lifting competition ideas...


Green Belt
Feb 17, 2008
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I am a rec. sports coordinator at Ohio State University, Marion branch, and I am supposed to put together a lifting competition. Our workout facility is in terrible shape do to the lack of funding our department receives, so I cannot use any lifts that require a squat rack(since we don't have one, which is also why I do not lift here). I figure I will at least do bench(if you advertise it, the casuals will come) and deadlift... but beyond those I am not sure... any ideas would be appreciated, thanks. Also, should I use the Wilks scale to judge the overall winner across the weight classes?
Let's be creative!

There are probably dumbbells, and you can do a one-hand dumbbell clean and press, 2-hands anyhow (FUN), farmers walk with dumbbells for time, distance, or both, if you have a shot-put, you can do that (if the weathers nice, of course since that one would need to be outside! :wink:), deadlift for reps, deadlift for max, barbell cleans for reps, barbell cleans for max, static holds with dumbbells, deadlift medley where the contestant are timed and have to lift 225, 315, 405, etc or do whatever weight increments you want, (you can do any kind of medley in that case), front holds with plates, pinch grip with plates, you could do a carry and drag medley where if you have a keg or something you can carry a distance and load it onto something, drag it back (a little strongman-ish here), if you can find a harness you can do a truck pull (always good for a crowd)... ok that's it for now but I'll keep thinking. I'm on shift all afternoon with nothing better to do LOL.
its a sad day when a gym doesnt have a squat rack, even if it will only be inhabited by curl monkeys...

blondewarrior covered a bunch, you can also look up some of the stuff they do at the nfl combine, bench for weight, bench for reps (they use 225 until failure) essentially any lift you think of you can do for weight and for reps, but obviously if its going to be amateur youll want to limit the olympic style lifts so i recommend browsing the training logs and see what some of the more experienced guys are doing (fat wilhelm, klotz, zerocrew, etc)
its a sad day when a gym doesnt have a squat rack, even if it will only be inhabited by curl monkeys...

blondewarrior covered a bunch, you can also look up some of the stuff they do at the nfl combine, bench for weight, bench for reps (they use 225 until failure) essentially any lift you think of you can do for weight and for reps, but obviously if its going to be amateur youll want to limit the olympic style lifts so i recommend browsing the training logs and see what some of the more experienced guys are doing (fat wilhelm, klotz, zerocrew, etc)

Will do... yeah I will definitely consider all of BW's options(ty BW btw) but I am concerned about difficulty of some lifts since mostly amateurs will be in attendance... I guess if they cannot even do something like a clean then they can just stick with the bench/DL type stuff...

Sounds like a plan... should that be before or after the 1/4 preacher curl competition?

... not sure if tug-o-war was a joke but after I thought about it(still won't use it), it would probably be pretty applicable to a strength competition.
Just do a push/pull meet. It's easy and simple.
Just do a push/pull meet. It's easy and simple.

Now we're talking... I like simple, plus "PUSH/PULL COMPETITION" is easy to explain and would have a nice ring to it on an advertisement.... nice and simple.
Sounds like a plan... should that be before or after the 1/4 preacher curl competition?

... not sure if tug-o-war was a joke but after I thought about it(still won't use it), it would probably be pretty applicable to a strength competition.

Not serious, but a lot of fun and obviously applicable to strength related stuff.
Yeah, honestly if you are just having a meet for rec center folks, I wouldn't include squat anyways and just do push/pull. Squat is a technical lift to judge, and if you've seen the average rec center attendee the guy who wins will probably be the only one who hits parallel.
They have push/pull at the Arnold's and use wilks to rank people. I guess that would be appropriate here too, as you probably won't have tons of participants for each weight class.
When is this going to be? Is there a women's division?? :wink:

It will probably be a couple weeks from now... once I get everything reserved, make ads, and submit paperwork for it. It is no offense to women, TRUST ME, there are enough of them out there that outlift me thats for sure... but I am afraid to put a women's division for fear of no contestants since there aren't too many casual women bench/dler's :rolleyes:... although I suppose I may put a women's division in just in case... I mean, if not many show it doesn't really hurt anything! And thanks again BW because, and I know this sounds bad, I had accidently forgotten to even consider a female division:redface:
It will probably be a couple weeks from now... once I get everything reserved, make ads, and submit paperwork for it. It is no offense to women, TRUST ME, there are enough of them out there that outlift me thats for sure... but I am afraid to put a women's division for fear of no contestants since there aren't too many casual women bench/dler's :rolleyes:... although I suppose I may put a women's division in just in case... I mean, if not many show it doesn't really hurt anything! And thanks again BW because, and I know this sounds bad, I had accidently forgotten to even consider a female division:redface:

It's ok, no worries. I just said that to pick on you... there's rarely a women's division in stuff like this. My gym is putting on a raw push/pull meet in 2 weeks, too, and there was surprisingly a women's division... bench for reps *starts* at 135. Ha!
Also... I suppose I will have to judge everything so I was thinking for the DL , I suppose I will say no hitching and just lock it out till I say its ok.... and for bench, I was going to say no bouncing the bar off chest or lifting ass of the bench... anything else I should throw in there(not trying to judge them hardcore)
Also... I suppose I will have to judge everything so I was thinking for the DL , I suppose I will say no hitching and just lock it out till I say its ok.... and for bench, I was going to say no bouncing the bar off chest or lifting ass of the bench... anything else I should throw in there(not trying to judge them hardcore)

Have the bar stop for a moment on bench? Not a 1 second pause, but enough to stop momentum? Or is that too hard for you to judge?
You need more people for that. For bench I wouldn't call a "press" but I would disqualify the lift for bouncing.
Have the bar stop for a moment on bench? Not a 1 second pause, but enough to stop momentum? Or is that too hard for you to judge?

No it is not too hard to judge... what I was figuring on doing so that works...