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Know anyone that got screwed over in a divorce?

I got divorced about 5 years ago and ended up with the house, dog, and most of the furniture. No lawyers involved, paid $300 to file no-fault paperwork with the court. We had been married for 7 years.

My ex is a cool chick obviously, she just wasn't for me. I don't think divorces get any easier than that.

Sorry for you guys who have been through messy divorces. I really got lucky.

I have a couple friends who managed to dodge the bullet also. The one ex-wife's reason was "I want them to have a home with you, also. You can't do that if you're broke."
I always thought that was honorable on her part. Of course, she did cheat on him, so fuck her.
What if you move to Thailand? Can they still get you in Thailand?
I'd rather be broke on the beach.
I know plenty.

Just today, I found out that an old friend of mine had a divorce. The wife was hot. I know she was cheating on him.

He had to sell the house, cars, everything. She gets half of his 401k. He has to pay child support and alimony. She works 31 hours that way she's not "full time," to take advantage of alimony laws.

He's in his mid 50's. It's too late for him to start over. He lost his house, cars, etc...

What would you do if you were in this situation?

Simple. Don't get married. It's a scam. Plenty of divorces in my family to know better.
Worked on job sites with an HVAC guy. He was an incredibly hard worker and was pulling 80 hour work weeks to provide a great life for his family. His wife secretly was fucking him behind his back while fucking dudes behind his back. She pulled all their savings out over a year. Got like 150k in cash out. She opened credit cards in his name and charged like well over a 100 grand worth of stuff she put in a house she was secretly renting. She did this all while planning how to maximum fuck him with a lawyer.

Then she lied and said he was abusive when she surprised divorced him. She got the kids, house and she even forced him to sell his business because she owned half that shit too. It was crazy.
Question for sherdog lawyers: if you marry in a non-alimony state but live elsewhere are you still protected?

No. Its where the marriage plays out.
Yea my sister... Deadbeat ex husband don't pay for shit for the two kids. Court said its no problem because he was hurt in a fucking dumb selfish sports accident.
Now he lives on disability checks, no child support payments and healthy enough to have a sweet under the table side job that he spends on drugs and booze. The only thing he spends on the kids is when he wants to do something, like a concert so they think he's so cool, while they hate their mother who works 60 hours a week to buy them food and shelter. Fuck that guy
About 17k, a couple years of recording the 5 W's, a very serious 8th degree of separation threat of getting disappeared and I've had my kid 5 days a week for the last 15 yrs. Worked out well for all involved...
I would never get married, ever. If I met a girl I wanted to spend my life with, I would do just that. Why add a legal binding to something you don’t have to

In some states if you shack up long enough you're married by "common law."


Check your P's and Q's Sherbro...


I don't care how good she is screwing your brains out, if you're going to get married, GET A CREDIT REPORT DONE on her.
Been practicing law for about 6 years and the first 2 years of it, did a bunch of family law. Seen and represented men and women who were certified crazy when it came to their case. After awhile, I’ve come to realize that family law is definitely not for me and I haven’t done it in years. There’s a lot of money in it but in my opinion, fuck that! I’d rather not deal with those cases and save myself the stress and hassle.
I got divorced just over a year ago. Internally its been incredibly difficult but my relationship with my ex is still very good. I pay what I'm supposed to and sometimes more because theyre my kids too. Turns out I'm a better ex than I am a spouse.
I would kill myself sooooo fast if I had to pay some cunt half my money in perpetuity.

Or maybe just move to Europe.
like every person ever that had a stay at home spouse

inherently the splitting of 'joint assets' is gonna destroy you as you earned all of them

which made sense in like 1924 when women had no earning potential nor education. If anything, now, they should have to pay backpay for being supported while earning no keep. Or the guy in like Kfed situations or whatever....
My aunt fucked over my uncle when I was like 12. They had 3 kids, twins who were 14, and a son who was 11. She just left one day. She has alcohol and drug problems, and had before she left. She took half of his money which included lots of investments, and pissed it all away within like 2 years, just getting fucked up. I think the last time my cousin saw her was like 5 years ago at his sister's wedding, and she was plastered.
Actually they can impute a full time salary for someone not working full-time to reduce alimony obligations.

He needs a good lawyer.

Alimony is bullshit.

They should call alimony what it is: Subsidized breathing.
Worked on job sites with an HVAC guy. He was an incredibly hard worker and was pulling 80 hour work weeks to provide a great life for his family. His wife secretly was fucking him behind his back while fucking dudes behind his back. She pulled all their savings out over a year. Got like 150k in cash out. She opened credit cards in his name and charged like well over a 100 grand worth of stuff she put in a house she was secretly renting. She did this all while planning how to maximum fuck him with a lawyer.

Then she lied and said he was abusive when she surprised divorced him. She got the kids, house and she even forced him to sell his business because she owned half that shit too. It was crazy.
uh yeah I would probably kill a bitch if I ever ended up in a situation like that. Disgusting.
My girlfriend is a paralegal and she worked at a family law firm. Lots of disgusting stories. If you're a wealthy man, get a prenup.
About 17k, a couple years of recording the 5 W's, a very serious 8th degree of separation threat of getting disappeared and I've had my kid 5 days a week for the last 15 yrs. Worked out well for all involved...

Tell me more.
Signing up to sharing everything for life means sharing everything for life.

Usually imo the only ones who gets screwed are the ones whose partner doesn't want the kids.

I don't understand why people get so upset over half when they knowingly agreed to it.
A prenuptial agreement should be standard. These archaic, sexist laws are bullshit and should be abolished.

I have a friend that pays $1400 per month, and his wife is the one who wanted the divorce.