Elections LoL, Joe Biden is losing it. Why, why, why, why,? Also, new poking a voter video

I know it’s upsetting that you’ve been labeled the biggest idiot on the forum, but try not to be so sensitive.

shit for brains is the best because anytime someone uses it we all just know they’re talking about you. You don’t get to pick your nickname, shit for brains.

I have to tell you my dear disappointment that I’ve never read anyone call me “shit for brains” as a “nickname” ....a lot of other stuff but not that in particular. Have you guys been gossiping somewhere about me? Anyways like I said I’m partial to “AnalDP69” as one of your boys lovingly wrote. Any troop member calling me an idiot is like a compliment....so thanks?


Are you OK Joe?

You need a hug?

This guy doesn't seem much more stable than Trump.


After watching the video a few times, I decided that his why, why, why comment isn't nearly as important as the fact that he snatches this reporter up by his collar, thinks better of it, and acts like he is just smoothing out his shirt for him.

Joe Biden assaulted this reporter.

Edit: new video.

This time with Joe assaulting a voter.

Joe needs to learn to keep his hands to himself.

Signs of creeping dementia causing him to be less able to conceal his personality disorder. He'd be a disaster in the general election against Trump. One can only hope that he does something that will really alienate his base and get them to turn on him enough to hand Bernie the nomination...