli now im gonna go enjoy a nice big sweet potato lol thanks again.

Assuming you're at 12% at roughly 200, getting down to 185 (so 15lbs of water would have to be cut to make 170) would mean you'd have to be 5% bodyfat, which is virtually unattainable without some serious drugs. I think you're better off moving up to 185 permanently, haha. You're just too big. You'd have to lose a LOT of lean mass to get down to 170, and that's not really worth it because you'll lose strength and power in the process.
Assuming you're at 12% at roughly 200, getting down to 185 (so 15lbs of water would have to be cut to make 170) would mean you'd have to be 5% bodyfat, which is virtually unattainable without some serious drugs. I think you're better off moving up to 185 permanently, haha. You're just too big. You'd have to lose a LOT of lean mass to get down to 170, and that's not really worth it because you'll lose strength and power in the process.

well its more of an estimate lol don't actually know kinda guessing around that earlier this year i could walk around at 185 while training and cutting out my sugars and i didnt feel bad i need to star cutting more muscle in my legs though legs gotten pretty big usually when im fighting at 170 legs are kinda slim right now there pretty damn big im carrying alot of weight there.
You can't perform at your size at 1200 calories. Your brain burns like 400 reading Sherdog all day at work. Men should go below 1800 and that's hard.

If you buy a house, it doesn't matter if you force the seller to fix the roof or you force the seller to cut the price by 5000. It is just money.

It doesn't matter if you cut calories or burn them off working out, it is just calories. Cutting calories is easier because you just eat less. You have to work out for like an hour to burn off a burger. If you eat AND work out enough to burn it off, it is a zero sum game but at least you get in better shape.

If you under eat and work out hard, you are creating a stressful environment that will make losing weight, and performing at all, harder.

It is a difficult road and I have not been successful at it, so good luck to you. You can't run on nothing, you have to eat. If you add calories you might not lose weight any slower. You might just perform better.
Im down to 192 now was 200 wednesday so i have made some good progress only 21 more pounds within 18 days so i can afford to eat a little bit more now which is great lol