Kanye West: "Slavery for 400 years?.....400 years!!!!!...That sounds like a choice!"


Feb 10, 2018
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@1:14 is when he says the comment.


Other than that, I kind of understand what he is trying to say....He isn't just black, he represents various things...I get that.
If everyone just stops talking about Kanye he'll go away. I promise.
Kanye West is a fuckin retard, it's hilarious how the right embraces this idiot just because he loves Trump
Do you pinky swear though?

He just wants attention.

He said in some interview the other day he's really just butt hurt still because no one likes him anymore after he did that shit to Taylor Swift.

Also his last album sucked.
Autism is a choice also, Mr West.

Completely disconnected from reality. Next comes the flat earth tweets.
Slavery was such a choice that they even had a disease for slaves that ran away! Drapetomania is back in style boys!
and so it begins....LMFAO.
they could of always tried this on for size. They probably made the right decision, though.
they could of always tried this on for size. They probably made the right decision, though.
Apples and Oranges.

When people are settled/established in a place, they fight back.

When you're kidnapped, and have no real army/state behind you, it's harder to rebel.
Kanye is one of the funniest trolls in the world, lol. I love him more and more. Also when he went to the stage and hyped Beyonce's horrible musicvideo after Taylor Swift won.
Apples and Oranges.

When people are settled/established in a place, they fight back.

When you're kidnapped, and have no real army/state behind you, it's harder to rebel.
native americans didnt have an organized state or army behind them. They were small tribes. Also, African Americans were enslaved for over a hundred years. They had plenty of time to get settled and if given the inclination, fight back. Haitians did.
native americans didnt have an organized state or army behind them. Also, black were enslaved for over a hundred years. They had plenty of time to get settled and if given the inclination, fight back.
WTF? that's insult to native americans....They clearly were established in their homelands, they clearly were settled here......"Organized state or Army", wtf does that mean? They weren't a huge country like european nations?......It doesn't matter how small or big they were, they were clearly in their homeland...Also they clearly had warriors, maybe not a giant army but they did have a force to protect themselves(Aztecs did have a huge army tho).

Again they were slaves and living under white people, which is completely different than Native Americans(By Native I also mean any Indigenous people in the Americas)....So it's an Apple/Orange comparison.