looks like dana was right saying tony.

You could literally say that about any fighter...or person. For now I would say the fair thing is to work with the information available.

It sounds like Tony may have serious mental health issues that need medical attention. **Maybe** not, but on the surface it looks that way. For you to then turn it into a scenario where he's hitting his wife is irresponsible. Unless you have inside info that nobody else does?

did you say where i said IF
There's a whole article on this where the police said Tony did nothing violent & didn't didn't hurt anyone. His wife tried to illegally stop him from seeing his kids, so he made a scene to get them, but as of yet, that's about the extent of Tony's crimes that I've heard of.

did you see where i said IF
I don't see how this is confusing ...she stated that he has not harmed her at all but his actions are increasingly paranoid and delusional to the point of losing contact with reality. Obviously this is making her feel vulnerable and she wants him to be well before having any more connection with her or his kid for a bit. Pretty common when people are drug fucked or have psychosis onset
I don't see how this is confusing ...she stated that he has not harmed her at all but his actions are increasingly paranoid and delusional to the point of losing contact with reality. Obviously this is making her feel vulnerable and she wants him to be well before having any more connection with her or his kid for a bit. Pretty common when people are drug fucked or have psychosis onset
The real question is was he off before fighting?
I always tought Tony was kind of crazy but wtf Thee Champ Is Fucking Nuts.. Also that sounds like El Cucuy is having a Psychosis that shit is nasty my Wife has had 3 Psychosis since we been together and that shit is fucking rough

Tony Ferguson had “not slept for three days and was tearing apart the home” and “broke apart the fire place and believed someone placed a (computer) chip in his leg.” An unidentified male who’d called the police said the fighter had told him “someone was inside his walls.”
If he shows up to fulfil his contact and fight without breaking ufc rules then who are we to judge his personal life?

The issue here is his ability to focus and commit amidst whatever problems he's experiencing.

Also, LOL at TS slandering the guy a wife beater when the report to MMAJunkie specifically stated that his wife cited only mental distress in his mind and not any physical threat to herself.
What a shame. Looks like he’s dealing with some kind of psychotic episode. Hopefully he gets the help he needs and gets back on his feet.

She probably wanted out and the strategy her friends, family and lawyers decided on secretly behind Tony's back was to call the Police any time he even raised his voice or looked at her wrong.

She probably knew all his triggers and played her part well.
Sure, and she paid his dad off to get in on the scheme right?<GSPWoah>
is not fit to fight

if it proven he beating his wife he should be cut asap. allowing jon jones to get away with peds is one thing but the look a men beating woman isnt good at all.

He’s doing too much 10th Planet bjj. microchip in leg....?!
so throwing holy water on his wife thinking she a vampire isnt good for his mential health.
All women are vampires. They suck the life out of us. At least he didn't put a stake through her heart.

She probably wanted out and the strategy her friends, family and lawyers decided on secretly behind Tony's back was to call the Police any time he even raised his voice or looked at her wrong.

She probably knew all his triggers and played her part well.

I'm not saying people should just believe a Woman's accusation of rape or domestic violence just because she claims it occurred with no evidence... but the same thing goes the other way with men automatically assuming the woman faked it or worked the situation for personal gain. I'd guess that the majority of sexual harassment and domestic violence allegations are true. Regardless, we should look at things objectively and not make assumptions on these things we don't know. It's unhealthy either way to just assume something without proof or evidence or knowing the situation.
Tony Ferguson the type of guy to ankle pick his son while he takes his first steps