Elections Kamala Harris endorses Biden.

Wasn’t she a Medicare for all candidate?

So much for endorsing based off ideals rather than who you think more likely to win and to give a cushy cabinet post to.

Attorney General
She literally is a co-sponsor to the Medicare For All bill that Bernie wrote
I think Klobuchar has a higher chance at VP than Harris tbh. Not saying she is the odds on favorite but between the two, I'd bet on Amy.
I think Klobuchar has a higher chance at VP than Harris tbh. Not saying she is the odds on favorite but between the two, I'd bet on Amy.

Parlay of Klobuchar VP and Harris Attorney General would be my bet
She literally is a co-sponsor to the Medicare For All bill that Bernie wrote

Dillashaw snake in the grass level endorsement snub
Kamala "pressure Twitter to ban Trump for bullying" Harris
Harris, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Beto, Bloomberg all drop out and endorse Biden. Even though Harris has essentially called Biden a racist at every turn until a week ago. Even Warren bashed Sanders at her first public appearance after dropping out and praising Biden's "leadership".

I'm not a conspiracy person but this seems like a conspiracy.

I Vince-McMahon-guaran-damn-tee if Biden is the nominee, the Dems lose the House and become a bigger minority in the Senate.
Also in that debate Harris said Biden is not a racist

She pointed out how policies he supported hurt the black community
But he was upholding segregation and prevented Kamala from being bused to white schools!
VP pick?

California has a ton of electoral votes. Plus, Joe didn't win the Califorina primary.
Biden could name Hitlers corpse as his VP and still would win CA from Trump. CA is not voting for a Republican President.
Biden could name Hitlers corpse as his VP and still would win CA from Trump. CA is not voting for a Republican President.
I could see Hollywood. Hey Hitler brought us the VW bug and have you seen the roads in Germany. Best Highways around.
He built a lot of hospitals, great hospitals. Yuge number of hospitals. He will be the president's hospital czar.
I don’t think she will be the VP pick. She screwed that up with the way she attacked Biden. I am wondering how much of this large field gets in the Biden administration if he were to win. With the possibility of him doing a single term, does that make a position a little less valuable if you already have a senate seat and expect the VP to run in 2024?
If Biden was smart at the first debate he should be like listen I am only doing one term. My opponent needs to go, then the country can reset in 4 years.
The fix is in.
Literally every prominent liberal female is kissing Bidens ass right now. Lets be real, Biden isn't making it through 4 years should he win the presidency. Whoever he picks as running mate is going to be the first woman president.
Her only principle is self-advancement.
If Biden was smart at the first debate he should be like listen I am only doing one term. My opponent needs to go, then the country can reset in 4 years.

Not sure if he will say that or not but I assume that is the actual plan.

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