look at my routine please?


Apr 30, 2005
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I recently graduated from highschool and used to fuck around in the gym with buddies during lunchbreak with freeweights and machines. Lately I've been creeping around these boards and others, and Carnal's motivational essay and Urban's site in particular tempted me to start lifting a bit more seriously.

I sifted through what others had posted and the stickies, and put together a base; I was hoping for some comments on it. I won't even bother posting my big 3 maxes, it pales in comparison to a lot of your numbers :)

I'm 6'3 192. a lanky fucker, I know. I guess I could be deemed athletic, I played basketball and rugby in highschool. My goals? Not sure. I just don't wanna be a skinny fuck anymore :)

squat 4x4
standing good mornings 3x9
leg press 4x10

bb benchpress 4x7
arnold press 4x7
db overhead press 4x7
bb curls 4x7

deadlift 4x5
bent-over rows 4x7
shrugs 4x10

I found a routine in another thread that looked somewhat similar to this, I hope I didn't butcher it too much. I actually prefer freeweights over machines, so I usually like sticking with BBs or DBs. I'm looking to know if I'm overtraining, not training too hard, not enough reps, not enough sets, etc. Any feedback appreciated. Thanks.
It definitely isn't. Pick one or the other. Whichever you do, make sure to do it standing. Also, you wrote "standing good mornings." What's a seated good morning? I'm just curious. I couldn't visualize that.
I would change it so that your doing your good mornings on back day. Also I would add in incline bench instead of two shoulder press movements on day 2. I would do something like this:

Day 1:
-leg press
-stiffleg deads
-calf raise

Day 2:
-bench press
-incline press
-military or dumbell press
-skull crush or close grip bench press

Day 3:
-bent row or weighted chin
-good mornings
Madmick said:
What's a seated good morning? I'm just curious. I couldn't visualize that.
It's when you sit on the end of a bench and then do your goodmornings. It's a little awkward to me. I prefer them standing.
Oh and, Ra1d3d, you're going to be fine.

You've constructed a fairly decent routine based off of information that you gleaned from this site all by yourself. If you keep up that kind of initiative and eagerness to improve, you'll go places in your weightlifting. Good job and keep up the good work.
Oh, and actually, I visualized that just perfectly.

Does anybody in here actually do those? How common an assistance lift is that?
As far as I can remember, Midwest is the only place I've seen them or heard them mentioned. I don't figure that they're very common. I tried them once back in the day, and I liked them. But that was before I had really figured out how to do a proper GM. I only liked them because I felt less likely to commit accidental suicide sitting down.
I would not Deadlift and GM in the same workout unless one is looking for a back injury. Either do one or the other in that workout.
May I suggest adding Weighted Pullups on your Pull day (d3).

I started a push/pull/squat a few weeks ago and the pullups are easily the hardest item for me (we're the same height, but I outweigh you by about 90 pounds). I did pull on Monday and the area between my shoulders are nice and spent. Even more than deadlifts wore me out.

And don't forget your abs!
Thats quite a blanket statement (to Duncon76). The real issue is whether gm's are ideal DL assistance.

Ra1d3d, I've never contemplated using some of the rep schemes you've chosen, but that doesnt mean they wont work. Couple things, unless there was a reason behind it, curls are a pull of sorts, why not group them with your pull day? and as Datadog said where is the ab work?
IMHO, start with a fgullbody workout first. It total nonsense to do splits when yu haven't developed a decent foundation yet. Besides, if you're going to make routines based on parts, why not include toes and fingers as well?
BabyPhenom said:
IMHO, start with a fgullbody workout first. It total nonsense to do splits when yu haven't developed a decent foundation yet. Besides, if you're going to make routines based on parts, why not include toes and fingers as well?

Well actually I dont think its a body part split but a pull, push, squat routine..
Yeah, what the hell are you talking about, Phenom?
Maybe incorporate some lunges on day 1 , some pec flys on day 2 , and i dunno if you do upper back with your lower but some lat pull downs.
Thanks for all your suggestions and motivation. I can't believe I forgot to add in the abs :(

Urban's site and others have said weighted exercises are the best way to go (DB or plate held behind my head). How much should the weight be? 10? 15?

Also, how often should I train them? I've heard different opinions, some say 5 times a week, some say once a week.
If he's not strong enough yet, he won't be able to fully maximize results of splits. That's why fullbody routines are good for beginners. Once he has achieved a certain level of strength/conditioning, splits will be fine.

Madmick said:
Yeah, what the hell are you talking about, Phenom?

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