Lifting decreases push-up strength?


Aug 10, 2016
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I tried to do some pushups again after a while today, but was shocked by how little i could do.

I struggled to do 22, whereas i could do 50 no problem a year and a few months ago. (I did weight training too today)

I had a long period where i did nothing and got weaker, but started lifting a month ago and i can already handle more weight. But does the lifting interfere with other strength or is it just my body being tired from the lifting? Or just not being used to do push ups anymore?
Tired, you're a pussy, less muscle endurance and you're a pussy.
Keep training. You're weak, that's the problem.

Get on a program.

There's an entire thread in the sticky section that points you in the right direction.
More likely you are better at the things you train at regularly. Derp
I think if you stop push-ups and replace them with bench presses and stuff like that your push-ups might not be as good when you return to them but that's because there might be different muscles/motions associated with push-ups and bench press even though they're similar.
You haven't done push ups for over a year and wonder why you'd regress?
You haven't done push ups for over a year and wonder why you'd regress?
I had periods where i wouldn’t do them for a long time before that too, but when i picked it up again i struggled way less with it than i do now
I tried to do some pushups again after a while today, but was shocked by how little i could do.

I struggled to do 22, whereas i could do 50 no problem a year and a few months ago. (I did weight training too today)

I had a long period where i did nothing and got weaker, but started lifting a month ago and i can already handle more weight. But does the lifting interfere with other strength or is it just my body being tired from the lifting? Or just not being used to do push ups anymore?

I've had similar results. Used to do alot of push ups. Switched up my routine, been doing alot of benching, and now although I can still do push ups, it's not as easy to do so many. I chalk it up to just an endurance issue.

You want to be better at push push ups with your normal weightlifting routine.
It's because you stopped doing the exercise. Bench pressing and push ups aren't completely the same mechanical movement. It's no different than a guy who switched over to dumb bell presses for 6 months and then he goes to bench and wonders why his bench isn't as high. Similar movement but not exactly the same movement.
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You need to do more curls, it'll increase reps for push-ups
Aside from the obvious (not doing push ups for a year), it could be that weight training teaches people to use proper from and that you now do push ups correctly.

A lot of people literally go down to about 90 degrees, then back up. I could maybe crank 80 of those. A true push up, you literally go down until your chest and nose grase the ground, pause for 0.5, then explode up. Anyone who does more than 30 of those is very strong at push ups.

Same goes for chin ups, a lot of people who claim 20 BW chin ups go down half way and go up with the bar barely past their forehead, it's less than 40% of an actual chin up. Rarely will you ever see people crank 10 legit chin ups with full extension and the bar going up to the upper chest with a pause.
Are you much heavier?
Also push ups are the kind of thing you have to do often to make any significant progress on.
Are you much heavier?
Also push ups are the kind of thing you have to do often to make any significant progress on.
Nope, just started lifting so no significant gains and maybe gained a kilo or 2 since last year so that’s not it
I tried to do some pushups again after a while today, but was shocked by how little i could do.

I struggled to do 22, whereas i could do 50 no problem a year and a few months ago. (I did weight training too today)

I had a long period where i did nothing and got weaker, but started lifting a month ago and i can already handle more weight. But does the lifting interfere with other strength or is it just my body being tired from the lifting? Or just not being used to do push ups anymore?

Thats how it is with all exercises. For example, i stopped doing bench press a long time ago. I focused more on weighted dips and butterflies for chest. Im really strong in both now and im bigger than before.

But i randomly threw in a bench press recently and i was weak as shit.
If you haven’t been doing any push ups, why would you expect to get better at doing them???
You probably lose a lot of strength trying to balance / stabilize your core. Pick up your core strength with russian twists etc and it'll make it easier.

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