Media Khabib discusses the raw rage and hatred he has towards McGregor; even prayed to God to put McGregor in cage with him

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Lol and people say Conor is the obsessed one

Imagine being the winner of the fight and still obsessed, still having nightmares and being infatuated by a guy you already beat several years later

Hopefully the sad little man finds peace one day
Lmao the only bitter here is Conor cause he got the whooping of a life time, Khabib is at peace right now.
Love Khabib but muslims are such a sensitive bunch aren't they
So if someone talks about your wife and father, country, religion, everything they could think of ....and you wouldn't get offended? That's way more of a knock on you than you realize...I would call that kind of person a coward. Sure, you can let things slide when its clear the guy is just being a jerk, but when he comes for you and is actively trying to mess with you and talk about you and your family and religion idk how you can pretend you wouldnt be out for blood too when the time comes. And if you really did play mr nice guy the whole time and say it was only business idk how you wouldn't feel like a coward who didn't stand up for his family and put that guy in his place.

Your angle is a lose lose.
Imagine thinking beating Conor in 2018 actually meant anything. Nate already beat him 2 years earlier. And he did it in half the time it took Khabib. He had Conor tapping for his life in under 2 rounds. And he did it on short notice. McGregor was damaged goods by the time Khabib fought him.

What type of weird ass revisionist history is this? He was lineal title holder.
So if someone talks about your wife and father, country, religion, everything they could think of ....and you wouldn't get offended? That's way more of a knock on you than you realize...I would call that kind of person a coward. Sure, you can let things slide when its clear the guy is just being a jerk, but when he comes for you and is actively trying to mess with you and talk about you and your family and religion idk how you can pretend you wouldnt be out for blood too when the time comes. And if you really did play mr nice guy the whole time and say it was only business idk how you wouldn't feel like a coward who didn't stand up for his family and put that guy in his place.

Your angle is a lose lose.
read my other posts in this thread
this must be the "rent free" that all the kids are talking about. wow, what an apt metaphor, I can definitely see why people use this to the point of complete saturation
Khabib is a great fighter but not the smartest guy around, like most men in his country they present themselves with some kind of BS macho bravado and once that is threatened, they become aggressive and violent. Conor sold the shit out of that fight and made it the biggest PPV event of all time, he is a piece of shit for saying the shit he did and going down roads he should not have but let's face it without tall the prefight shit talking that fight would not have done those numbers.

FYI Conor is a piece of shit for the bus incident and so many other things that have occurred in the years since, but Khabib needs to let it go lol.
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