Kettlebell workout progress


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score
I didn't make a thread about it because I figured that'd curse my chances, but for 3 months I've been working out with kettlebells and I thought I'd post my progress.


I bought this DVD set off Ebay for cheap, around $20, and initially I thought I'd do them in order and according to the workout schedule. But... some workouts are better than others, and ironically the 1st is the best of the 8 I've done.

16 sets of kettlebell swings in 20 minutes. 320 reps total. Supposed to be swinging for 30 seconds, and a 45 second rest. I got in the habit of doing 20 reps per set, but in 35 seconds with 40 second rests.

My first workout was with a 20 pound kettlebell, and it was relatively easy. I was working on my form.

I moved up to a 30 pound kettlebell and it was definitely harder. Had to take a few longer breaks inbetween sets.

The 40 pounder immediately kicked my ass, and even cut a few workouts short. But I refused to go back to the 30 pounder. I wasn't hurt after workouts only exhausted. After a few more workouts I was able to complete the workouts, barely.

And then... I moved up to a 50 pound kettlebell. Fuck me. Just like the 40, it kicked my ass and I was tapping out after 8 of the 16 sets. But I kept at it and eventually was able to complete the workout. And this morning I was able to finally able to complete it comfortably.

My review of kettlebell swings as an exercise - this may be the absolute best exercise to become proficient in for your back, hips, and thighs. My strength has definitely improved significantly.

As for the RKS Workout DVDs, I'll probably complete them in the upcoming weeks. They're a decent basic training for kettlebells, but there's only two workouts so far I can see myself returning to complete on a regular regiment.

As for the kettlebells, I highly recommend these 'Relife' brand that's sold on Ebay from a 'vigbodysports' seller. They're actually quite affordable and include free shipping.


Prices on Ebay -
10 pound - $30.
15 pound - $38.
20 pound - $40.
25 pound - $35
30 pound - $36
35 pound - $40
40 pound - $50
45 pound - $65
50 pound - $85

Don't ask me why the 25 pounder is cheaper than the 20 pounder. I guessing its the supply & demand. I DMed them if they're planning on making 60+ pound kettlebells and they are not.

I've compared those prices to other competition-style kettlebell brands like 'Kettlebell Kings' and... there is no competition. 'Kings' is a stupid designer brand for fitness equipment and their prices are laughable. For example...

18 pound - $120
48 pound - $180
97 pound - $309


Yeah... don't waste your money.
Kettlebells don't have a reputation for falling apart.

Anyway, if you have any questions, tag me.
Thanks for info. Looking for a 2nd 35 & 50lb . KB workouts come in waves. Fun for a while, then stop grabbing them and months go by.

Grip improve much?
Good stuff. I’m in similar boat, but added single arms swings, snatches, cleans and press, squat variations and farmer walks. I have 40, 50, 60 and two 80lbs for the walks. I am looking to get the 40,44,48 kg bells next.
I am looking to get the 40,44,48 kg bells next.

If you find them for not-Kettle-Bell-Kings prices then let us know.

I'm thinking of getting one 75 pounder for swings, but as for farmer walks I'm thinking of filling two buckets with concrete and make some handles out of steel piping. Bet I could get each bucket up to 100 pounds.
If you find them for not-Kettle-Bell-Kings prices then let us know.

I'm thinking of getting one 75 pounder for swings, but as for farmer walks I'm thinking of filling two buckets with concrete and make some handles out of steel piping. Bet I could get each bucket up to 100 pounds.
Will do. I was thinking of filling a sono tube with concrete and embedding handles in the top while the cement is wet. If you cut the tube to the same length, and add same amount of rebar, you can get close enough on the weight I assume. But uneven isn’t bad either. Just switch arms each set.
Titan has great competition and cast iron bells for good prices. Sadly this is widely known and they're always out of stock. I'd recommend the Bells of Steel adjustable competition kettlebell as you can adjust it in 1-2kg increments from 12kg to 32kg. Kettlebell kings sells one too but it's wildly overpriced and their customer service sucks.
I love KBs. Use them in some capacity almost every workout. I recently got a 28kg bell from Onnit. Maybe a bit overpriced but it's a great bell.

I love cleans and snatches. Pair them with swings & burpees and you've got a killer cardio circuit.

As a finisher - I like to take a heavy bell, hold it at chest level by the handles and just walk with it. Periodically stop to do a set of swings or goblet squats, then walk some more.
Idk why but kb clean press and squats have been pissing off the front of my shoulders. I’m thinking it’s something to do with the rack position, but it’s really annoying as I’ve never had this problem before and have had great success with them in the past
I started the 10000 rep kettlebell challenge a few weeks ago with a 50lbs bell. Grip is my limiting factor right now.
How high would you say your swings are?

I started the 10000 rep kettlebell challenge a few weeks ago with a 50lbs bell. Grip is my limiting factor right now.
How high would you say your swings are?


I do mine at about face level. Some people take them all the way overhead, but that never felt good to me.

If you want to make the exercise even more of a full-body technique, Pavel's group teaches a "planking" version of the swing. At the bottom of the swing, you tense as hard as possible and powerfully snap all your limbs into a plank position. This means your hips will shoot forward and your core/lats will catch your arms at around shoulder height (and even snap the bell back downwards instead of simply letting it float and then fall back down).

It's a ferocious exercise and i highly recommend it.
I didn't make a thread about it because I figured that'd curse my chances, but for 3 months I've been working out with kettlebells and I thought I'd post my progress.


I bought this DVD set off Ebay for cheap, around $20, and initially I thought I'd do them in order and according to the workout schedule. But... some workouts are better than others, and ironically the 1st is the best of the 8 I've done.

16 sets of kettlebell swings in 20 minutes. 320 reps total. Supposed to be swinging for 30 seconds, and a 45 second rest. I got in the habit of doing 20 reps per set, but in 35 seconds with 40 second rests.

My first workout was with a 20 pound kettlebell, and it was relatively easy. I was working on my form.

I moved up to a 30 pound kettlebell and it was definitely harder. Had to take a few longer breaks inbetween sets.

The 40 pounder immediately kicked my ass, and even cut a few workouts short. But I refused to go back to the 30 pounder. I wasn't hurt after workouts only exhausted. After a few more workouts I was able to complete the workouts, barely.

And then... I moved up to a 50 pound kettlebell. Fuck me. Just like the 40, it kicked my ass and I was tapping out after 8 of the 16 sets. But I kept at it and eventually was able to complete the workout. And this morning I was able to finally able to complete it comfortably.

My review of kettlebell swings as an exercise - this may be the absolute best exercise to become proficient in for your back, hips, and thighs. My strength has definitely improved significantly.

As for the RKS Workout DVDs, I'll probably complete them in the upcoming weeks. They're a decent basic training for kettlebells, but there's only two workouts so far I can see myself returning to complete on a regular regiment.

As for the kettlebells, I highly recommend these 'Relife' brand that's sold on Ebay from a 'vigbodysports' seller. They're actually quite affordable and include free shipping.


Prices on Ebay -
10 pound - $30.
15 pound - $38.
20 pound - $40.
25 pound - $35
30 pound - $36
35 pound - $40
40 pound - $50
45 pound - $65
50 pound - $85

Don't ask me why the 25 pounder is cheaper than the 20 pounder. I guessing its the supply & demand. I DMed them if they're planning on making 60+ pound kettlebells and they are not.

I've compared those prices to other competition-style kettlebell brands like 'Kettlebell Kings' and... there is no competition. 'Kings' is a stupid designer brand for fitness equipment and their prices are laughable. For example...

18 pound - $120
48 pound - $180
97 pound - $309


Yeah... don't waste your money.
Kettlebells don't have a reputation for falling apart.

Anyway, if you have any questions, tag me.

Congrats on your progress! Kettlebells have been very good to me and my strength/athleticism/cardio and it's always nice to see someone else adopt them.
How high would you say your swings are?


Face level. Not going higher than that.

Apparently crossfit is trying to popularize bringing it up to a 45 degree angle, or 10:30, or even higher but that's pretty dangerous for your rotator cuffs in your shoulders.

That said, some are saying to do swings with bent arms and I find that to make it too easy. I was doing 16 sets of 20 reps with bent arms and was able to do it rather comfortably, so I did it with straight arms and it kicked my ass. Was able to complete the workout though but had to rest at the end for 5 minutes before my cool down.
I started the 10000 rep kettlebell challenge a few weeks ago with a 50lbs bell. Grip is my limiting factor right now.

I'm strongly considering doing this sometime in the near future.

Gonna wait until I become more acclimated to the 320 reps per workout, which I'm doing a few times a week.

Is the 10K challenge supposed to be done over a month or 20 days?
I'm strongly considering doing this sometime in the near future.

Gonna wait until I become more acclimated to the 320 reps per workout, which I'm doing a few times a week.

Is the 10K challenge supposed to be done over a month or 20 days?
4-5 weeks. It’s from the Dan John T Nation article from last year.

Going off the vid in the article he doesn’t bring the bell to head high. He doesn’t bring it very high at all. I think I’m gonna have to get the bell up more in order to make it worth while.
Going off the vid in the article he doesn’t bring the bell to head high. He doesn’t bring it very high at all. I think I’m gonna have to get the bell up more in order to make it worth while.

It should be chest-high at minimum.

The height is mostly reflective of the momentum from the hip-thrust, any higher than eyeball-height and it increases the stress of the shoulders & rotator cuff.

I prefer to only exercise my shoulders with only-shoulder exercises.
10k swing challenge is awesome. I always drop a pant size or two doing it. It's just hard to move forward with something after it's over. Usually gain the weight back haha